RFC 1951 “Deflate” compression


This is a little project I did over Christmas, I wanted to understand a bit more about how RFC 1951 (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1951.txt) compression worked, mostly out of curiosity really. RFC 1951 is used to compress PNG images, zip files and portions of PDF files ( and probably other things as well ). I have tried to keep the C# code fairly simple, concise and hopefully comprehensible, rather than being too concerned with efficiency. Here's the code:

using Generic = System.Collections.Generic; 

class Encoder : Generic.List<byte> // Data compression per RFC 1950, RFC 1951.
public Generic.List<byte> Deflate( byte inp )
Add( 0x78); Add( 0x9C ); // RFC 1950 bytes.
ReadInp( inp );
while ( DoOutput( 1 ) == 0 );
Put32( Adler32( inp ) ); // RFC 1950 checksum.
// System.Console.WriteLine( "Encoder.Deflate, input size=" + inp.Length + " output size=" + this.Count );
return this;

class PosList{ public int Pos; public PosList Next; } // List of 3-byte match positions.

void ReadInp( byte input ) // LZ77 compression, per RFC 1951.
Generic.Dictionary<int,PosList> dict = new Generic.Dictionary<int,PosList>();
int n = input.Length;
SetIBufSize( n );

int w = 0; // Holds last 3 bytes of input.
int todo = 0; // Number of bytes in w that have not yet been output to IBuf, can be negative when a match is found.
int pendingMatchLen = 0, pendingDist = 0;

for ( int i = 0; i < 2 && i < n; i += 1 ) { w = ( w << 8 ) | input[ i ]; todo += 1; }

for ( int i = 2; i < n; i += 1 )
w = ( ( w << 8 ) | input[ i ] ) & 0xffffff; todo += 1;
PosList e, x = new PosList(); x.Pos = i;
int bestMatchLen = 0, bestDist = 0;
if ( dict.TryGetValue( w, out e ) )
x.Next = e;
PosList p = x;
if ( todo >= 3 ) while ( e != null )
int dist = i - e.Pos; if ( dist > 32768 ) { p.Next = null; break; }
int matchLen = MatchLen( input, dist, i );
if ( matchLen > bestMatchLen ) { bestMatchLen = matchLen; bestDist = dist; }
p = e; e = e.Next;
dict[ w ] = x; ISpace();

// "Lazy matching" RFC 1951 p.15 : if there are overlapping matches, there is a choice over which of the match to use.
// Example: "abc012bc345.... abc345". Here abc345 can be encoded as either [abc][345] or as a[bc345].
// Since a range typically needs more bits to encode than a literal, choose the latter.

if ( pendingMatchLen > 0 )
if ( bestMatchLen > pendingMatchLen || bestMatchLen == pendingMatchLen && bestDist < pendingDist )
{ IPut( input[ i-3 ] ); todo -= 1; }
else // Save the pending match, suppress bestMatch if any.
IPut( 257 + pendingMatchLen );
IPut( pendingDist );
todo -= pendingMatchLen;
bestMatchLen = 0;
pendingMatchLen = 0;
if ( bestMatchLen > 0 ) { pendingMatchLen = bestMatchLen; pendingDist = bestDist; }
else if ( todo == 3 ) { IPut( w >> 16 ); todo = 2; }
} // End of main input loop.
if ( pendingMatchLen > 0 )
IPut( 257 + pendingMatchLen );
IPut( pendingDist );
todo -= pendingMatchLen;
while ( todo > 0 ){ todo -= 1; IPut( (byte)( w >> (todo*8) ) ); }
} // end ReadInp

int MatchLen( byte input, int dist, int i )
// We have a match of 3 bytes, this function computes total match.
int end = input.Length; if ( end - i > 256 ) end = i + 256; // Maximum match is 258.
int x = i + 1; while ( x < end && input[ x ] == input[ x-dist ] ) x += 1;
return x - i + 2;

ushort IBuf; // Intermediate circular buffer, holds output from LZ77 algorithm.
const int IBufSizeMax = 0x40000;
int IBufSize, IBufI, IBufJ;
void IPut( int x ) { IBuf[ IBufI++ ] = (ushort)x; if ( IBufI == IBufSize ) IBufI = 0; }
int IGet(){ int result = IBuf[ IBufJ++ ]; if ( IBufJ == IBufSize ) IBufJ = 0; return result; }
int ICount(){ if ( IBufI >= IBufJ ) return IBufI - IBufJ; else return IBufI + IBufSize - IBufJ; } // Number of values in IBuf.
void ISpace(){ while ( ICount() > IBufSize - 10 ) DoOutput( 0 ); } // Ensure IBuf has space for at least 10 values.
void SetIBufSize( int x ) { x += 20; if ( x > IBufSizeMax ) x = IBufSizeMax; if ( IBufSize < x ) { IBufSize = x; IBuf = new ushort[ x ]; } }

byte DoOutput( byte lastBlock ) // While DoBlock fails, retry with a smaller amount of input.
int n = ICount();
while ( !DoBlock( n, lastBlock ) ) { lastBlock = 0; n -= n / 20; }
return lastBlock;

// RFC 1951 encoding constants.
static byte ClenAlphabet = { 16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15 };
static byte MatchExtra = { 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 1,1,1,1, 2,2,2,2, 3,3,3,3, 4,4,4,4, 5,5,5,5, 0 };
static ushort MatchOff = { 3,4,5,6, 7,8,9,10, 11,13,15,17, 19,23,27,31, 35,43,51,59, 67,83,99,115, 131,163,195,227, 258, 0xffff };
static byte DistExtra = { 0,0,0,0, 1,1,2,2, 3,3,4,4, 5,5,6,6, 7,7,8,8, 9,9,10,10, 11,11,12,12, 13,13 };
static ushort DistOff = { 1,2,3,4, 5,7,9,13, 17,25,33,49, 65,97,129,193, 257,385,513,769, 1025,1537,2049,3073,
4097,6145,8193,12289, 16385,24577, 0xffff };

int LitFreq = new int [ 288 ], DistFreq = new int [ 32 ], LenFreq = new int [ 19 ];
byte LitLen = new byte [ 288 ], DistLen = new byte [ 32 ], LenLen = new byte [ 19 ];
ushort LitCode = new ushort[ 288 ], DistCode = new ushort[ 32 ], LenCode = new ushort[ 19 ];

bool DoBlock( int n, byte lastBlock )
// First compute symbol frequencies.
Clear( LitFreq ); Clear( DistFreq );
int saveIBufJ = IBufJ;
int got = 0; while ( got < n )
int x = IGet(); got += 1;
if ( x < 256 ) LitFreq[ x ] += 1;
x -= 257;
int dist = IGet(); got += 1;
int mc = 0; while ( x >= MatchOff[ mc ] ) mc += 1; mc -= 1;
int dc = 0; while ( dist >= DistOff[ dc ] ) dc += 1; dc -= 1;
LitFreq[ 257 + mc ] += 1;
DistFreq[ dc ] += 1;
LitFreq[ 256 ] += 1; // End of block code.
IBufJ = saveIBufJ;

// Now compute Huffman codes.
int nLitCode = Huff.ComputeCode( 15, LitFreq, LitLen, LitCode ); if ( nLitCode < 0 ) return false;
int nDistCode = Huff.ComputeCode( 15, DistFreq, DistLen, DistCode ); if ( nDistCode < 0 ) return false;
if ( nDistCode == 0 ) nDistCode = 1;

Clear( LenFreq );
LenPass = 1; DoLengths( nLitCode, LitLen, true ); DoLengths( nDistCode, DistLen, false );

if ( Huff.ComputeCode( 7, LenFreq, LenLen, LenCode ) < 0 ) return false;

int nLenCode = 19; while ( nLenCode > 4 && LenLen[ ClenAlphabet[ nLenCode - 1 ] ] == 0 ) nLenCode -= 1;

// Now output dynamic Huffman block. For small blocks fixed coding might work better, not implemented.
PutBit( lastBlock );
PutBits( 2, 2 );
PutBits( 5, nLitCode - 257 ); PutBits( 5, nDistCode - 1 ); PutBits( 4, nLenCode - 4 );
for ( int i = 0; i < nLenCode; i += 1 ) PutBits( 3, LenLen[ ClenAlphabet[ i ] ] );

LenPass = 2; DoLengths( nLitCode, LitLen, true ); DoLengths( nDistCode, DistLen, false );

got = 0; while ( got < n ) // Similar to loop above, but does output instead of computing symbol frequencies.
int x = IGet(); got += 1;
if ( x < 256 ) PutBits( LitLen[ x ], LitCode[ x ] );
x -= 257;
int dist = IGet(); got += 1;
int mc = 0; while ( x >= MatchOff[ mc ] ) mc += 1; mc -= 1;
int dc = 0; while ( dist >= DistOff[ dc ] ) dc += 1; dc -= 1;
PutBits( LitLen[ 257 + mc ], LitCode[ 257 + mc ] );
PutBits( MatchExtra[ mc ], x-MatchOff[ mc ] );
PutBits( DistLen[ dc ], DistCode[ dc ] );
PutBits( DistExtra[ dc ], dist-DistOff[ dc ] );
PutBits( LitLen[ 256 ], LitCode[ 256 ] ); // End of block code.
return true;
} // end DoBlock

// Run length encoding of code lengths - RFC 1951, page 13.

int LenPass, Plen, ZeroRun, Repeat;

void PutLenCode( int code ) { if ( LenPass == 1 ) LenFreq[ code ] += 1; else PutBits( LenLen[ code ], LenCode[ code ] ); }

void DoLengths( int n, byte a, bool isLit )
if ( isLit ) { Plen = 0; ZeroRun = 0; Repeat = 0; }
for ( int i = 0; i < n; i += 1 )
int len = a[ i ];
if ( len == 0 ){ EncRepeat(); ZeroRun += 1; Plen = 0; }
else if ( len == Plen ) { Repeat += 1; }
else { EncZeroRun(); EncRepeat(); PutLenCode( len ); Plen = len; }
if ( !isLit ) { EncZeroRun(); EncRepeat(); }

void EncRepeat()
while ( Repeat > 0 )
if ( Repeat < 3 ) { PutLenCode( Plen ); Repeat -= 1; }
else { int x = Repeat; if ( x > 6 ) x = 6; PutLenCode( 16 ); if ( LenPass == 2 ) PutBits( 2, x-3 ); Repeat -= x; }

void EncZeroRun()
while ( ZeroRun > 0 )
if ( ZeroRun < 3 ) { PutLenCode( 0 ); ZeroRun -= 1; }
else if ( ZeroRun < 11 ) { PutLenCode( 17 ); if ( LenPass == 2 ) PutBits( 3, ZeroRun-3 ); ZeroRun = 0; }
else { int x = ZeroRun; if ( x > 138 ) x = 138; PutLenCode( 18 ); if ( LenPass == 2 ) PutBits( 7, x - 11 ); ZeroRun -= x; }

public static uint Adler32( byte b ) // Checksum function per RFC 1950.
uint s1 = 1, s2 = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < b.Length; i += 1 )
s1 = ( s1 + b[ i ] ) % 65521;
s2 = ( s2 + s1 ) % 65521;
return s2*65536 + s1;

static void Clear( int f ){ System.Array.Clear( f, 0, f.Length ); }

// Output stream.
byte Buf = 0, M = 1;
void PutBit( int b ) { if ( b != 0 ) Buf |= M; M <<= 1; if ( M == 0 ) { Add(Buf); Buf = 0; M = 1; } }
void PutBits( int n, int x ) { for ( int i = 0; i < n; i += 1 ) { PutBit( x & 1 ); x >>= 1; } }
void FlushBitBuf(){ while ( M != 1 ) PutBit( 0 ); }
void Put32( uint x ) { Add( (byte)( x >> 24 ) ); Add( (byte)( x >> 16 ) ); Add( (byte)( x >> 8 ) ); Add( (byte) x ); }

} // end class Encoder


class Huff // Given a list of frequencies (freq), compute Huffman code lengths (nbits) and codes (tree_code).
public static int ComputeCode( int bitLimit, int freq, byte nbits, ushort tree_code )
int ncode = freq.Length;
Node heap = new Node[ ncode ];
int hn = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < ncode; i += 1 )
int f = freq[ i ];
if ( f > 0 )
Node n = new Node();
n.Freq = f;
n.Code = (ushort)i;
HeapInsert( heap, hn, n );
hn += 1;

for ( int i = 0; i < nbits.Length; i += 1 ) nbits[ i ] = 0;
if ( hn <= 1 ) // Special case.
{ if ( hn == 1 ) nbits[ heap[ 0 ].Code ] = 1; }
while ( hn > 1 ) // Keep pairing the lowest frequency nodes.
Node n = new Node();
hn -= 1; n.Left = HeapRemove( heap, hn );
hn -= 1; n.Right = HeapRemove( heap, hn );
n.Freq = n.Left.Freq + n.Right.Freq;
n.Depth = (byte) ( 1 + ( n.Left.Depth > n.Right.Depth ? n.Left.Depth : n.Right.Depth ) );
HeapInsert( heap, hn, n );
hn += 1;
Walk( nbits, heap[ 0 ], 0 ); // Walk the tree to find the code lengths (nbits).

for ( int i = 0; i < ncode; i += 1 ) if ( nbits[ i ] > bitLimit ) return -1;

// Now compute codes, code below is from RFC 1951 page 7.

int maxBits = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < ncode; i += 1 ) if ( nbits[ i ] > maxBits ) maxBits = nbits[ i ];

int bl_count = new int[ maxBits+1 ];
for ( int i = 0; i < ncode; i += 1 ) bl_count[ nbits[ i ] ] += 1;

int next_code = new int[ maxBits+1 ];
int code = 0; bl_count[ 0 ] = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < maxBits; i += 1 )
code = ( code + bl_count[ i ] ) << 1;
next_code[ i+1 ] = code;

for ( int i = 0; i < ncode; i += 1 )
int len = nbits[ i ];
if ( len != 0 )
tree_code[ i ] = (ushort)Reverse( next_code[ len ], len );
next_code[ len ] += 1;
while ( ncode > 0 && nbits[ ncode - 1 ] == 0 ) ncode -= 1;

//System.Console.WriteLine( "Huff.ComputeCode" );
//for ( int i = 0; i < ncode; i += 1 ) if ( nbits[ i ] > 0 )
// System.Console.WriteLine( "i=" + i + " len=" + nbits[ i ] + " tc=" + tree_code[ i ].ToString("X") + " freq=" + freq[ i ] );

return ncode;

class Node{ public Node Left, Right; public int Freq; public ushort Code; public byte Depth; }

static int Reverse( int x, int bits )
{ int result = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < bits; i += 1 ) { result <<= 1; result |= x & 1; x >>= 1; } return result; }

static void Walk( byte a, Node n, int len )
{ if ( n.Left == null ) a[ n.Code ] = (byte)len; else { Walk( a, n.Left, len+1 ); Walk( a, n.Right, len+1 ); } }

static bool LessThan( Node a, Node b )
{ return a.Freq < b.Freq || a.Freq == b.Freq && a.Depth < b.Depth; }

// See e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heap_(data_structure) for information on heap data structure.

static void HeapInsert( Node heap, int h, Node n ) // h is size of heap before insertion.
int j = h;
while ( j > 0 )
int p = ( j - 1 ) / 2; // Index of parent.
Node pn = heap[ p ];
if ( !LessThan( n, pn ) ) break;
heap[ j ] = pn; // Demote parent.
j = p;
heap[ j ] = n;

static Node HeapRemove( Node heap, int h ) // h is size of heap after removal.
Node result = heap[ 0 ];
Node n = heap[ h ];
int j = 0;
while ( true )
int c = j * 2 + 1; if ( c >= h ) break;
Node cn = heap[ c ];
if ( c + 1 < h )
Node cn2 = heap[ c + 1 ];
if ( LessThan( cn2, cn ) ) { c += 1; cn = cn2; }
if ( !LessThan( cn, n ) ) break;
heap[ j ] = cn; j = c;
heap[ j ] = n;
return result;

} // end class Huff

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  • 4

    I find your one-liners, abbreviations and lots of strange names and formatting scarry, ugly, incomprihesible and generally terrible - do you always write code like this? :-
    – t3chb0t
    Jan 2 at 19:21


This is a little project I did over Christmas, I wanted to understand a bit more about how RFC 1951 (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1951.txt) compression worked, mostly out of curiosity really. RFC 1951 is used to compress PNG images, zip files and portions of PDF files ( and probably other things as well ). I have tried to keep the C# code fairly simple, concise and hopefully comprehensible, rather than being too concerned with efficiency. Here's the code:

using Generic = System.Collections.Generic; 

class Encoder : Generic.List<byte> // Data compression per RFC 1950, RFC 1951.
public Generic.List<byte> Deflate( byte inp )
Add( 0x78); Add( 0x9C ); // RFC 1950 bytes.
ReadInp( inp );
while ( DoOutput( 1 ) == 0 );
Put32( Adler32( inp ) ); // RFC 1950 checksum.
// System.Console.WriteLine( "Encoder.Deflate, input size=" + inp.Length + " output size=" + this.Count );
return this;

class PosList{ public int Pos; public PosList Next; } // List of 3-byte match positions.

void ReadInp( byte input ) // LZ77 compression, per RFC 1951.
Generic.Dictionary<int,PosList> dict = new Generic.Dictionary<int,PosList>();
int n = input.Length;
SetIBufSize( n );

int w = 0; // Holds last 3 bytes of input.
int todo = 0; // Number of bytes in w that have not yet been output to IBuf, can be negative when a match is found.
int pendingMatchLen = 0, pendingDist = 0;

for ( int i = 0; i < 2 && i < n; i += 1 ) { w = ( w << 8 ) | input[ i ]; todo += 1; }

for ( int i = 2; i < n; i += 1 )
w = ( ( w << 8 ) | input[ i ] ) & 0xffffff; todo += 1;
PosList e, x = new PosList(); x.Pos = i;
int bestMatchLen = 0, bestDist = 0;
if ( dict.TryGetValue( w, out e ) )
x.Next = e;
PosList p = x;
if ( todo >= 3 ) while ( e != null )
int dist = i - e.Pos; if ( dist > 32768 ) { p.Next = null; break; }
int matchLen = MatchLen( input, dist, i );
if ( matchLen > bestMatchLen ) { bestMatchLen = matchLen; bestDist = dist; }
p = e; e = e.Next;
dict[ w ] = x; ISpace();

// "Lazy matching" RFC 1951 p.15 : if there are overlapping matches, there is a choice over which of the match to use.
// Example: "abc012bc345.... abc345". Here abc345 can be encoded as either [abc][345] or as a[bc345].
// Since a range typically needs more bits to encode than a literal, choose the latter.

if ( pendingMatchLen > 0 )
if ( bestMatchLen > pendingMatchLen || bestMatchLen == pendingMatchLen && bestDist < pendingDist )
{ IPut( input[ i-3 ] ); todo -= 1; }
else // Save the pending match, suppress bestMatch if any.
IPut( 257 + pendingMatchLen );
IPut( pendingDist );
todo -= pendingMatchLen;
bestMatchLen = 0;
pendingMatchLen = 0;
if ( bestMatchLen > 0 ) { pendingMatchLen = bestMatchLen; pendingDist = bestDist; }
else if ( todo == 3 ) { IPut( w >> 16 ); todo = 2; }
} // End of main input loop.
if ( pendingMatchLen > 0 )
IPut( 257 + pendingMatchLen );
IPut( pendingDist );
todo -= pendingMatchLen;
while ( todo > 0 ){ todo -= 1; IPut( (byte)( w >> (todo*8) ) ); }
} // end ReadInp

int MatchLen( byte input, int dist, int i )
// We have a match of 3 bytes, this function computes total match.
int end = input.Length; if ( end - i > 256 ) end = i + 256; // Maximum match is 258.
int x = i + 1; while ( x < end && input[ x ] == input[ x-dist ] ) x += 1;
return x - i + 2;

ushort IBuf; // Intermediate circular buffer, holds output from LZ77 algorithm.
const int IBufSizeMax = 0x40000;
int IBufSize, IBufI, IBufJ;
void IPut( int x ) { IBuf[ IBufI++ ] = (ushort)x; if ( IBufI == IBufSize ) IBufI = 0; }
int IGet(){ int result = IBuf[ IBufJ++ ]; if ( IBufJ == IBufSize ) IBufJ = 0; return result; }
int ICount(){ if ( IBufI >= IBufJ ) return IBufI - IBufJ; else return IBufI + IBufSize - IBufJ; } // Number of values in IBuf.
void ISpace(){ while ( ICount() > IBufSize - 10 ) DoOutput( 0 ); } // Ensure IBuf has space for at least 10 values.
void SetIBufSize( int x ) { x += 20; if ( x > IBufSizeMax ) x = IBufSizeMax; if ( IBufSize < x ) { IBufSize = x; IBuf = new ushort[ x ]; } }

byte DoOutput( byte lastBlock ) // While DoBlock fails, retry with a smaller amount of input.
int n = ICount();
while ( !DoBlock( n, lastBlock ) ) { lastBlock = 0; n -= n / 20; }
return lastBlock;

// RFC 1951 encoding constants.
static byte ClenAlphabet = { 16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15 };
static byte MatchExtra = { 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 1,1,1,1, 2,2,2,2, 3,3,3,3, 4,4,4,4, 5,5,5,5, 0 };
static ushort MatchOff = { 3,4,5,6, 7,8,9,10, 11,13,15,17, 19,23,27,31, 35,43,51,59, 67,83,99,115, 131,163,195,227, 258, 0xffff };
static byte DistExtra = { 0,0,0,0, 1,1,2,2, 3,3,4,4, 5,5,6,6, 7,7,8,8, 9,9,10,10, 11,11,12,12, 13,13 };
static ushort DistOff = { 1,2,3,4, 5,7,9,13, 17,25,33,49, 65,97,129,193, 257,385,513,769, 1025,1537,2049,3073,
4097,6145,8193,12289, 16385,24577, 0xffff };

int LitFreq = new int [ 288 ], DistFreq = new int [ 32 ], LenFreq = new int [ 19 ];
byte LitLen = new byte [ 288 ], DistLen = new byte [ 32 ], LenLen = new byte [ 19 ];
ushort LitCode = new ushort[ 288 ], DistCode = new ushort[ 32 ], LenCode = new ushort[ 19 ];

bool DoBlock( int n, byte lastBlock )
// First compute symbol frequencies.
Clear( LitFreq ); Clear( DistFreq );
int saveIBufJ = IBufJ;
int got = 0; while ( got < n )
int x = IGet(); got += 1;
if ( x < 256 ) LitFreq[ x ] += 1;
x -= 257;
int dist = IGet(); got += 1;
int mc = 0; while ( x >= MatchOff[ mc ] ) mc += 1; mc -= 1;
int dc = 0; while ( dist >= DistOff[ dc ] ) dc += 1; dc -= 1;
LitFreq[ 257 + mc ] += 1;
DistFreq[ dc ] += 1;
LitFreq[ 256 ] += 1; // End of block code.
IBufJ = saveIBufJ;

// Now compute Huffman codes.
int nLitCode = Huff.ComputeCode( 15, LitFreq, LitLen, LitCode ); if ( nLitCode < 0 ) return false;
int nDistCode = Huff.ComputeCode( 15, DistFreq, DistLen, DistCode ); if ( nDistCode < 0 ) return false;
if ( nDistCode == 0 ) nDistCode = 1;

Clear( LenFreq );
LenPass = 1; DoLengths( nLitCode, LitLen, true ); DoLengths( nDistCode, DistLen, false );

if ( Huff.ComputeCode( 7, LenFreq, LenLen, LenCode ) < 0 ) return false;

int nLenCode = 19; while ( nLenCode > 4 && LenLen[ ClenAlphabet[ nLenCode - 1 ] ] == 0 ) nLenCode -= 1;

// Now output dynamic Huffman block. For small blocks fixed coding might work better, not implemented.
PutBit( lastBlock );
PutBits( 2, 2 );
PutBits( 5, nLitCode - 257 ); PutBits( 5, nDistCode - 1 ); PutBits( 4, nLenCode - 4 );
for ( int i = 0; i < nLenCode; i += 1 ) PutBits( 3, LenLen[ ClenAlphabet[ i ] ] );

LenPass = 2; DoLengths( nLitCode, LitLen, true ); DoLengths( nDistCode, DistLen, false );

got = 0; while ( got < n ) // Similar to loop above, but does output instead of computing symbol frequencies.
int x = IGet(); got += 1;
if ( x < 256 ) PutBits( LitLen[ x ], LitCode[ x ] );
x -= 257;
int dist = IGet(); got += 1;
int mc = 0; while ( x >= MatchOff[ mc ] ) mc += 1; mc -= 1;
int dc = 0; while ( dist >= DistOff[ dc ] ) dc += 1; dc -= 1;
PutBits( LitLen[ 257 + mc ], LitCode[ 257 + mc ] );
PutBits( MatchExtra[ mc ], x-MatchOff[ mc ] );
PutBits( DistLen[ dc ], DistCode[ dc ] );
PutBits( DistExtra[ dc ], dist-DistOff[ dc ] );
PutBits( LitLen[ 256 ], LitCode[ 256 ] ); // End of block code.
return true;
} // end DoBlock

// Run length encoding of code lengths - RFC 1951, page 13.

int LenPass, Plen, ZeroRun, Repeat;

void PutLenCode( int code ) { if ( LenPass == 1 ) LenFreq[ code ] += 1; else PutBits( LenLen[ code ], LenCode[ code ] ); }

void DoLengths( int n, byte a, bool isLit )
if ( isLit ) { Plen = 0; ZeroRun = 0; Repeat = 0; }
for ( int i = 0; i < n; i += 1 )
int len = a[ i ];
if ( len == 0 ){ EncRepeat(); ZeroRun += 1; Plen = 0; }
else if ( len == Plen ) { Repeat += 1; }
else { EncZeroRun(); EncRepeat(); PutLenCode( len ); Plen = len; }
if ( !isLit ) { EncZeroRun(); EncRepeat(); }

void EncRepeat()
while ( Repeat > 0 )
if ( Repeat < 3 ) { PutLenCode( Plen ); Repeat -= 1; }
else { int x = Repeat; if ( x > 6 ) x = 6; PutLenCode( 16 ); if ( LenPass == 2 ) PutBits( 2, x-3 ); Repeat -= x; }

void EncZeroRun()
while ( ZeroRun > 0 )
if ( ZeroRun < 3 ) { PutLenCode( 0 ); ZeroRun -= 1; }
else if ( ZeroRun < 11 ) { PutLenCode( 17 ); if ( LenPass == 2 ) PutBits( 3, ZeroRun-3 ); ZeroRun = 0; }
else { int x = ZeroRun; if ( x > 138 ) x = 138; PutLenCode( 18 ); if ( LenPass == 2 ) PutBits( 7, x - 11 ); ZeroRun -= x; }

public static uint Adler32( byte b ) // Checksum function per RFC 1950.
uint s1 = 1, s2 = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < b.Length; i += 1 )
s1 = ( s1 + b[ i ] ) % 65521;
s2 = ( s2 + s1 ) % 65521;
return s2*65536 + s1;

static void Clear( int f ){ System.Array.Clear( f, 0, f.Length ); }

// Output stream.
byte Buf = 0, M = 1;
void PutBit( int b ) { if ( b != 0 ) Buf |= M; M <<= 1; if ( M == 0 ) { Add(Buf); Buf = 0; M = 1; } }
void PutBits( int n, int x ) { for ( int i = 0; i < n; i += 1 ) { PutBit( x & 1 ); x >>= 1; } }
void FlushBitBuf(){ while ( M != 1 ) PutBit( 0 ); }
void Put32( uint x ) { Add( (byte)( x >> 24 ) ); Add( (byte)( x >> 16 ) ); Add( (byte)( x >> 8 ) ); Add( (byte) x ); }

} // end class Encoder


class Huff // Given a list of frequencies (freq), compute Huffman code lengths (nbits) and codes (tree_code).
public static int ComputeCode( int bitLimit, int freq, byte nbits, ushort tree_code )
int ncode = freq.Length;
Node heap = new Node[ ncode ];
int hn = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < ncode; i += 1 )
int f = freq[ i ];
if ( f > 0 )
Node n = new Node();
n.Freq = f;
n.Code = (ushort)i;
HeapInsert( heap, hn, n );
hn += 1;

for ( int i = 0; i < nbits.Length; i += 1 ) nbits[ i ] = 0;
if ( hn <= 1 ) // Special case.
{ if ( hn == 1 ) nbits[ heap[ 0 ].Code ] = 1; }
while ( hn > 1 ) // Keep pairing the lowest frequency nodes.
Node n = new Node();
hn -= 1; n.Left = HeapRemove( heap, hn );
hn -= 1; n.Right = HeapRemove( heap, hn );
n.Freq = n.Left.Freq + n.Right.Freq;
n.Depth = (byte) ( 1 + ( n.Left.Depth > n.Right.Depth ? n.Left.Depth : n.Right.Depth ) );
HeapInsert( heap, hn, n );
hn += 1;
Walk( nbits, heap[ 0 ], 0 ); // Walk the tree to find the code lengths (nbits).

for ( int i = 0; i < ncode; i += 1 ) if ( nbits[ i ] > bitLimit ) return -1;

// Now compute codes, code below is from RFC 1951 page 7.

int maxBits = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < ncode; i += 1 ) if ( nbits[ i ] > maxBits ) maxBits = nbits[ i ];

int bl_count = new int[ maxBits+1 ];
for ( int i = 0; i < ncode; i += 1 ) bl_count[ nbits[ i ] ] += 1;

int next_code = new int[ maxBits+1 ];
int code = 0; bl_count[ 0 ] = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < maxBits; i += 1 )
code = ( code + bl_count[ i ] ) << 1;
next_code[ i+1 ] = code;

for ( int i = 0; i < ncode; i += 1 )
int len = nbits[ i ];
if ( len != 0 )
tree_code[ i ] = (ushort)Reverse( next_code[ len ], len );
next_code[ len ] += 1;
while ( ncode > 0 && nbits[ ncode - 1 ] == 0 ) ncode -= 1;

//System.Console.WriteLine( "Huff.ComputeCode" );
//for ( int i = 0; i < ncode; i += 1 ) if ( nbits[ i ] > 0 )
// System.Console.WriteLine( "i=" + i + " len=" + nbits[ i ] + " tc=" + tree_code[ i ].ToString("X") + " freq=" + freq[ i ] );

return ncode;

class Node{ public Node Left, Right; public int Freq; public ushort Code; public byte Depth; }

static int Reverse( int x, int bits )
{ int result = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < bits; i += 1 ) { result <<= 1; result |= x & 1; x >>= 1; } return result; }

static void Walk( byte a, Node n, int len )
{ if ( n.Left == null ) a[ n.Code ] = (byte)len; else { Walk( a, n.Left, len+1 ); Walk( a, n.Right, len+1 ); } }

static bool LessThan( Node a, Node b )
{ return a.Freq < b.Freq || a.Freq == b.Freq && a.Depth < b.Depth; }

// See e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heap_(data_structure) for information on heap data structure.

static void HeapInsert( Node heap, int h, Node n ) // h is size of heap before insertion.
int j = h;
while ( j > 0 )
int p = ( j - 1 ) / 2; // Index of parent.
Node pn = heap[ p ];
if ( !LessThan( n, pn ) ) break;
heap[ j ] = pn; // Demote parent.
j = p;
heap[ j ] = n;

static Node HeapRemove( Node heap, int h ) // h is size of heap after removal.
Node result = heap[ 0 ];
Node n = heap[ h ];
int j = 0;
while ( true )
int c = j * 2 + 1; if ( c >= h ) break;
Node cn = heap[ c ];
if ( c + 1 < h )
Node cn2 = heap[ c + 1 ];
if ( LessThan( cn2, cn ) ) { c += 1; cn = cn2; }
if ( !LessThan( cn, n ) ) break;
heap[ j ] = cn; j = c;
heap[ j ] = n;
return result;

} // end class Huff

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George Barwood is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • 4

    I find your one-liners, abbreviations and lots of strange names and formatting scarry, ugly, incomprihesible and generally terrible - do you always write code like this? :-
    – t3chb0t
    Jan 2 at 19:21




This is a little project I did over Christmas, I wanted to understand a bit more about how RFC 1951 (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1951.txt) compression worked, mostly out of curiosity really. RFC 1951 is used to compress PNG images, zip files and portions of PDF files ( and probably other things as well ). I have tried to keep the C# code fairly simple, concise and hopefully comprehensible, rather than being too concerned with efficiency. Here's the code:

using Generic = System.Collections.Generic; 

class Encoder : Generic.List<byte> // Data compression per RFC 1950, RFC 1951.
public Generic.List<byte> Deflate( byte inp )
Add( 0x78); Add( 0x9C ); // RFC 1950 bytes.
ReadInp( inp );
while ( DoOutput( 1 ) == 0 );
Put32( Adler32( inp ) ); // RFC 1950 checksum.
// System.Console.WriteLine( "Encoder.Deflate, input size=" + inp.Length + " output size=" + this.Count );
return this;

class PosList{ public int Pos; public PosList Next; } // List of 3-byte match positions.

void ReadInp( byte input ) // LZ77 compression, per RFC 1951.
Generic.Dictionary<int,PosList> dict = new Generic.Dictionary<int,PosList>();
int n = input.Length;
SetIBufSize( n );

int w = 0; // Holds last 3 bytes of input.
int todo = 0; // Number of bytes in w that have not yet been output to IBuf, can be negative when a match is found.
int pendingMatchLen = 0, pendingDist = 0;

for ( int i = 0; i < 2 && i < n; i += 1 ) { w = ( w << 8 ) | input[ i ]; todo += 1; }

for ( int i = 2; i < n; i += 1 )
w = ( ( w << 8 ) | input[ i ] ) & 0xffffff; todo += 1;
PosList e, x = new PosList(); x.Pos = i;
int bestMatchLen = 0, bestDist = 0;
if ( dict.TryGetValue( w, out e ) )
x.Next = e;
PosList p = x;
if ( todo >= 3 ) while ( e != null )
int dist = i - e.Pos; if ( dist > 32768 ) { p.Next = null; break; }
int matchLen = MatchLen( input, dist, i );
if ( matchLen > bestMatchLen ) { bestMatchLen = matchLen; bestDist = dist; }
p = e; e = e.Next;
dict[ w ] = x; ISpace();

// "Lazy matching" RFC 1951 p.15 : if there are overlapping matches, there is a choice over which of the match to use.
// Example: "abc012bc345.... abc345". Here abc345 can be encoded as either [abc][345] or as a[bc345].
// Since a range typically needs more bits to encode than a literal, choose the latter.

if ( pendingMatchLen > 0 )
if ( bestMatchLen > pendingMatchLen || bestMatchLen == pendingMatchLen && bestDist < pendingDist )
{ IPut( input[ i-3 ] ); todo -= 1; }
else // Save the pending match, suppress bestMatch if any.
IPut( 257 + pendingMatchLen );
IPut( pendingDist );
todo -= pendingMatchLen;
bestMatchLen = 0;
pendingMatchLen = 0;
if ( bestMatchLen > 0 ) { pendingMatchLen = bestMatchLen; pendingDist = bestDist; }
else if ( todo == 3 ) { IPut( w >> 16 ); todo = 2; }
} // End of main input loop.
if ( pendingMatchLen > 0 )
IPut( 257 + pendingMatchLen );
IPut( pendingDist );
todo -= pendingMatchLen;
while ( todo > 0 ){ todo -= 1; IPut( (byte)( w >> (todo*8) ) ); }
} // end ReadInp

int MatchLen( byte input, int dist, int i )
// We have a match of 3 bytes, this function computes total match.
int end = input.Length; if ( end - i > 256 ) end = i + 256; // Maximum match is 258.
int x = i + 1; while ( x < end && input[ x ] == input[ x-dist ] ) x += 1;
return x - i + 2;

ushort IBuf; // Intermediate circular buffer, holds output from LZ77 algorithm.
const int IBufSizeMax = 0x40000;
int IBufSize, IBufI, IBufJ;
void IPut( int x ) { IBuf[ IBufI++ ] = (ushort)x; if ( IBufI == IBufSize ) IBufI = 0; }
int IGet(){ int result = IBuf[ IBufJ++ ]; if ( IBufJ == IBufSize ) IBufJ = 0; return result; }
int ICount(){ if ( IBufI >= IBufJ ) return IBufI - IBufJ; else return IBufI + IBufSize - IBufJ; } // Number of values in IBuf.
void ISpace(){ while ( ICount() > IBufSize - 10 ) DoOutput( 0 ); } // Ensure IBuf has space for at least 10 values.
void SetIBufSize( int x ) { x += 20; if ( x > IBufSizeMax ) x = IBufSizeMax; if ( IBufSize < x ) { IBufSize = x; IBuf = new ushort[ x ]; } }

byte DoOutput( byte lastBlock ) // While DoBlock fails, retry with a smaller amount of input.
int n = ICount();
while ( !DoBlock( n, lastBlock ) ) { lastBlock = 0; n -= n / 20; }
return lastBlock;

// RFC 1951 encoding constants.
static byte ClenAlphabet = { 16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15 };
static byte MatchExtra = { 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 1,1,1,1, 2,2,2,2, 3,3,3,3, 4,4,4,4, 5,5,5,5, 0 };
static ushort MatchOff = { 3,4,5,6, 7,8,9,10, 11,13,15,17, 19,23,27,31, 35,43,51,59, 67,83,99,115, 131,163,195,227, 258, 0xffff };
static byte DistExtra = { 0,0,0,0, 1,1,2,2, 3,3,4,4, 5,5,6,6, 7,7,8,8, 9,9,10,10, 11,11,12,12, 13,13 };
static ushort DistOff = { 1,2,3,4, 5,7,9,13, 17,25,33,49, 65,97,129,193, 257,385,513,769, 1025,1537,2049,3073,
4097,6145,8193,12289, 16385,24577, 0xffff };

int LitFreq = new int [ 288 ], DistFreq = new int [ 32 ], LenFreq = new int [ 19 ];
byte LitLen = new byte [ 288 ], DistLen = new byte [ 32 ], LenLen = new byte [ 19 ];
ushort LitCode = new ushort[ 288 ], DistCode = new ushort[ 32 ], LenCode = new ushort[ 19 ];

bool DoBlock( int n, byte lastBlock )
// First compute symbol frequencies.
Clear( LitFreq ); Clear( DistFreq );
int saveIBufJ = IBufJ;
int got = 0; while ( got < n )
int x = IGet(); got += 1;
if ( x < 256 ) LitFreq[ x ] += 1;
x -= 257;
int dist = IGet(); got += 1;
int mc = 0; while ( x >= MatchOff[ mc ] ) mc += 1; mc -= 1;
int dc = 0; while ( dist >= DistOff[ dc ] ) dc += 1; dc -= 1;
LitFreq[ 257 + mc ] += 1;
DistFreq[ dc ] += 1;
LitFreq[ 256 ] += 1; // End of block code.
IBufJ = saveIBufJ;

// Now compute Huffman codes.
int nLitCode = Huff.ComputeCode( 15, LitFreq, LitLen, LitCode ); if ( nLitCode < 0 ) return false;
int nDistCode = Huff.ComputeCode( 15, DistFreq, DistLen, DistCode ); if ( nDistCode < 0 ) return false;
if ( nDistCode == 0 ) nDistCode = 1;

Clear( LenFreq );
LenPass = 1; DoLengths( nLitCode, LitLen, true ); DoLengths( nDistCode, DistLen, false );

if ( Huff.ComputeCode( 7, LenFreq, LenLen, LenCode ) < 0 ) return false;

int nLenCode = 19; while ( nLenCode > 4 && LenLen[ ClenAlphabet[ nLenCode - 1 ] ] == 0 ) nLenCode -= 1;

// Now output dynamic Huffman block. For small blocks fixed coding might work better, not implemented.
PutBit( lastBlock );
PutBits( 2, 2 );
PutBits( 5, nLitCode - 257 ); PutBits( 5, nDistCode - 1 ); PutBits( 4, nLenCode - 4 );
for ( int i = 0; i < nLenCode; i += 1 ) PutBits( 3, LenLen[ ClenAlphabet[ i ] ] );

LenPass = 2; DoLengths( nLitCode, LitLen, true ); DoLengths( nDistCode, DistLen, false );

got = 0; while ( got < n ) // Similar to loop above, but does output instead of computing symbol frequencies.
int x = IGet(); got += 1;
if ( x < 256 ) PutBits( LitLen[ x ], LitCode[ x ] );
x -= 257;
int dist = IGet(); got += 1;
int mc = 0; while ( x >= MatchOff[ mc ] ) mc += 1; mc -= 1;
int dc = 0; while ( dist >= DistOff[ dc ] ) dc += 1; dc -= 1;
PutBits( LitLen[ 257 + mc ], LitCode[ 257 + mc ] );
PutBits( MatchExtra[ mc ], x-MatchOff[ mc ] );
PutBits( DistLen[ dc ], DistCode[ dc ] );
PutBits( DistExtra[ dc ], dist-DistOff[ dc ] );
PutBits( LitLen[ 256 ], LitCode[ 256 ] ); // End of block code.
return true;
} // end DoBlock

// Run length encoding of code lengths - RFC 1951, page 13.

int LenPass, Plen, ZeroRun, Repeat;

void PutLenCode( int code ) { if ( LenPass == 1 ) LenFreq[ code ] += 1; else PutBits( LenLen[ code ], LenCode[ code ] ); }

void DoLengths( int n, byte a, bool isLit )
if ( isLit ) { Plen = 0; ZeroRun = 0; Repeat = 0; }
for ( int i = 0; i < n; i += 1 )
int len = a[ i ];
if ( len == 0 ){ EncRepeat(); ZeroRun += 1; Plen = 0; }
else if ( len == Plen ) { Repeat += 1; }
else { EncZeroRun(); EncRepeat(); PutLenCode( len ); Plen = len; }
if ( !isLit ) { EncZeroRun(); EncRepeat(); }

void EncRepeat()
while ( Repeat > 0 )
if ( Repeat < 3 ) { PutLenCode( Plen ); Repeat -= 1; }
else { int x = Repeat; if ( x > 6 ) x = 6; PutLenCode( 16 ); if ( LenPass == 2 ) PutBits( 2, x-3 ); Repeat -= x; }

void EncZeroRun()
while ( ZeroRun > 0 )
if ( ZeroRun < 3 ) { PutLenCode( 0 ); ZeroRun -= 1; }
else if ( ZeroRun < 11 ) { PutLenCode( 17 ); if ( LenPass == 2 ) PutBits( 3, ZeroRun-3 ); ZeroRun = 0; }
else { int x = ZeroRun; if ( x > 138 ) x = 138; PutLenCode( 18 ); if ( LenPass == 2 ) PutBits( 7, x - 11 ); ZeroRun -= x; }

public static uint Adler32( byte b ) // Checksum function per RFC 1950.
uint s1 = 1, s2 = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < b.Length; i += 1 )
s1 = ( s1 + b[ i ] ) % 65521;
s2 = ( s2 + s1 ) % 65521;
return s2*65536 + s1;

static void Clear( int f ){ System.Array.Clear( f, 0, f.Length ); }

// Output stream.
byte Buf = 0, M = 1;
void PutBit( int b ) { if ( b != 0 ) Buf |= M; M <<= 1; if ( M == 0 ) { Add(Buf); Buf = 0; M = 1; } }
void PutBits( int n, int x ) { for ( int i = 0; i < n; i += 1 ) { PutBit( x & 1 ); x >>= 1; } }
void FlushBitBuf(){ while ( M != 1 ) PutBit( 0 ); }
void Put32( uint x ) { Add( (byte)( x >> 24 ) ); Add( (byte)( x >> 16 ) ); Add( (byte)( x >> 8 ) ); Add( (byte) x ); }

} // end class Encoder


class Huff // Given a list of frequencies (freq), compute Huffman code lengths (nbits) and codes (tree_code).
public static int ComputeCode( int bitLimit, int freq, byte nbits, ushort tree_code )
int ncode = freq.Length;
Node heap = new Node[ ncode ];
int hn = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < ncode; i += 1 )
int f = freq[ i ];
if ( f > 0 )
Node n = new Node();
n.Freq = f;
n.Code = (ushort)i;
HeapInsert( heap, hn, n );
hn += 1;

for ( int i = 0; i < nbits.Length; i += 1 ) nbits[ i ] = 0;
if ( hn <= 1 ) // Special case.
{ if ( hn == 1 ) nbits[ heap[ 0 ].Code ] = 1; }
while ( hn > 1 ) // Keep pairing the lowest frequency nodes.
Node n = new Node();
hn -= 1; n.Left = HeapRemove( heap, hn );
hn -= 1; n.Right = HeapRemove( heap, hn );
n.Freq = n.Left.Freq + n.Right.Freq;
n.Depth = (byte) ( 1 + ( n.Left.Depth > n.Right.Depth ? n.Left.Depth : n.Right.Depth ) );
HeapInsert( heap, hn, n );
hn += 1;
Walk( nbits, heap[ 0 ], 0 ); // Walk the tree to find the code lengths (nbits).

for ( int i = 0; i < ncode; i += 1 ) if ( nbits[ i ] > bitLimit ) return -1;

// Now compute codes, code below is from RFC 1951 page 7.

int maxBits = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < ncode; i += 1 ) if ( nbits[ i ] > maxBits ) maxBits = nbits[ i ];

int bl_count = new int[ maxBits+1 ];
for ( int i = 0; i < ncode; i += 1 ) bl_count[ nbits[ i ] ] += 1;

int next_code = new int[ maxBits+1 ];
int code = 0; bl_count[ 0 ] = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < maxBits; i += 1 )
code = ( code + bl_count[ i ] ) << 1;
next_code[ i+1 ] = code;

for ( int i = 0; i < ncode; i += 1 )
int len = nbits[ i ];
if ( len != 0 )
tree_code[ i ] = (ushort)Reverse( next_code[ len ], len );
next_code[ len ] += 1;
while ( ncode > 0 && nbits[ ncode - 1 ] == 0 ) ncode -= 1;

//System.Console.WriteLine( "Huff.ComputeCode" );
//for ( int i = 0; i < ncode; i += 1 ) if ( nbits[ i ] > 0 )
// System.Console.WriteLine( "i=" + i + " len=" + nbits[ i ] + " tc=" + tree_code[ i ].ToString("X") + " freq=" + freq[ i ] );

return ncode;

class Node{ public Node Left, Right; public int Freq; public ushort Code; public byte Depth; }

static int Reverse( int x, int bits )
{ int result = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < bits; i += 1 ) { result <<= 1; result |= x & 1; x >>= 1; } return result; }

static void Walk( byte a, Node n, int len )
{ if ( n.Left == null ) a[ n.Code ] = (byte)len; else { Walk( a, n.Left, len+1 ); Walk( a, n.Right, len+1 ); } }

static bool LessThan( Node a, Node b )
{ return a.Freq < b.Freq || a.Freq == b.Freq && a.Depth < b.Depth; }

// See e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heap_(data_structure) for information on heap data structure.

static void HeapInsert( Node heap, int h, Node n ) // h is size of heap before insertion.
int j = h;
while ( j > 0 )
int p = ( j - 1 ) / 2; // Index of parent.
Node pn = heap[ p ];
if ( !LessThan( n, pn ) ) break;
heap[ j ] = pn; // Demote parent.
j = p;
heap[ j ] = n;

static Node HeapRemove( Node heap, int h ) // h is size of heap after removal.
Node result = heap[ 0 ];
Node n = heap[ h ];
int j = 0;
while ( true )
int c = j * 2 + 1; if ( c >= h ) break;
Node cn = heap[ c ];
if ( c + 1 < h )
Node cn2 = heap[ c + 1 ];
if ( LessThan( cn2, cn ) ) { c += 1; cn = cn2; }
if ( !LessThan( cn, n ) ) break;
heap[ j ] = cn; j = c;
heap[ j ] = n;
return result;

} // end class Huff

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New contributor

George Barwood is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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This is a little project I did over Christmas, I wanted to understand a bit more about how RFC 1951 (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1951.txt) compression worked, mostly out of curiosity really. RFC 1951 is used to compress PNG images, zip files and portions of PDF files ( and probably other things as well ). I have tried to keep the C# code fairly simple, concise and hopefully comprehensible, rather than being too concerned with efficiency. Here's the code:

using Generic = System.Collections.Generic; 

class Encoder : Generic.List<byte> // Data compression per RFC 1950, RFC 1951.
public Generic.List<byte> Deflate( byte inp )
Add( 0x78); Add( 0x9C ); // RFC 1950 bytes.
ReadInp( inp );
while ( DoOutput( 1 ) == 0 );
Put32( Adler32( inp ) ); // RFC 1950 checksum.
// System.Console.WriteLine( "Encoder.Deflate, input size=" + inp.Length + " output size=" + this.Count );
return this;

class PosList{ public int Pos; public PosList Next; } // List of 3-byte match positions.

void ReadInp( byte input ) // LZ77 compression, per RFC 1951.
Generic.Dictionary<int,PosList> dict = new Generic.Dictionary<int,PosList>();
int n = input.Length;
SetIBufSize( n );

int w = 0; // Holds last 3 bytes of input.
int todo = 0; // Number of bytes in w that have not yet been output to IBuf, can be negative when a match is found.
int pendingMatchLen = 0, pendingDist = 0;

for ( int i = 0; i < 2 && i < n; i += 1 ) { w = ( w << 8 ) | input[ i ]; todo += 1; }

for ( int i = 2; i < n; i += 1 )
w = ( ( w << 8 ) | input[ i ] ) & 0xffffff; todo += 1;
PosList e, x = new PosList(); x.Pos = i;
int bestMatchLen = 0, bestDist = 0;
if ( dict.TryGetValue( w, out e ) )
x.Next = e;
PosList p = x;
if ( todo >= 3 ) while ( e != null )
int dist = i - e.Pos; if ( dist > 32768 ) { p.Next = null; break; }
int matchLen = MatchLen( input, dist, i );
if ( matchLen > bestMatchLen ) { bestMatchLen = matchLen; bestDist = dist; }
p = e; e = e.Next;
dict[ w ] = x; ISpace();

// "Lazy matching" RFC 1951 p.15 : if there are overlapping matches, there is a choice over which of the match to use.
// Example: "abc012bc345.... abc345". Here abc345 can be encoded as either [abc][345] or as a[bc345].
// Since a range typically needs more bits to encode than a literal, choose the latter.

if ( pendingMatchLen > 0 )
if ( bestMatchLen > pendingMatchLen || bestMatchLen == pendingMatchLen && bestDist < pendingDist )
{ IPut( input[ i-3 ] ); todo -= 1; }
else // Save the pending match, suppress bestMatch if any.
IPut( 257 + pendingMatchLen );
IPut( pendingDist );
todo -= pendingMatchLen;
bestMatchLen = 0;
pendingMatchLen = 0;
if ( bestMatchLen > 0 ) { pendingMatchLen = bestMatchLen; pendingDist = bestDist; }
else if ( todo == 3 ) { IPut( w >> 16 ); todo = 2; }
} // End of main input loop.
if ( pendingMatchLen > 0 )
IPut( 257 + pendingMatchLen );
IPut( pendingDist );
todo -= pendingMatchLen;
while ( todo > 0 ){ todo -= 1; IPut( (byte)( w >> (todo*8) ) ); }
} // end ReadInp

int MatchLen( byte input, int dist, int i )
// We have a match of 3 bytes, this function computes total match.
int end = input.Length; if ( end - i > 256 ) end = i + 256; // Maximum match is 258.
int x = i + 1; while ( x < end && input[ x ] == input[ x-dist ] ) x += 1;
return x - i + 2;

ushort IBuf; // Intermediate circular buffer, holds output from LZ77 algorithm.
const int IBufSizeMax = 0x40000;
int IBufSize, IBufI, IBufJ;
void IPut( int x ) { IBuf[ IBufI++ ] = (ushort)x; if ( IBufI == IBufSize ) IBufI = 0; }
int IGet(){ int result = IBuf[ IBufJ++ ]; if ( IBufJ == IBufSize ) IBufJ = 0; return result; }
int ICount(){ if ( IBufI >= IBufJ ) return IBufI - IBufJ; else return IBufI + IBufSize - IBufJ; } // Number of values in IBuf.
void ISpace(){ while ( ICount() > IBufSize - 10 ) DoOutput( 0 ); } // Ensure IBuf has space for at least 10 values.
void SetIBufSize( int x ) { x += 20; if ( x > IBufSizeMax ) x = IBufSizeMax; if ( IBufSize < x ) { IBufSize = x; IBuf = new ushort[ x ]; } }

byte DoOutput( byte lastBlock ) // While DoBlock fails, retry with a smaller amount of input.
int n = ICount();
while ( !DoBlock( n, lastBlock ) ) { lastBlock = 0; n -= n / 20; }
return lastBlock;

// RFC 1951 encoding constants.
static byte ClenAlphabet = { 16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15 };
static byte MatchExtra = { 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 1,1,1,1, 2,2,2,2, 3,3,3,3, 4,4,4,4, 5,5,5,5, 0 };
static ushort MatchOff = { 3,4,5,6, 7,8,9,10, 11,13,15,17, 19,23,27,31, 35,43,51,59, 67,83,99,115, 131,163,195,227, 258, 0xffff };
static byte DistExtra = { 0,0,0,0, 1,1,2,2, 3,3,4,4, 5,5,6,6, 7,7,8,8, 9,9,10,10, 11,11,12,12, 13,13 };
static ushort DistOff = { 1,2,3,4, 5,7,9,13, 17,25,33,49, 65,97,129,193, 257,385,513,769, 1025,1537,2049,3073,
4097,6145,8193,12289, 16385,24577, 0xffff };

int LitFreq = new int [ 288 ], DistFreq = new int [ 32 ], LenFreq = new int [ 19 ];
byte LitLen = new byte [ 288 ], DistLen = new byte [ 32 ], LenLen = new byte [ 19 ];
ushort LitCode = new ushort[ 288 ], DistCode = new ushort[ 32 ], LenCode = new ushort[ 19 ];

bool DoBlock( int n, byte lastBlock )
// First compute symbol frequencies.
Clear( LitFreq ); Clear( DistFreq );
int saveIBufJ = IBufJ;
int got = 0; while ( got < n )
int x = IGet(); got += 1;
if ( x < 256 ) LitFreq[ x ] += 1;
x -= 257;
int dist = IGet(); got += 1;
int mc = 0; while ( x >= MatchOff[ mc ] ) mc += 1; mc -= 1;
int dc = 0; while ( dist >= DistOff[ dc ] ) dc += 1; dc -= 1;
LitFreq[ 257 + mc ] += 1;
DistFreq[ dc ] += 1;
LitFreq[ 256 ] += 1; // End of block code.
IBufJ = saveIBufJ;

// Now compute Huffman codes.
int nLitCode = Huff.ComputeCode( 15, LitFreq, LitLen, LitCode ); if ( nLitCode < 0 ) return false;
int nDistCode = Huff.ComputeCode( 15, DistFreq, DistLen, DistCode ); if ( nDistCode < 0 ) return false;
if ( nDistCode == 0 ) nDistCode = 1;

Clear( LenFreq );
LenPass = 1; DoLengths( nLitCode, LitLen, true ); DoLengths( nDistCode, DistLen, false );

if ( Huff.ComputeCode( 7, LenFreq, LenLen, LenCode ) < 0 ) return false;

int nLenCode = 19; while ( nLenCode > 4 && LenLen[ ClenAlphabet[ nLenCode - 1 ] ] == 0 ) nLenCode -= 1;

// Now output dynamic Huffman block. For small blocks fixed coding might work better, not implemented.
PutBit( lastBlock );
PutBits( 2, 2 );
PutBits( 5, nLitCode - 257 ); PutBits( 5, nDistCode - 1 ); PutBits( 4, nLenCode - 4 );
for ( int i = 0; i < nLenCode; i += 1 ) PutBits( 3, LenLen[ ClenAlphabet[ i ] ] );

LenPass = 2; DoLengths( nLitCode, LitLen, true ); DoLengths( nDistCode, DistLen, false );

got = 0; while ( got < n ) // Similar to loop above, but does output instead of computing symbol frequencies.
int x = IGet(); got += 1;
if ( x < 256 ) PutBits( LitLen[ x ], LitCode[ x ] );
x -= 257;
int dist = IGet(); got += 1;
int mc = 0; while ( x >= MatchOff[ mc ] ) mc += 1; mc -= 1;
int dc = 0; while ( dist >= DistOff[ dc ] ) dc += 1; dc -= 1;
PutBits( LitLen[ 257 + mc ], LitCode[ 257 + mc ] );
PutBits( MatchExtra[ mc ], x-MatchOff[ mc ] );
PutBits( DistLen[ dc ], DistCode[ dc ] );
PutBits( DistExtra[ dc ], dist-DistOff[ dc ] );
PutBits( LitLen[ 256 ], LitCode[ 256 ] ); // End of block code.
return true;
} // end DoBlock

// Run length encoding of code lengths - RFC 1951, page 13.

int LenPass, Plen, ZeroRun, Repeat;

void PutLenCode( int code ) { if ( LenPass == 1 ) LenFreq[ code ] += 1; else PutBits( LenLen[ code ], LenCode[ code ] ); }

void DoLengths( int n, byte a, bool isLit )
if ( isLit ) { Plen = 0; ZeroRun = 0; Repeat = 0; }
for ( int i = 0; i < n; i += 1 )
int len = a[ i ];
if ( len == 0 ){ EncRepeat(); ZeroRun += 1; Plen = 0; }
else if ( len == Plen ) { Repeat += 1; }
else { EncZeroRun(); EncRepeat(); PutLenCode( len ); Plen = len; }
if ( !isLit ) { EncZeroRun(); EncRepeat(); }

void EncRepeat()
while ( Repeat > 0 )
if ( Repeat < 3 ) { PutLenCode( Plen ); Repeat -= 1; }
else { int x = Repeat; if ( x > 6 ) x = 6; PutLenCode( 16 ); if ( LenPass == 2 ) PutBits( 2, x-3 ); Repeat -= x; }

void EncZeroRun()
while ( ZeroRun > 0 )
if ( ZeroRun < 3 ) { PutLenCode( 0 ); ZeroRun -= 1; }
else if ( ZeroRun < 11 ) { PutLenCode( 17 ); if ( LenPass == 2 ) PutBits( 3, ZeroRun-3 ); ZeroRun = 0; }
else { int x = ZeroRun; if ( x > 138 ) x = 138; PutLenCode( 18 ); if ( LenPass == 2 ) PutBits( 7, x - 11 ); ZeroRun -= x; }

public static uint Adler32( byte b ) // Checksum function per RFC 1950.
uint s1 = 1, s2 = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < b.Length; i += 1 )
s1 = ( s1 + b[ i ] ) % 65521;
s2 = ( s2 + s1 ) % 65521;
return s2*65536 + s1;

static void Clear( int f ){ System.Array.Clear( f, 0, f.Length ); }

// Output stream.
byte Buf = 0, M = 1;
void PutBit( int b ) { if ( b != 0 ) Buf |= M; M <<= 1; if ( M == 0 ) { Add(Buf); Buf = 0; M = 1; } }
void PutBits( int n, int x ) { for ( int i = 0; i < n; i += 1 ) { PutBit( x & 1 ); x >>= 1; } }
void FlushBitBuf(){ while ( M != 1 ) PutBit( 0 ); }
void Put32( uint x ) { Add( (byte)( x >> 24 ) ); Add( (byte)( x >> 16 ) ); Add( (byte)( x >> 8 ) ); Add( (byte) x ); }

} // end class Encoder


class Huff // Given a list of frequencies (freq), compute Huffman code lengths (nbits) and codes (tree_code).
public static int ComputeCode( int bitLimit, int freq, byte nbits, ushort tree_code )
int ncode = freq.Length;
Node heap = new Node[ ncode ];
int hn = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < ncode; i += 1 )
int f = freq[ i ];
if ( f > 0 )
Node n = new Node();
n.Freq = f;
n.Code = (ushort)i;
HeapInsert( heap, hn, n );
hn += 1;

for ( int i = 0; i < nbits.Length; i += 1 ) nbits[ i ] = 0;
if ( hn <= 1 ) // Special case.
{ if ( hn == 1 ) nbits[ heap[ 0 ].Code ] = 1; }
while ( hn > 1 ) // Keep pairing the lowest frequency nodes.
Node n = new Node();
hn -= 1; n.Left = HeapRemove( heap, hn );
hn -= 1; n.Right = HeapRemove( heap, hn );
n.Freq = n.Left.Freq + n.Right.Freq;
n.Depth = (byte) ( 1 + ( n.Left.Depth > n.Right.Depth ? n.Left.Depth : n.Right.Depth ) );
HeapInsert( heap, hn, n );
hn += 1;
Walk( nbits, heap[ 0 ], 0 ); // Walk the tree to find the code lengths (nbits).

for ( int i = 0; i < ncode; i += 1 ) if ( nbits[ i ] > bitLimit ) return -1;

// Now compute codes, code below is from RFC 1951 page 7.

int maxBits = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < ncode; i += 1 ) if ( nbits[ i ] > maxBits ) maxBits = nbits[ i ];

int bl_count = new int[ maxBits+1 ];
for ( int i = 0; i < ncode; i += 1 ) bl_count[ nbits[ i ] ] += 1;

int next_code = new int[ maxBits+1 ];
int code = 0; bl_count[ 0 ] = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < maxBits; i += 1 )
code = ( code + bl_count[ i ] ) << 1;
next_code[ i+1 ] = code;

for ( int i = 0; i < ncode; i += 1 )
int len = nbits[ i ];
if ( len != 0 )
tree_code[ i ] = (ushort)Reverse( next_code[ len ], len );
next_code[ len ] += 1;
while ( ncode > 0 && nbits[ ncode - 1 ] == 0 ) ncode -= 1;

//System.Console.WriteLine( "Huff.ComputeCode" );
//for ( int i = 0; i < ncode; i += 1 ) if ( nbits[ i ] > 0 )
// System.Console.WriteLine( "i=" + i + " len=" + nbits[ i ] + " tc=" + tree_code[ i ].ToString("X") + " freq=" + freq[ i ] );

return ncode;

class Node{ public Node Left, Right; public int Freq; public ushort Code; public byte Depth; }

static int Reverse( int x, int bits )
{ int result = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < bits; i += 1 ) { result <<= 1; result |= x & 1; x >>= 1; } return result; }

static void Walk( byte a, Node n, int len )
{ if ( n.Left == null ) a[ n.Code ] = (byte)len; else { Walk( a, n.Left, len+1 ); Walk( a, n.Right, len+1 ); } }

static bool LessThan( Node a, Node b )
{ return a.Freq < b.Freq || a.Freq == b.Freq && a.Depth < b.Depth; }

// See e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heap_(data_structure) for information on heap data structure.

static void HeapInsert( Node heap, int h, Node n ) // h is size of heap before insertion.
int j = h;
while ( j > 0 )
int p = ( j - 1 ) / 2; // Index of parent.
Node pn = heap[ p ];
if ( !LessThan( n, pn ) ) break;
heap[ j ] = pn; // Demote parent.
j = p;
heap[ j ] = n;

static Node HeapRemove( Node heap, int h ) // h is size of heap after removal.
Node result = heap[ 0 ];
Node n = heap[ h ];
int j = 0;
while ( true )
int c = j * 2 + 1; if ( c >= h ) break;
Node cn = heap[ c ];
if ( c + 1 < h )
Node cn2 = heap[ c + 1 ];
if ( LessThan( cn2, cn ) ) { c += 1; cn = cn2; }
if ( !LessThan( cn, n ) ) break;
heap[ j ] = cn; j = c;
heap[ j ] = n;
return result;

} // end class Huff

c# compression heap

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George Barwood is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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George Barwood is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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George Barwood is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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asked Jan 2 at 18:00

George Barwood



New contributor

George Barwood is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

New contributor

George Barwood is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

George Barwood is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • 4

    I find your one-liners, abbreviations and lots of strange names and formatting scarry, ugly, incomprihesible and generally terrible - do you always write code like this? :-
    – t3chb0t
    Jan 2 at 19:21

  • 4

    I find your one-liners, abbreviations and lots of strange names and formatting scarry, ugly, incomprihesible and generally terrible - do you always write code like this? :-
    – t3chb0t
    Jan 2 at 19:21



I find your one-liners, abbreviations and lots of strange names and formatting scarry, ugly, incomprihesible and generally terrible - do you always write code like this? :-
– t3chb0t
Jan 2 at 19:21

I find your one-liners, abbreviations and lots of strange names and formatting scarry, ugly, incomprihesible and generally terrible - do you always write code like this? :-
– t3chb0t
Jan 2 at 19:21

2 Answers





Welcome to Code Review. I am sorry but I do not find your code as comprehensible as you were hoping. I find myself more aligned to the comment by @t3chb0t.

I really must ask have you ever read any parts of the C# Naming Guidelines? I am not saying that to be mean. Given that you are a new poster, we do try to be nice but unfortunately sometimes a certain bluntness cannot be avoided.

Something to also consider is that you should favor composition over inheritance (Wikipedia link). Here is a good StackOverflow link on it too. Rather than class Encoder implementing List<byte>, it would be better to have a private field of List<byte>. This also prevents someone from inadvertently performing any method that modifies the encoded value, such as an Add, Clear, or Remove. You could then expose that field publicly as a read only value.

You have a fair amount in a section related to the intermediate circular buffer. This bugs me for several reasons. For one, I think the buffer, variables, and methods could be put into its own class, even if its a private internal class. And having variable names being with "I" conflicts with the naming guideline on many fronts: (1) variables should begin with lowercase letters, and (2) a capital "I" makes me think its an Interface.

I applaud you for emphasizing simple and concise over efficient. Next I would urge you think strongly about readability. Ask yourself how well a mediocre C# developer would understand your code without having to ask you questions about it.

share|improve this answer

  • Rick, strictly speaking, according the the guidelines, "The field-naming guidelines apply to static public and protected fields. Internal and private fields are not covered by guidelines", but leaving that aside, I use the convention that local variables and parameters begin with lower-case, and other names begin with upper-case.
    – George Barwood
    Jan 2 at 22:52

  • Oops, pressed enter before I meant to... Still, the "IBuf" and associated fields could be better named, I didn't give any real thought to it. Agreed about composition and inheritance. I also plead guilty to abbreviation, I hope poor t3chb0t isn't scarred for life! :)
    – George Barwood
    Jan 2 at 23:01

  • 2

    @GeorgeBarwood haha, I'm not ;-] I just find that carelessness about non-public code leads to many unnecessary hours of debugging and re-trying to understand the old code. The compiler doesn't care about the formatting or naming etc but people do and if I cannot relatively quickly understand how the code works I do everything to avoid it (and not only me)... this is why you most likely should not expect a thorough review becasue your code is extremely difficult to read and to understand.
    – t3chb0t
    2 days ago

  • @GeorgeBarwood If you expect other people to read your non-public code you should treat it as public and take great care of it too and try to make it as clean as possible.
    – t3chb0t
    2 days ago



To expand a bit on what Rick and t3chb0t already said, here are some specific things that hurt the readability of your code:

  • Unnecessary abbreviations and undescriptive names. Some names convey virtually no meaning at all (n, w, x, p), while others are very unclear or do not accurately describe their meaning: ReadInp apparently performs deflation, not just input reading, and what does the 'do' in DoBlock mean?

  • Stuffing multiple statements on a single line. This makes code much more difficult to 'scan', and code that's difficult to read tends to be difficult to maintain and debug.

    • Especially jarring are lines like
      int mc = 0; while (x >= MatchOff[mc]) mc += 1; mc -= 1;
      There's no clear distinction between what's part of the while loop body and what's not. This can lead to subtle problems. Putting each statement on a separate line, and indenting the loop body makes it easier to identify the control flow at a glance.

    • Declaring multiple variables of the same type at once, separated by commas, also falls under this: it requires more care to see whether each has been properly initialized, and if not, whether that was intentional or not.

  • Related to the above point, the occasional omission of braces and sometimes inconsistent indentation doesn't help either.

  • Lack of whitespace:

    • Adding an empty line between subsequent if statements makes it more clear that they're not related, which makes it easier to quickly scan control flow.

    • Leave an empty lines between methods to provide some 'breathing space'. A wall of text is more difficult to read than an article that's split up into chapters and paragraphs.

  • Magic values - specific (numeric) values whose meaning is unclear, such as 19, 256, 257 and 288. Try using properly named constants instead.

C# specific

  • It's strange to see using Generic = System.Collections.Generic;. Namespace aliases are useful to prevent name clashes, but in my experience that's rarely a problem. In this case, System.Collections.Generic is so ubiquitously used that doing anything else than using System.Collections.Generic; will only cause confusion.

  • C# supports type inference, so Dictionary<int, PosList> dict = new Dictionary<int, PosList>(); can be simplified to var dict = new Dictionary<int, PosList>();.

  • out variables can be declared in-line, so if (dict.TryGetValue(w, out e)) can be simplified to if (dict.TryGetValue(w, out PosList e)) or if (dict.TryGetValue(w, out var e)).


  • Inheritance is the wrong tool here, as Rick already pointed out. Just because an encoder uses byte-sequences as input and output does not make it a list of bytes itself. Note how calling Deflate again will overwrite the result of any previous calls - that's very surprising behavior (in a negative way). Also note that a lot of state that is only useful during the actual deflation is kept around - wasting memory, and making your job more difficult because you have to remember to properly reset things.

  • I see two designs that could work well here:

    • A Stream-based design, where you provide a CompressionStream class that inherits from Stream (it's a stream that you can read decompressed data from) and that wraps another Stream (which contains the still-compressed data). This integrates well with file and network stream reading, among other things. Be sure to read up on how disposal (IDisposable) works.

    • An IEnumerable<byte>-based design, with an IEnumerable<byte> Deflate(IEnumerable<byte> compressedData) method. This lets you pass in a variety of collections, including arrays, lists and lazily evaluated sequences such as the results of Linq extension methods. Returning an IEnumerable<byte> allows you to return any of these as well, and lets you use yield, which can be useful in certain cases. Deflate(byteArray.Skip(4)), for example, deflates all but the first 4 bytes from byteArray, without any modifications to your code. And if Deflate uses yield, then Deflate(byteArray).Take(4) only deflates the first 4 bytes, while Deflate(byteArray).ToArray() gives you an array that contains all deflated data.

  • Rick also mentioned those buffer-related methods, they're better moved to a separate buffer class. The same can be said for those 'output stream' methods. Take a look at how StreamWriter lets you write text to an underlying Stream, while taking care of things like encoding and buffering. You could create a similar construction for writing bits.

share|improve this answer

  • The idea was for the class to compress many parts of a PDF ( each page of a PDF has a "content stream" which can be "deflated" ), so the plan was to avoid re-allocating arrays/lists each time a page is compressed, reducing garbage collection overhead. But I didn't entirely follow-through on this, and whether it's worth worrying about I don't know - I haven't done any performance testing at all, or compared it to the standard Zlib implementation. Thanks for the C# tips, I had no idea about "var" or the other language features you mention.
    – George Barwood
    2 days ago

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2 Answers




2 Answers











Welcome to Code Review. I am sorry but I do not find your code as comprehensible as you were hoping. I find myself more aligned to the comment by @t3chb0t.

I really must ask have you ever read any parts of the C# Naming Guidelines? I am not saying that to be mean. Given that you are a new poster, we do try to be nice but unfortunately sometimes a certain bluntness cannot be avoided.

Something to also consider is that you should favor composition over inheritance (Wikipedia link). Here is a good StackOverflow link on it too. Rather than class Encoder implementing List<byte>, it would be better to have a private field of List<byte>. This also prevents someone from inadvertently performing any method that modifies the encoded value, such as an Add, Clear, or Remove. You could then expose that field publicly as a read only value.

You have a fair amount in a section related to the intermediate circular buffer. This bugs me for several reasons. For one, I think the buffer, variables, and methods could be put into its own class, even if its a private internal class. And having variable names being with "I" conflicts with the naming guideline on many fronts: (1) variables should begin with lowercase letters, and (2) a capital "I" makes me think its an Interface.

I applaud you for emphasizing simple and concise over efficient. Next I would urge you think strongly about readability. Ask yourself how well a mediocre C# developer would understand your code without having to ask you questions about it.

share|improve this answer

  • Rick, strictly speaking, according the the guidelines, "The field-naming guidelines apply to static public and protected fields. Internal and private fields are not covered by guidelines", but leaving that aside, I use the convention that local variables and parameters begin with lower-case, and other names begin with upper-case.
    – George Barwood
    Jan 2 at 22:52

  • Oops, pressed enter before I meant to... Still, the "IBuf" and associated fields could be better named, I didn't give any real thought to it. Agreed about composition and inheritance. I also plead guilty to abbreviation, I hope poor t3chb0t isn't scarred for life! :)
    – George Barwood
    Jan 2 at 23:01

  • 2

    @GeorgeBarwood haha, I'm not ;-] I just find that carelessness about non-public code leads to many unnecessary hours of debugging and re-trying to understand the old code. The compiler doesn't care about the formatting or naming etc but people do and if I cannot relatively quickly understand how the code works I do everything to avoid it (and not only me)... this is why you most likely should not expect a thorough review becasue your code is extremely difficult to read and to understand.
    – t3chb0t
    2 days ago

  • @GeorgeBarwood If you expect other people to read your non-public code you should treat it as public and take great care of it too and try to make it as clean as possible.
    – t3chb0t
    2 days ago


Welcome to Code Review. I am sorry but I do not find your code as comprehensible as you were hoping. I find myself more aligned to the comment by @t3chb0t.

I really must ask have you ever read any parts of the C# Naming Guidelines? I am not saying that to be mean. Given that you are a new poster, we do try to be nice but unfortunately sometimes a certain bluntness cannot be avoided.

Something to also consider is that you should favor composition over inheritance (Wikipedia link). Here is a good StackOverflow link on it too. Rather than class Encoder implementing List<byte>, it would be better to have a private field of List<byte>. This also prevents someone from inadvertently performing any method that modifies the encoded value, such as an Add, Clear, or Remove. You could then expose that field publicly as a read only value.

You have a fair amount in a section related to the intermediate circular buffer. This bugs me for several reasons. For one, I think the buffer, variables, and methods could be put into its own class, even if its a private internal class. And having variable names being with "I" conflicts with the naming guideline on many fronts: (1) variables should begin with lowercase letters, and (2) a capital "I" makes me think its an Interface.

I applaud you for emphasizing simple and concise over efficient. Next I would urge you think strongly about readability. Ask yourself how well a mediocre C# developer would understand your code without having to ask you questions about it.

share|improve this answer

  • Rick, strictly speaking, according the the guidelines, "The field-naming guidelines apply to static public and protected fields. Internal and private fields are not covered by guidelines", but leaving that aside, I use the convention that local variables and parameters begin with lower-case, and other names begin with upper-case.
    – George Barwood
    Jan 2 at 22:52

  • Oops, pressed enter before I meant to... Still, the "IBuf" and associated fields could be better named, I didn't give any real thought to it. Agreed about composition and inheritance. I also plead guilty to abbreviation, I hope poor t3chb0t isn't scarred for life! :)
    – George Barwood
    Jan 2 at 23:01

  • 2

    @GeorgeBarwood haha, I'm not ;-] I just find that carelessness about non-public code leads to many unnecessary hours of debugging and re-trying to understand the old code. The compiler doesn't care about the formatting or naming etc but people do and if I cannot relatively quickly understand how the code works I do everything to avoid it (and not only me)... this is why you most likely should not expect a thorough review becasue your code is extremely difficult to read and to understand.
    – t3chb0t
    2 days ago

  • @GeorgeBarwood If you expect other people to read your non-public code you should treat it as public and take great care of it too and try to make it as clean as possible.
    – t3chb0t
    2 days ago




Welcome to Code Review. I am sorry but I do not find your code as comprehensible as you were hoping. I find myself more aligned to the comment by @t3chb0t.

I really must ask have you ever read any parts of the C# Naming Guidelines? I am not saying that to be mean. Given that you are a new poster, we do try to be nice but unfortunately sometimes a certain bluntness cannot be avoided.

Something to also consider is that you should favor composition over inheritance (Wikipedia link). Here is a good StackOverflow link on it too. Rather than class Encoder implementing List<byte>, it would be better to have a private field of List<byte>. This also prevents someone from inadvertently performing any method that modifies the encoded value, such as an Add, Clear, or Remove. You could then expose that field publicly as a read only value.

You have a fair amount in a section related to the intermediate circular buffer. This bugs me for several reasons. For one, I think the buffer, variables, and methods could be put into its own class, even if its a private internal class. And having variable names being with "I" conflicts with the naming guideline on many fronts: (1) variables should begin with lowercase letters, and (2) a capital "I" makes me think its an Interface.

I applaud you for emphasizing simple and concise over efficient. Next I would urge you think strongly about readability. Ask yourself how well a mediocre C# developer would understand your code without having to ask you questions about it.

share|improve this answer

Welcome to Code Review. I am sorry but I do not find your code as comprehensible as you were hoping. I find myself more aligned to the comment by @t3chb0t.

I really must ask have you ever read any parts of the C# Naming Guidelines? I am not saying that to be mean. Given that you are a new poster, we do try to be nice but unfortunately sometimes a certain bluntness cannot be avoided.

Something to also consider is that you should favor composition over inheritance (Wikipedia link). Here is a good StackOverflow link on it too. Rather than class Encoder implementing List<byte>, it would be better to have a private field of List<byte>. This also prevents someone from inadvertently performing any method that modifies the encoded value, such as an Add, Clear, or Remove. You could then expose that field publicly as a read only value.

You have a fair amount in a section related to the intermediate circular buffer. This bugs me for several reasons. For one, I think the buffer, variables, and methods could be put into its own class, even if its a private internal class. And having variable names being with "I" conflicts with the naming guideline on many fronts: (1) variables should begin with lowercase letters, and (2) a capital "I" makes me think its an Interface.

I applaud you for emphasizing simple and concise over efficient. Next I would urge you think strongly about readability. Ask yourself how well a mediocre C# developer would understand your code without having to ask you questions about it.

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answered Jan 2 at 21:13

Rick Davin



  • Rick, strictly speaking, according the the guidelines, "The field-naming guidelines apply to static public and protected fields. Internal and private fields are not covered by guidelines", but leaving that aside, I use the convention that local variables and parameters begin with lower-case, and other names begin with upper-case.
    – George Barwood
    Jan 2 at 22:52

  • Oops, pressed enter before I meant to... Still, the "IBuf" and associated fields could be better named, I didn't give any real thought to it. Agreed about composition and inheritance. I also plead guilty to abbreviation, I hope poor t3chb0t isn't scarred for life! :)
    – George Barwood
    Jan 2 at 23:01

  • 2

    @GeorgeBarwood haha, I'm not ;-] I just find that carelessness about non-public code leads to many unnecessary hours of debugging and re-trying to understand the old code. The compiler doesn't care about the formatting or naming etc but people do and if I cannot relatively quickly understand how the code works I do everything to avoid it (and not only me)... this is why you most likely should not expect a thorough review becasue your code is extremely difficult to read and to understand.
    – t3chb0t
    2 days ago

  • @GeorgeBarwood If you expect other people to read your non-public code you should treat it as public and take great care of it too and try to make it as clean as possible.
    – t3chb0t
    2 days ago

  • Rick, strictly speaking, according the the guidelines, "The field-naming guidelines apply to static public and protected fields. Internal and private fields are not covered by guidelines", but leaving that aside, I use the convention that local variables and parameters begin with lower-case, and other names begin with upper-case.
    – George Barwood
    Jan 2 at 22:52

  • Oops, pressed enter before I meant to... Still, the "IBuf" and associated fields could be better named, I didn't give any real thought to it. Agreed about composition and inheritance. I also plead guilty to abbreviation, I hope poor t3chb0t isn't scarred for life! :)
    – George Barwood
    Jan 2 at 23:01

  • 2

    @GeorgeBarwood haha, I'm not ;-] I just find that carelessness about non-public code leads to many unnecessary hours of debugging and re-trying to understand the old code. The compiler doesn't care about the formatting or naming etc but people do and if I cannot relatively quickly understand how the code works I do everything to avoid it (and not only me)... this is why you most likely should not expect a thorough review becasue your code is extremely difficult to read and to understand.
    – t3chb0t
    2 days ago

  • @GeorgeBarwood If you expect other people to read your non-public code you should treat it as public and take great care of it too and try to make it as clean as possible.
    – t3chb0t
    2 days ago

Rick, strictly speaking, according the the guidelines, "The field-naming guidelines apply to static public and protected fields. Internal and private fields are not covered by guidelines", but leaving that aside, I use the convention that local variables and parameters begin with lower-case, and other names begin with upper-case.
– George Barwood
Jan 2 at 22:52

Rick, strictly speaking, according the the guidelines, "The field-naming guidelines apply to static public and protected fields. Internal and private fields are not covered by guidelines", but leaving that aside, I use the convention that local variables and parameters begin with lower-case, and other names begin with upper-case.
– George Barwood
Jan 2 at 22:52

Oops, pressed enter before I meant to... Still, the "IBuf" and associated fields could be better named, I didn't give any real thought to it. Agreed about composition and inheritance. I also plead guilty to abbreviation, I hope poor t3chb0t isn't scarred for life! :)
– George Barwood
Jan 2 at 23:01

Oops, pressed enter before I meant to... Still, the "IBuf" and associated fields could be better named, I didn't give any real thought to it. Agreed about composition and inheritance. I also plead guilty to abbreviation, I hope poor t3chb0t isn't scarred for life! :)
– George Barwood
Jan 2 at 23:01



@GeorgeBarwood haha, I'm not ;-] I just find that carelessness about non-public code leads to many unnecessary hours of debugging and re-trying to understand the old code. The compiler doesn't care about the formatting or naming etc but people do and if I cannot relatively quickly understand how the code works I do everything to avoid it (and not only me)... this is why you most likely should not expect a thorough review becasue your code is extremely difficult to read and to understand.
– t3chb0t
2 days ago

@GeorgeBarwood haha, I'm not ;-] I just find that carelessness about non-public code leads to many unnecessary hours of debugging and re-trying to understand the old code. The compiler doesn't care about the formatting or naming etc but people do and if I cannot relatively quickly understand how the code works I do everything to avoid it (and not only me)... this is why you most likely should not expect a thorough review becasue your code is extremely difficult to read and to understand.
– t3chb0t
2 days ago

@GeorgeBarwood If you expect other people to read your non-public code you should treat it as public and take great care of it too and try to make it as clean as possible.
– t3chb0t
2 days ago

@GeorgeBarwood If you expect other people to read your non-public code you should treat it as public and take great care of it too and try to make it as clean as possible.
– t3chb0t
2 days ago



To expand a bit on what Rick and t3chb0t already said, here are some specific things that hurt the readability of your code:

  • Unnecessary abbreviations and undescriptive names. Some names convey virtually no meaning at all (n, w, x, p), while others are very unclear or do not accurately describe their meaning: ReadInp apparently performs deflation, not just input reading, and what does the 'do' in DoBlock mean?

  • Stuffing multiple statements on a single line. This makes code much more difficult to 'scan', and code that's difficult to read tends to be difficult to maintain and debug.

    • Especially jarring are lines like
      int mc = 0; while (x >= MatchOff[mc]) mc += 1; mc -= 1;
      There's no clear distinction between what's part of the while loop body and what's not. This can lead to subtle problems. Putting each statement on a separate line, and indenting the loop body makes it easier to identify the control flow at a glance.

    • Declaring multiple variables of the same type at once, separated by commas, also falls under this: it requires more care to see whether each has been properly initialized, and if not, whether that was intentional or not.

  • Related to the above point, the occasional omission of braces and sometimes inconsistent indentation doesn't help either.

  • Lack of whitespace:

    • Adding an empty line between subsequent if statements makes it more clear that they're not related, which makes it easier to quickly scan control flow.

    • Leave an empty lines between methods to provide some 'breathing space'. A wall of text is more difficult to read than an article that's split up into chapters and paragraphs.

  • Magic values - specific (numeric) values whose meaning is unclear, such as 19, 256, 257 and 288. Try using properly named constants instead.

C# specific

  • It's strange to see using Generic = System.Collections.Generic;. Namespace aliases are useful to prevent name clashes, but in my experience that's rarely a problem. In this case, System.Collections.Generic is so ubiquitously used that doing anything else than using System.Collections.Generic; will only cause confusion.

  • C# supports type inference, so Dictionary<int, PosList> dict = new Dictionary<int, PosList>(); can be simplified to var dict = new Dictionary<int, PosList>();.

  • out variables can be declared in-line, so if (dict.TryGetValue(w, out e)) can be simplified to if (dict.TryGetValue(w, out PosList e)) or if (dict.TryGetValue(w, out var e)).


  • Inheritance is the wrong tool here, as Rick already pointed out. Just because an encoder uses byte-sequences as input and output does not make it a list of bytes itself. Note how calling Deflate again will overwrite the result of any previous calls - that's very surprising behavior (in a negative way). Also note that a lot of state that is only useful during the actual deflation is kept around - wasting memory, and making your job more difficult because you have to remember to properly reset things.

  • I see two designs that could work well here:

    • A Stream-based design, where you provide a CompressionStream class that inherits from Stream (it's a stream that you can read decompressed data from) and that wraps another Stream (which contains the still-compressed data). This integrates well with file and network stream reading, among other things. Be sure to read up on how disposal (IDisposable) works.

    • An IEnumerable<byte>-based design, with an IEnumerable<byte> Deflate(IEnumerable<byte> compressedData) method. This lets you pass in a variety of collections, including arrays, lists and lazily evaluated sequences such as the results of Linq extension methods. Returning an IEnumerable<byte> allows you to return any of these as well, and lets you use yield, which can be useful in certain cases. Deflate(byteArray.Skip(4)), for example, deflates all but the first 4 bytes from byteArray, without any modifications to your code. And if Deflate uses yield, then Deflate(byteArray).Take(4) only deflates the first 4 bytes, while Deflate(byteArray).ToArray() gives you an array that contains all deflated data.

  • Rick also mentioned those buffer-related methods, they're better moved to a separate buffer class. The same can be said for those 'output stream' methods. Take a look at how StreamWriter lets you write text to an underlying Stream, while taking care of things like encoding and buffering. You could create a similar construction for writing bits.

share|improve this answer

  • The idea was for the class to compress many parts of a PDF ( each page of a PDF has a "content stream" which can be "deflated" ), so the plan was to avoid re-allocating arrays/lists each time a page is compressed, reducing garbage collection overhead. But I didn't entirely follow-through on this, and whether it's worth worrying about I don't know - I haven't done any performance testing at all, or compared it to the standard Zlib implementation. Thanks for the C# tips, I had no idea about "var" or the other language features you mention.
    – George Barwood
    2 days ago



To expand a bit on what Rick and t3chb0t already said, here are some specific things that hurt the readability of your code:

  • Unnecessary abbreviations and undescriptive names. Some names convey virtually no meaning at all (n, w, x, p), while others are very unclear or do not accurately describe their meaning: ReadInp apparently performs deflation, not just input reading, and what does the 'do' in DoBlock mean?

  • Stuffing multiple statements on a single line. This makes code much more difficult to 'scan', and code that's difficult to read tends to be difficult to maintain and debug.

    • Especially jarring are lines like
      int mc = 0; while (x >= MatchOff[mc]) mc += 1; mc -= 1;
      There's no clear distinction between what's part of the while loop body and what's not. This can lead to subtle problems. Putting each statement on a separate line, and indenting the loop body makes it easier to identify the control flow at a glance.

    • Declaring multiple variables of the same type at once, separated by commas, also falls under this: it requires more care to see whether each has been properly initialized, and if not, whether that was intentional or not.

  • Related to the above point, the occasional omission of braces and sometimes inconsistent indentation doesn't help either.

  • Lack of whitespace:

    • Adding an empty line between subsequent if statements makes it more clear that they're not related, which makes it easier to quickly scan control flow.

    • Leave an empty lines between methods to provide some 'breathing space'. A wall of text is more difficult to read than an article that's split up into chapters and paragraphs.

  • Magic values - specific (numeric) values whose meaning is unclear, such as 19, 256, 257 and 288. Try using properly named constants instead.

C# specific

  • It's strange to see using Generic = System.Collections.Generic;. Namespace aliases are useful to prevent name clashes, but in my experience that's rarely a problem. In this case, System.Collections.Generic is so ubiquitously used that doing anything else than using System.Collections.Generic; will only cause confusion.

  • C# supports type inference, so Dictionary<int, PosList> dict = new Dictionary<int, PosList>(); can be simplified to var dict = new Dictionary<int, PosList>();.

  • out variables can be declared in-line, so if (dict.TryGetValue(w, out e)) can be simplified to if (dict.TryGetValue(w, out PosList e)) or if (dict.TryGetValue(w, out var e)).


  • Inheritance is the wrong tool here, as Rick already pointed out. Just because an encoder uses byte-sequences as input and output does not make it a list of bytes itself. Note how calling Deflate again will overwrite the result of any previous calls - that's very surprising behavior (in a negative way). Also note that a lot of state that is only useful during the actual deflation is kept around - wasting memory, and making your job more difficult because you have to remember to properly reset things.

  • I see two designs that could work well here:

    • A Stream-based design, where you provide a CompressionStream class that inherits from Stream (it's a stream that you can read decompressed data from) and that wraps another Stream (which contains the still-compressed data). This integrates well with file and network stream reading, among other things. Be sure to read up on how disposal (IDisposable) works.

    • An IEnumerable<byte>-based design, with an IEnumerable<byte> Deflate(IEnumerable<byte> compressedData) method. This lets you pass in a variety of collections, including arrays, lists and lazily evaluated sequences such as the results of Linq extension methods. Returning an IEnumerable<byte> allows you to return any of these as well, and lets you use yield, which can be useful in certain cases. Deflate(byteArray.Skip(4)), for example, deflates all but the first 4 bytes from byteArray, without any modifications to your code. And if Deflate uses yield, then Deflate(byteArray).Take(4) only deflates the first 4 bytes, while Deflate(byteArray).ToArray() gives you an array that contains all deflated data.

  • Rick also mentioned those buffer-related methods, they're better moved to a separate buffer class. The same can be said for those 'output stream' methods. Take a look at how StreamWriter lets you write text to an underlying Stream, while taking care of things like encoding and buffering. You could create a similar construction for writing bits.

share|improve this answer

  • The idea was for the class to compress many parts of a PDF ( each page of a PDF has a "content stream" which can be "deflated" ), so the plan was to avoid re-allocating arrays/lists each time a page is compressed, reducing garbage collection overhead. But I didn't entirely follow-through on this, and whether it's worth worrying about I don't know - I haven't done any performance testing at all, or compared it to the standard Zlib implementation. Thanks for the C# tips, I had no idea about "var" or the other language features you mention.
    – George Barwood
    2 days ago





To expand a bit on what Rick and t3chb0t already said, here are some specific things that hurt the readability of your code:

  • Unnecessary abbreviations and undescriptive names. Some names convey virtually no meaning at all (n, w, x, p), while others are very unclear or do not accurately describe their meaning: ReadInp apparently performs deflation, not just input reading, and what does the 'do' in DoBlock mean?

  • Stuffing multiple statements on a single line. This makes code much more difficult to 'scan', and code that's difficult to read tends to be difficult to maintain and debug.

    • Especially jarring are lines like
      int mc = 0; while (x >= MatchOff[mc]) mc += 1; mc -= 1;
      There's no clear distinction between what's part of the while loop body and what's not. This can lead to subtle problems. Putting each statement on a separate line, and indenting the loop body makes it easier to identify the control flow at a glance.

    • Declaring multiple variables of the same type at once, separated by commas, also falls under this: it requires more care to see whether each has been properly initialized, and if not, whether that was intentional or not.

  • Related to the above point, the occasional omission of braces and sometimes inconsistent indentation doesn't help either.

  • Lack of whitespace:

    • Adding an empty line between subsequent if statements makes it more clear that they're not related, which makes it easier to quickly scan control flow.

    • Leave an empty lines between methods to provide some 'breathing space'. A wall of text is more difficult to read than an article that's split up into chapters and paragraphs.

  • Magic values - specific (numeric) values whose meaning is unclear, such as 19, 256, 257 and 288. Try using properly named constants instead.

C# specific

  • It's strange to see using Generic = System.Collections.Generic;. Namespace aliases are useful to prevent name clashes, but in my experience that's rarely a problem. In this case, System.Collections.Generic is so ubiquitously used that doing anything else than using System.Collections.Generic; will only cause confusion.

  • C# supports type inference, so Dictionary<int, PosList> dict = new Dictionary<int, PosList>(); can be simplified to var dict = new Dictionary<int, PosList>();.

  • out variables can be declared in-line, so if (dict.TryGetValue(w, out e)) can be simplified to if (dict.TryGetValue(w, out PosList e)) or if (dict.TryGetValue(w, out var e)).


  • Inheritance is the wrong tool here, as Rick already pointed out. Just because an encoder uses byte-sequences as input and output does not make it a list of bytes itself. Note how calling Deflate again will overwrite the result of any previous calls - that's very surprising behavior (in a negative way). Also note that a lot of state that is only useful during the actual deflation is kept around - wasting memory, and making your job more difficult because you have to remember to properly reset things.

  • I see two designs that could work well here:

    • A Stream-based design, where you provide a CompressionStream class that inherits from Stream (it's a stream that you can read decompressed data from) and that wraps another Stream (which contains the still-compressed data). This integrates well with file and network stream reading, among other things. Be sure to read up on how disposal (IDisposable) works.

    • An IEnumerable<byte>-based design, with an IEnumerable<byte> Deflate(IEnumerable<byte> compressedData) method. This lets you pass in a variety of collections, including arrays, lists and lazily evaluated sequences such as the results of Linq extension methods. Returning an IEnumerable<byte> allows you to return any of these as well, and lets you use yield, which can be useful in certain cases. Deflate(byteArray.Skip(4)), for example, deflates all but the first 4 bytes from byteArray, without any modifications to your code. And if Deflate uses yield, then Deflate(byteArray).Take(4) only deflates the first 4 bytes, while Deflate(byteArray).ToArray() gives you an array that contains all deflated data.

  • Rick also mentioned those buffer-related methods, they're better moved to a separate buffer class. The same can be said for those 'output stream' methods. Take a look at how StreamWriter lets you write text to an underlying Stream, while taking care of things like encoding and buffering. You could create a similar construction for writing bits.

share|improve this answer


To expand a bit on what Rick and t3chb0t already said, here are some specific things that hurt the readability of your code:

  • Unnecessary abbreviations and undescriptive names. Some names convey virtually no meaning at all (n, w, x, p), while others are very unclear or do not accurately describe their meaning: ReadInp apparently performs deflation, not just input reading, and what does the 'do' in DoBlock mean?

  • Stuffing multiple statements on a single line. This makes code much more difficult to 'scan', and code that's difficult to read tends to be difficult to maintain and debug.

    • Especially jarring are lines like
      int mc = 0; while (x >= MatchOff[mc]) mc += 1; mc -= 1;
      There's no clear distinction between what's part of the while loop body and what's not. This can lead to subtle problems. Putting each statement on a separate line, and indenting the loop body makes it easier to identify the control flow at a glance.

    • Declaring multiple variables of the same type at once, separated by commas, also falls under this: it requires more care to see whether each has been properly initialized, and if not, whether that was intentional or not.

  • Related to the above point, the occasional omission of braces and sometimes inconsistent indentation doesn't help either.

  • Lack of whitespace:

    • Adding an empty line between subsequent if statements makes it more clear that they're not related, which makes it easier to quickly scan control flow.

    • Leave an empty lines between methods to provide some 'breathing space'. A wall of text is more difficult to read than an article that's split up into chapters and paragraphs.

  • Magic values - specific (numeric) values whose meaning is unclear, such as 19, 256, 257 and 288. Try using properly named constants instead.

C# specific

  • It's strange to see using Generic = System.Collections.Generic;. Namespace aliases are useful to prevent name clashes, but in my experience that's rarely a problem. In this case, System.Collections.Generic is so ubiquitously used that doing anything else than using System.Collections.Generic; will only cause confusion.

  • C# supports type inference, so Dictionary<int, PosList> dict = new Dictionary<int, PosList>(); can be simplified to var dict = new Dictionary<int, PosList>();.

  • out variables can be declared in-line, so if (dict.TryGetValue(w, out e)) can be simplified to if (dict.TryGetValue(w, out PosList e)) or if (dict.TryGetValue(w, out var e)).


  • Inheritance is the wrong tool here, as Rick already pointed out. Just because an encoder uses byte-sequences as input and output does not make it a list of bytes itself. Note how calling Deflate again will overwrite the result of any previous calls - that's very surprising behavior (in a negative way). Also note that a lot of state that is only useful during the actual deflation is kept around - wasting memory, and making your job more difficult because you have to remember to properly reset things.

  • I see two designs that could work well here:

    • A Stream-based design, where you provide a CompressionStream class that inherits from Stream (it's a stream that you can read decompressed data from) and that wraps another Stream (which contains the still-compressed data). This integrates well with file and network stream reading, among other things. Be sure to read up on how disposal (IDisposable) works.

    • An IEnumerable<byte>-based design, with an IEnumerable<byte> Deflate(IEnumerable<byte> compressedData) method. This lets you pass in a variety of collections, including arrays, lists and lazily evaluated sequences such as the results of Linq extension methods. Returning an IEnumerable<byte> allows you to return any of these as well, and lets you use yield, which can be useful in certain cases. Deflate(byteArray.Skip(4)), for example, deflates all but the first 4 bytes from byteArray, without any modifications to your code. And if Deflate uses yield, then Deflate(byteArray).Take(4) only deflates the first 4 bytes, while Deflate(byteArray).ToArray() gives you an array that contains all deflated data.

  • Rick also mentioned those buffer-related methods, they're better moved to a separate buffer class. The same can be said for those 'output stream' methods. Take a look at how StreamWriter lets you write text to an underlying Stream, while taking care of things like encoding and buffering. You could create a similar construction for writing bits.

share|improve this answer

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share|improve this answer

edited 2 days ago




answered 2 days ago

Pieter Witvoet



  • The idea was for the class to compress many parts of a PDF ( each page of a PDF has a "content stream" which can be "deflated" ), so the plan was to avoid re-allocating arrays/lists each time a page is compressed, reducing garbage collection overhead. But I didn't entirely follow-through on this, and whether it's worth worrying about I don't know - I haven't done any performance testing at all, or compared it to the standard Zlib implementation. Thanks for the C# tips, I had no idea about "var" or the other language features you mention.
    – George Barwood
    2 days ago

  • The idea was for the class to compress many parts of a PDF ( each page of a PDF has a "content stream" which can be "deflated" ), so the plan was to avoid re-allocating arrays/lists each time a page is compressed, reducing garbage collection overhead. But I didn't entirely follow-through on this, and whether it's worth worrying about I don't know - I haven't done any performance testing at all, or compared it to the standard Zlib implementation. Thanks for the C# tips, I had no idea about "var" or the other language features you mention.
    – George Barwood
    2 days ago

The idea was for the class to compress many parts of a PDF ( each page of a PDF has a "content stream" which can be "deflated" ), so the plan was to avoid re-allocating arrays/lists each time a page is compressed, reducing garbage collection overhead. But I didn't entirely follow-through on this, and whether it's worth worrying about I don't know - I haven't done any performance testing at all, or compared it to the standard Zlib implementation. Thanks for the C# tips, I had no idea about "var" or the other language features you mention.
– George Barwood
2 days ago

The idea was for the class to compress many parts of a PDF ( each page of a PDF has a "content stream" which can be "deflated" ), so the plan was to avoid re-allocating arrays/lists each time a page is compressed, reducing garbage collection overhead. But I didn't entirely follow-through on this, and whether it's worth worrying about I don't know - I haven't done any performance testing at all, or compared it to the standard Zlib implementation. Thanks for the C# tips, I had no idea about "var" or the other language features you mention.
– George Barwood
2 days ago

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