
Showing posts from November 29, 2018

Intel GMA 4500 driver for Windows 10

up vote 0 down vote favorite I have a Thinkpad X200 with Intel GMA 4500MHD onboard graphics. As of 2018, it seems that Intel is no longer supporting this card and there is no official driver available for Windows 10 on the Intel website. The generic driver provided by Windows does not support hardware 3D acceleration despite the card having OpenGL 2.1 capabilities. Does anybody know where Windows 10 compatible drivers for this card can be found? Given that neither Intel nor Microsoft have released one, is there a third party driver available anywhere, or one hacked together by enthusiasts? Failing that, what would it take to modify the Windows 7 driver so that it works in Windows 10? windows-10 drivers share | improve this...

Socket client-server app for exchanging sine-wave points

up vote 4 down vote favorite 1 I wanted to try C# network programming and wrote this simple client/server application. The idea is - many clients can connect to server and request some data. As an example they request a set of points on sine-wave (required number of points and time span is up to each user). The server then calculates required points and sends them to each user. As this is my first program of that kind (and because I frankensteined it from 2 different examples) I guess there are definitely errors/smell here and I would be really grateful to hear them. First - server setup: class Program { static void Main(string args) { IPHostEntry iph = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()); IPAddress serverAddress = iph.AddressList[1]; int server_Port = 1337; int maxConnection...