
Showing posts from March 23, 2019

ASRock UEFI setup utility has no option to disable secure boot

2 I want to downgrade my computer from Windows 8.1 to Windows 7. I originally had Windows 7 on my desktop, then upgraded to Windows 8, then Microsoft basically forced me to upgrade to Windows 8.1. I was getting tired of Windows 8.1, and want to go back to 7. My motherboard is an ASRock P67 Extreme4 Gen3 motherboard I bought roughly 2 years ago. I can hit F2 to get into the EFI, but when I go to the Security Tab, there's no option to disable secure boot. This is what my firmware looks like: and here is what the same firmware looks like on tutorials that I have tried following: Could someone help me out here? Why is there a difference? Also, are there any subtle things I should know about before I attempt this process of getting Windows 7 working on my Windows 8 computer? Any help would be much appre...

Premi Oscar 2011

James Franco e Anne Hathaway sono gli attori scelti per condurre l'83ª cerimonia degli Academy Awards. L' 83ª edizione della cerimonia di premiazione degli Oscar si è tenuta al Kodak Theatre di Los Angeles il 27 febbraio 2011. A condurre la serata sono stati scelti gli attori statunitensi James Franco e Anne Hathaway, entrambi alla loro prima esperienza. [1] Durante la serata sono stati chiamati ad annunciare i vincitori e/o ad esibirsi Amy Adams, Javier Bardem, Annette Bening, Halle Berry, Cate Blanchett, Russell Brand, Jeff Bridges, Josh Brolin, Sandra Bullock, Kirk Douglas, Robert Downey Jr., Tom Hanks, Hugh Jackman, Scarlett Johansson, Nicole Kidman, Mila Kunis, Jude Law, Zachary Levi, Matthew McConaughey, Alan Menken, Helen Mirren, Mandy Moore, Randy Newman, Gwyneth Paltrow, A.R. Rahman, William Ross, Hilary Swank, Marisa Tomei, Florence Welch, Oprah Winfrey e Reese Witherspoon; [2] Kathryn Bigelow ha presentato il premio miglior regia, mentre Steven Spielberg ...