User class: Getting user data, Loggin in, secure CSRF session handling, Logout - A class working example...


I wrote this class a few months ago and noticed from a few examples that it's better to break down these classes and separate them.
I am not so sure what is the proper way to break if to parts.

It currently includes a creation of a System_user obj based on user id (fetching user data), login validation, logout, storing user data to session(more specifically CSRF), and I think that's all..

This is my working code:

namespace MyAppModels;

use Exception;
use MyAppCoreDatabase;
use MyAppCoreConfig;
use MyAppHelpersSession;
use MyAppHelpersCookie;
use MyAppHelpersToken;
use MyAppHelpersGeneral;
use MyAppHelpersHash;

* System User Class
class System_user

= Variables =

# @object database Database instance
private $db;

# Users data
private $data;

# User user ID name
public $user_id;

# User first name
public $first_name;

# User last name
public $last_name;

# Username
public $user_name;

# User Email
public $email;

# User Last logged in
public $last_login;

# is user logged in
public $isLoggedIn;

# is user logged in
public $login_timestamp;

# is user IP
private $user_ip;

= Methods =

* Construct
public function __construct($system_user = NULL)
# Get database instance
$this->db = Database::getInstance();

# If system_user isn't passed as a variable
if ( !$system_user ) {

# check if there is a session user id set
if (Session::exists(Config::$session_name)) {

# Insert session data to system_user variable
$system_user = Session::get(Config::$session_name);

# Get user data

} else {

* Find method: Find user by id or by username
* @param $user String/Init A username or user ID
public function find($system_user = NULL)
if ($system_user) {

// Enable search for a system_user by a string name or if numeric - so by id.
$field = ( is_numeric($system_user) ) ? 'system_user_id' : 'uname';

// Search for the system_user in the Database 'system_users' table.
$data = $this->db->row("SELECT system_user_id, fname, lname, uname, email, last_login FROM system_users WHERE {$field} = :sys_user", array('sys_user' => $system_user));

// If there is a result
if ( $data ) {
// Set data

return $this;
} else {
return false;
return false;

* Check if user exist in 'system_users' table
* @param $username String Get a username user input
* @param $password String Get a password user input
* @throws Array/Boolian Is this a signed System user?
private function system_user_login_validation($username, $password)
$user_data = $this->db->row("SELECT system_user_id, fname, lname, uname, email, last_login FROM system_users WHERE uname = :username AND password = :password", array('username' => $username, 'password' => sha1($password)));

if ($user_data)
return $user_data;
return false;

* Login method
* @param $customer_name String Get a customer_name user input
* @param $username String Get a username user input
* @param $password String Get a password user input
* @throws Boolian Is this a signed System user?
public function login($customer_name, $username, $password)

# Create a Customer Obj
$customer = new MyAppModelsCustomer($customer_name);

try {
# Check if the result is an array
# OR there is no row result:
if ( (!isset($customer)) || (!isset($customer->dbName)) || (!isset($customer->host)) )
throw new MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException("Bad company name: {$customer_name}");

# Change localhost string to (prevent dns lookup)
$customer->host = ($customer->host === 'localhost') ? '' : $customer->host;

# Connect to new database
$new_connection = $this->db->customer_connect($customer->host, $customer->dbName);

# If status is connected
if ($new_connection) {

# Check for user credentials data
$user_data = $this->system_user_login_validation($username, $password);

# If the result isn't a valid array - EXEPTION
if ( (!is_array($user_data)) || (empty($user_data)) )
throw new MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException("Customer: '{$customer_name}' - Invalid username ({$username}) or password ({$password})");

# Store Customer in the sesison
Session::put(Config::$customer, serialize($customer));

# Update host and db for the db object
# $this->db->update_host_and_db($customer->host, $customer->dbName);

# Set data for this System_user object

# Set a login session for the user id:
Session::put(Config::$session_name, $this->user_id);

# Set logged in user sessions

return $this;

} else {
# Connect back to backoffice (current db set)
throw new MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException('User does not exist');
return false;

} catch (MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException $e) {
return false;
// die(General::toJson(array( 'status' => false, 'message' => 'Bad login credentials.' )));

* Set sessions for the logged in user.
* Tutorial:
public function set_loggedin_user_sessions()
# Generate security sessions

# Set login timestamp
Session::put(Config::$login_timestamp, $this->login_timestamp);

# Set login flag to true
Session::put(Config::$is_logged_in, true);

# Set login IP
Session::put(Config::$login_user_ip, $this->user_ip);

* Generate system user security sessions
* @param $new_session Boolean (optinal) Dedices if to delete the cookie session id [default is set to true]
public function generate_security_sessions($new_session = true)
if ($new_session)
# Generate a new session ID

# Fetch cookie session ID
$session_id = session_id();
# Set the session id to the session
Session::put(Config::$session_id, $session_id);

# Create a secret token
# Set it in session (does them both)
$secret = Token::generate_login_token();

# Combine secret and session_id and create a hash
$combined = Hash::make_from_array(array($secret, $session_id, $this->user_ip));
# Add combined to session
Session::put(Config::$combined, $combined);

* Check if there is a logged in user
public function check_logged_in()
if ( Session::exists(Config::$secret) && # Secret session exists
Session::exists(Config::$session_id) && # Session_id session exists
Session::exists(Config::$session_name) && # User session exists
Session::exists(Config::$is_logged_in) && # Check if 'logged in' session exists
Session::exists(Config::$session_name) # Check if sys_user id is set in session
# Get users ip
$ip = $this->get_system_user_ip();

# if the saved bombined session
if (
(Session::get(Config::$combined) === Hash::make_from_array(array(Session::get(Config::$secret), session_id()), $ip)) &&
(Session::get(Config::$is_logged_in) === true )
# Set ip to system user object
$this->user_ip = $ip;

return true;

} else {
return false;
else {
return false;

* Check if loggin session is timeout
public function check_timeout()
if (Session::exists(Config::$login_timestamp)){

# Calculate time
$session_lifetime_seconds = time() - Session::get(Config::$login_timestamp) ;

if ($session_lifetime_seconds > Config::MAX_TIME){
return true;
} else {
return false;

} else {
return false;

* Get user IP
private function get_system_user_ip()
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']))
elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']))

return $ip;

* Set User data to (this) System_user object
* @param $user_data Array User data fetched from the db (usually by the find method)
private function setUserData($user_data)
// Set data for this user object
$this->user_id = $user_data['system_user_id'];
$this->first_name = $user_data['fname'];
$this->last_name = $user_data['lname'];
$this->user_name = $user_data['uname'];
$this->email = $user_data['email'];
$this->last_login = $user_data['last_login'];

$this->isLoggedIn = true;
$this->user_ip = $this->get_system_user_ip();
$this->login_timestamp = time();

* Logout: Now guess what this method does..
public function logout()
$this->isLoggedIn = false;


I would like to get suggestions about my current code, and if possible, about structuring it differently with more than one class. (class SystemUser, class systemUserLogin, class systemUserAuthenticator, ect')

ps: In general, the webapp by default logs in to a general database. when a user inserts his company_name, username and password, I check if the company name actually exist, if if does, I disconnect from the general db and connect to the customers database and validate his username & password.

This is the new class I started writing (not tested, so I cant assure this is a working code) with more classes following this example & inspired by this post I found, while tring to follow the SOLID principals and PSR standards, focusing on the structure and architecture.

namespace MyAppModels;

use MyAppCoreConfig;
use MyAppHelpersSession;
use MyAppCoreDatabase;

* System User Class
class SystemUser

= Variables =

# @obj SystemUser profile information (fullname, profile picture... etc')
protected $systemUserDetatils;
# @obj SystemUser Login data
protected $systemUserLogin;
# @obj SystemUser Authenticator
protected $systemUserAuthenticator;

= Methods =

* Construct
public function __construct($systemUserId = NULL)
# If system_user passed
if ( $systemUserId ) {

# Create systemUserDedatils obj
$this->systemUserDetatils = new MyAppModelsSystemUserSystemUserDetatils();

# Get SysUser data

} else {

# Check for sysUser id in the session:
$systemUserId = $this->systemUserDetatils->getUserFromSession();

# Get user data from session
if ( $systemUserId ) {

# Create systemUserDedatils obj
$this->systemUserDetatils = new MyAppModelsSystemUserSystemUserDetatils();

# Get SysUser data

* Set Login: Sets the SystemUserLogin object to $systemUserLogin variable
* @param $_systemUserLogin SystemUserLogin Gets a SystemUserLogin object
public function setSystemUserLogin(SystemUserLogin $_systemUserLogin)
$this->systemUserLogin = $_systemUserLogin;

* Login
public function login()


namespace MyAppModelsSystemUser;

use MyAppCoreConfig;
use MyAppHelpersSession;

* System User Details Class
class SystemUserDetails

= Variables =

# @object database Database instance
private $db;

# Users data
private $data;

# User user ID name
public $userId;

# User first name
public $firstName;

# User last name
public $lastName;

# Username
public $userName;

# User Email
public $email;

# User Last logged in
public $lastLogin;

/*# is user logged in
public $isLoggedIn;

# is user logged in
public $login_timestamp;*/

# is user IP
private $user_ip;

= Methods =

* Construct
public function __construct()
# Get database instance
$this->db = Database::getInstance();

* Find method: Find user by id or by username
* @param $user String / Init A username or user ID
* @return
public function get(Int $systemUserId)
if ($systemUserId) {

# Enable search for a system_user by a string name or if numeric - so by id.
$field = ( is_numeric($systemUserId) ) ? 'system_user_id' : 'uname';

# Search for the system_user in the Database 'system_users' table.
$data = $this->db->row("SELECT system_user_id, fname, lname, uname, email, last_login FROM system_users WHERE {$field} = :sys_user", array('sys_user' => $systemUserId));

# If there is a result
if ( $data ) {

# Set data

return $this;
} else {
return false;
else {
return false;

* Set User data to $this obj
* @param $userData Array User data fetched from the db (usually by the find method)
* @return
public function set(Array $userData)
// Set data for this user object
$this->userId = $userData['system_user_id'];
$this->firstName = $userData['fname'];
$this->lastName = $userData['lname'];
$this->userName = $userData['uname'];
$this->email = $userData['email'];
$this->lastLogin = $userData['last_login'];

* Get User from session
* @param
* @return
public function getUserFromSession()
# Check if there is a session user id set
if (Session::exists(Config::$session_name)) {

# Insert session data to system_user variable
return Session::get(Config::$session_name);

} else {
# Returning false cause there is no user id session
return false;

namespace MyAppModelsSystemUser;

* System User Details Class
class systemUserLogin

= Variables =

# @str Customer name
public $customerName;

# @str UserName
public $userName;

# @str Password
public $password;

# @str user IP
public $userIp;

= Methods =

* Construct - Set customer, username and password
* @param $_customerName String
* @param $_userName String
* @param $_password String
public function __construct(String $_customerName, String $_userName, String $_password)
$this->customerName = $_customerName;
$this->userName = $_userName;
$this->password = $_password;
$this->userIp = $this->getSystemUserIp();

* Get user IP
* @return String Returns the user IP that is trying to connect.
private function getSystemUserIp()
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']))
elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']))

return $ip;


namespace MyAppModelsSystemUser;

* System User Details Class
class systemUserAuthenticator

= Variables =

# @object Database instance
private $db;

# @bool Is logged in
public $isLoggedIn = false;

# @str Login Timestamp
public $loginTimestamp;

= Methods =

* Construct
public function __construct()
# Get database instance
$this->db = Database::getInstance();

* Login method
* @param $customer_name String Get a customer_name user input
* @param $username String Get a username user input
* @param $password String Get a password user input
* @throws Boolian Is this a signed System user?
public function login(User $user)
# Create a Customer Obj
$customer = new MyAppModelsCustomer($user->SystemUserLogin->customerName);

try {
# Check if the result is an array
# OR there is no row result:
if ( (!isset($customer)) || (!isset($customer->dbName)) || (!isset($customer->host)) )
throw new MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException("Bad company name: {$user->SystemUserLogin->customerName}");

# Change localhost string to (prevent dns lookup)
$customer->host = ($customer->host === 'localhost') ? '' : $customer->host;

# Connect to new database
$new_connection = $this->db->customer_connect($customer->host, $customer->dbName);

# If status is connected
if ($new_connection) {

# Check for user credentials data
$user_data = $this->system_user_login_validation($user->SystemUserLogin->userName, $user->SystemUserLogin->password);

# If the result isn't a valid array - EXEPTION
if ( (!is_array($user_data)) || (empty($user_data)) )
throw new MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException("Customer: '{$user->SystemUserLogin->customerName}' - Invalid username ({$user->SystemUserLogin->userName}) or password ({$user->SystemUserLogin->password})");

# Store Customer in the sesison
Session::put(Config::$customer, serialize($customer));

# Update host and db for the db object
# $this->db->update_host_and_db($customer->host, $customer->dbName);

# Set data for this System_user object

# Set a login session for the user id:
Session::put(Config::$session_name, $this->user_id);

# Set logged in user sessions

return $this;

} else {
# Connect back to backoffice (current db set)
throw new MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException('User does not exist');
return false;

} catch (MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException $e) {
return false;
// die(General::toJson(array( 'status' => false, 'message' => 'Bad login credentials.' )));

* Check if user exist in 'system_users' table
* @param $username String Get a username user input
* @param $password String Get a password user input
* @throws Array/Boolian Is this a signed System user?
private function systemUserLoginValidation($username, $password)
$userData = $this->db->row("SELECT system_user_id, fname, lname, uname, email, last_login FROM system_users WHERE uname = :username AND password = :password", array('username' => $username, 'password' => sha1($password)));

if ($userData)
return $userData;
return false;


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    I wrote this class a few months ago and noticed from a few examples that it's better to break down these classes and separate them.
    I am not so sure what is the proper way to break if to parts.

    It currently includes a creation of a System_user obj based on user id (fetching user data), login validation, logout, storing user data to session(more specifically CSRF), and I think that's all..

    This is my working code:

    namespace MyAppModels;

    use Exception;
    use MyAppCoreDatabase;
    use MyAppCoreConfig;
    use MyAppHelpersSession;
    use MyAppHelpersCookie;
    use MyAppHelpersToken;
    use MyAppHelpersGeneral;
    use MyAppHelpersHash;

    * System User Class
    class System_user

    = Variables =

    # @object database Database instance
    private $db;

    # Users data
    private $data;

    # User user ID name
    public $user_id;

    # User first name
    public $first_name;

    # User last name
    public $last_name;

    # Username
    public $user_name;

    # User Email
    public $email;

    # User Last logged in
    public $last_login;

    # is user logged in
    public $isLoggedIn;

    # is user logged in
    public $login_timestamp;

    # is user IP
    private $user_ip;

    = Methods =

    * Construct
    public function __construct($system_user = NULL)
    # Get database instance
    $this->db = Database::getInstance();

    # If system_user isn't passed as a variable
    if ( !$system_user ) {

    # check if there is a session user id set
    if (Session::exists(Config::$session_name)) {

    # Insert session data to system_user variable
    $system_user = Session::get(Config::$session_name);

    # Get user data

    } else {

    * Find method: Find user by id or by username
    * @param $user String/Init A username or user ID
    public function find($system_user = NULL)
    if ($system_user) {

    // Enable search for a system_user by a string name or if numeric - so by id.
    $field = ( is_numeric($system_user) ) ? 'system_user_id' : 'uname';

    // Search for the system_user in the Database 'system_users' table.
    $data = $this->db->row("SELECT system_user_id, fname, lname, uname, email, last_login FROM system_users WHERE {$field} = :sys_user", array('sys_user' => $system_user));

    // If there is a result
    if ( $data ) {
    // Set data

    return $this;
    } else {
    return false;
    return false;

    * Check if user exist in 'system_users' table
    * @param $username String Get a username user input
    * @param $password String Get a password user input
    * @throws Array/Boolian Is this a signed System user?
    private function system_user_login_validation($username, $password)
    $user_data = $this->db->row("SELECT system_user_id, fname, lname, uname, email, last_login FROM system_users WHERE uname = :username AND password = :password", array('username' => $username, 'password' => sha1($password)));

    if ($user_data)
    return $user_data;
    return false;

    * Login method
    * @param $customer_name String Get a customer_name user input
    * @param $username String Get a username user input
    * @param $password String Get a password user input
    * @throws Boolian Is this a signed System user?
    public function login($customer_name, $username, $password)

    # Create a Customer Obj
    $customer = new MyAppModelsCustomer($customer_name);

    try {
    # Check if the result is an array
    # OR there is no row result:
    if ( (!isset($customer)) || (!isset($customer->dbName)) || (!isset($customer->host)) )
    throw new MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException("Bad company name: {$customer_name}");

    # Change localhost string to (prevent dns lookup)
    $customer->host = ($customer->host === 'localhost') ? '' : $customer->host;

    # Connect to new database
    $new_connection = $this->db->customer_connect($customer->host, $customer->dbName);

    # If status is connected
    if ($new_connection) {

    # Check for user credentials data
    $user_data = $this->system_user_login_validation($username, $password);

    # If the result isn't a valid array - EXEPTION
    if ( (!is_array($user_data)) || (empty($user_data)) )
    throw new MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException("Customer: '{$customer_name}' - Invalid username ({$username}) or password ({$password})");

    # Store Customer in the sesison
    Session::put(Config::$customer, serialize($customer));

    # Update host and db for the db object
    # $this->db->update_host_and_db($customer->host, $customer->dbName);

    # Set data for this System_user object

    # Set a login session for the user id:
    Session::put(Config::$session_name, $this->user_id);

    # Set logged in user sessions

    return $this;

    } else {
    # Connect back to backoffice (current db set)
    throw new MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException('User does not exist');
    return false;

    } catch (MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException $e) {
    return false;
    // die(General::toJson(array( 'status' => false, 'message' => 'Bad login credentials.' )));

    * Set sessions for the logged in user.
    * Tutorial:
    public function set_loggedin_user_sessions()
    # Generate security sessions

    # Set login timestamp
    Session::put(Config::$login_timestamp, $this->login_timestamp);

    # Set login flag to true
    Session::put(Config::$is_logged_in, true);

    # Set login IP
    Session::put(Config::$login_user_ip, $this->user_ip);

    * Generate system user security sessions
    * @param $new_session Boolean (optinal) Dedices if to delete the cookie session id [default is set to true]
    public function generate_security_sessions($new_session = true)
    if ($new_session)
    # Generate a new session ID

    # Fetch cookie session ID
    $session_id = session_id();
    # Set the session id to the session
    Session::put(Config::$session_id, $session_id);

    # Create a secret token
    # Set it in session (does them both)
    $secret = Token::generate_login_token();

    # Combine secret and session_id and create a hash
    $combined = Hash::make_from_array(array($secret, $session_id, $this->user_ip));
    # Add combined to session
    Session::put(Config::$combined, $combined);

    * Check if there is a logged in user
    public function check_logged_in()
    if ( Session::exists(Config::$secret) && # Secret session exists
    Session::exists(Config::$session_id) && # Session_id session exists
    Session::exists(Config::$session_name) && # User session exists
    Session::exists(Config::$is_logged_in) && # Check if 'logged in' session exists
    Session::exists(Config::$session_name) # Check if sys_user id is set in session
    # Get users ip
    $ip = $this->get_system_user_ip();

    # if the saved bombined session
    if (
    (Session::get(Config::$combined) === Hash::make_from_array(array(Session::get(Config::$secret), session_id()), $ip)) &&
    (Session::get(Config::$is_logged_in) === true )
    # Set ip to system user object
    $this->user_ip = $ip;

    return true;

    } else {
    return false;
    else {
    return false;

    * Check if loggin session is timeout
    public function check_timeout()
    if (Session::exists(Config::$login_timestamp)){

    # Calculate time
    $session_lifetime_seconds = time() - Session::get(Config::$login_timestamp) ;

    if ($session_lifetime_seconds > Config::MAX_TIME){
    return true;
    } else {
    return false;

    } else {
    return false;

    * Get user IP
    private function get_system_user_ip()
    if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']))
    $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];
    elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']))
    $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

    return $ip;

    * Set User data to (this) System_user object
    * @param $user_data Array User data fetched from the db (usually by the find method)
    private function setUserData($user_data)
    // Set data for this user object
    $this->user_id = $user_data['system_user_id'];
    $this->first_name = $user_data['fname'];
    $this->last_name = $user_data['lname'];
    $this->user_name = $user_data['uname'];
    $this->email = $user_data['email'];
    $this->last_login = $user_data['last_login'];

    $this->isLoggedIn = true;
    $this->user_ip = $this->get_system_user_ip();
    $this->login_timestamp = time();

    * Logout: Now guess what this method does..
    public function logout()
    $this->isLoggedIn = false;


    I would like to get suggestions about my current code, and if possible, about structuring it differently with more than one class. (class SystemUser, class systemUserLogin, class systemUserAuthenticator, ect')

    ps: In general, the webapp by default logs in to a general database. when a user inserts his company_name, username and password, I check if the company name actually exist, if if does, I disconnect from the general db and connect to the customers database and validate his username & password.

    This is the new class I started writing (not tested, so I cant assure this is a working code) with more classes following this example & inspired by this post I found, while tring to follow the SOLID principals and PSR standards, focusing on the structure and architecture.

    namespace MyAppModels;

    use MyAppCoreConfig;
    use MyAppHelpersSession;
    use MyAppCoreDatabase;

    * System User Class
    class SystemUser

    = Variables =

    # @obj SystemUser profile information (fullname, profile picture... etc')
    protected $systemUserDetatils;
    # @obj SystemUser Login data
    protected $systemUserLogin;
    # @obj SystemUser Authenticator
    protected $systemUserAuthenticator;

    = Methods =

    * Construct
    public function __construct($systemUserId = NULL)
    # If system_user passed
    if ( $systemUserId ) {

    # Create systemUserDedatils obj
    $this->systemUserDetatils = new MyAppModelsSystemUserSystemUserDetatils();

    # Get SysUser data

    } else {

    # Check for sysUser id in the session:
    $systemUserId = $this->systemUserDetatils->getUserFromSession();

    # Get user data from session
    if ( $systemUserId ) {

    # Create systemUserDedatils obj
    $this->systemUserDetatils = new MyAppModelsSystemUserSystemUserDetatils();

    # Get SysUser data

    * Set Login: Sets the SystemUserLogin object to $systemUserLogin variable
    * @param $_systemUserLogin SystemUserLogin Gets a SystemUserLogin object
    public function setSystemUserLogin(SystemUserLogin $_systemUserLogin)
    $this->systemUserLogin = $_systemUserLogin;

    * Login
    public function login()


    namespace MyAppModelsSystemUser;

    use MyAppCoreConfig;
    use MyAppHelpersSession;

    * System User Details Class
    class SystemUserDetails

    = Variables =

    # @object database Database instance
    private $db;

    # Users data
    private $data;

    # User user ID name
    public $userId;

    # User first name
    public $firstName;

    # User last name
    public $lastName;

    # Username
    public $userName;

    # User Email
    public $email;

    # User Last logged in
    public $lastLogin;

    /*# is user logged in
    public $isLoggedIn;

    # is user logged in
    public $login_timestamp;*/

    # is user IP
    private $user_ip;

    = Methods =

    * Construct
    public function __construct()
    # Get database instance
    $this->db = Database::getInstance();

    * Find method: Find user by id or by username
    * @param $user String / Init A username or user ID
    * @return
    public function get(Int $systemUserId)
    if ($systemUserId) {

    # Enable search for a system_user by a string name or if numeric - so by id.
    $field = ( is_numeric($systemUserId) ) ? 'system_user_id' : 'uname';

    # Search for the system_user in the Database 'system_users' table.
    $data = $this->db->row("SELECT system_user_id, fname, lname, uname, email, last_login FROM system_users WHERE {$field} = :sys_user", array('sys_user' => $systemUserId));

    # If there is a result
    if ( $data ) {

    # Set data

    return $this;
    } else {
    return false;
    else {
    return false;

    * Set User data to $this obj
    * @param $userData Array User data fetched from the db (usually by the find method)
    * @return
    public function set(Array $userData)
    // Set data for this user object
    $this->userId = $userData['system_user_id'];
    $this->firstName = $userData['fname'];
    $this->lastName = $userData['lname'];
    $this->userName = $userData['uname'];
    $this->email = $userData['email'];
    $this->lastLogin = $userData['last_login'];

    * Get User from session
    * @param
    * @return
    public function getUserFromSession()
    # Check if there is a session user id set
    if (Session::exists(Config::$session_name)) {

    # Insert session data to system_user variable
    return Session::get(Config::$session_name);

    } else {
    # Returning false cause there is no user id session
    return false;

    namespace MyAppModelsSystemUser;

    * System User Details Class
    class systemUserLogin

    = Variables =

    # @str Customer name
    public $customerName;

    # @str UserName
    public $userName;

    # @str Password
    public $password;

    # @str user IP
    public $userIp;

    = Methods =

    * Construct - Set customer, username and password
    * @param $_customerName String
    * @param $_userName String
    * @param $_password String
    public function __construct(String $_customerName, String $_userName, String $_password)
    $this->customerName = $_customerName;
    $this->userName = $_userName;
    $this->password = $_password;
    $this->userIp = $this->getSystemUserIp();

    * Get user IP
    * @return String Returns the user IP that is trying to connect.
    private function getSystemUserIp()
    if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']))
    $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];
    elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']))
    $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

    return $ip;


    namespace MyAppModelsSystemUser;

    * System User Details Class
    class systemUserAuthenticator

    = Variables =

    # @object Database instance
    private $db;

    # @bool Is logged in
    public $isLoggedIn = false;

    # @str Login Timestamp
    public $loginTimestamp;

    = Methods =

    * Construct
    public function __construct()
    # Get database instance
    $this->db = Database::getInstance();

    * Login method
    * @param $customer_name String Get a customer_name user input
    * @param $username String Get a username user input
    * @param $password String Get a password user input
    * @throws Boolian Is this a signed System user?
    public function login(User $user)
    # Create a Customer Obj
    $customer = new MyAppModelsCustomer($user->SystemUserLogin->customerName);

    try {
    # Check if the result is an array
    # OR there is no row result:
    if ( (!isset($customer)) || (!isset($customer->dbName)) || (!isset($customer->host)) )
    throw new MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException("Bad company name: {$user->SystemUserLogin->customerName}");

    # Change localhost string to (prevent dns lookup)
    $customer->host = ($customer->host === 'localhost') ? '' : $customer->host;

    # Connect to new database
    $new_connection = $this->db->customer_connect($customer->host, $customer->dbName);

    # If status is connected
    if ($new_connection) {

    # Check for user credentials data
    $user_data = $this->system_user_login_validation($user->SystemUserLogin->userName, $user->SystemUserLogin->password);

    # If the result isn't a valid array - EXEPTION
    if ( (!is_array($user_data)) || (empty($user_data)) )
    throw new MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException("Customer: '{$user->SystemUserLogin->customerName}' - Invalid username ({$user->SystemUserLogin->userName}) or password ({$user->SystemUserLogin->password})");

    # Store Customer in the sesison
    Session::put(Config::$customer, serialize($customer));

    # Update host and db for the db object
    # $this->db->update_host_and_db($customer->host, $customer->dbName);

    # Set data for this System_user object

    # Set a login session for the user id:
    Session::put(Config::$session_name, $this->user_id);

    # Set logged in user sessions

    return $this;

    } else {
    # Connect back to backoffice (current db set)
    throw new MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException('User does not exist');
    return false;

    } catch (MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException $e) {
    return false;
    // die(General::toJson(array( 'status' => false, 'message' => 'Bad login credentials.' )));

    * Check if user exist in 'system_users' table
    * @param $username String Get a username user input
    * @param $password String Get a password user input
    * @throws Array/Boolian Is this a signed System user?
    private function systemUserLoginValidation($username, $password)
    $userData = $this->db->row("SELECT system_user_id, fname, lname, uname, email, last_login FROM system_users WHERE uname = :username AND password = :password", array('username' => $username, 'password' => sha1($password)));

    if ($userData)
    return $userData;
    return false;


    share|improve this question




      I wrote this class a few months ago and noticed from a few examples that it's better to break down these classes and separate them.
      I am not so sure what is the proper way to break if to parts.

      It currently includes a creation of a System_user obj based on user id (fetching user data), login validation, logout, storing user data to session(more specifically CSRF), and I think that's all..

      This is my working code:

      namespace MyAppModels;

      use Exception;
      use MyAppCoreDatabase;
      use MyAppCoreConfig;
      use MyAppHelpersSession;
      use MyAppHelpersCookie;
      use MyAppHelpersToken;
      use MyAppHelpersGeneral;
      use MyAppHelpersHash;

      * System User Class
      class System_user

      = Variables =

      # @object database Database instance
      private $db;

      # Users data
      private $data;

      # User user ID name
      public $user_id;

      # User first name
      public $first_name;

      # User last name
      public $last_name;

      # Username
      public $user_name;

      # User Email
      public $email;

      # User Last logged in
      public $last_login;

      # is user logged in
      public $isLoggedIn;

      # is user logged in
      public $login_timestamp;

      # is user IP
      private $user_ip;

      = Methods =

      * Construct
      public function __construct($system_user = NULL)
      # Get database instance
      $this->db = Database::getInstance();

      # If system_user isn't passed as a variable
      if ( !$system_user ) {

      # check if there is a session user id set
      if (Session::exists(Config::$session_name)) {

      # Insert session data to system_user variable
      $system_user = Session::get(Config::$session_name);

      # Get user data

      } else {

      * Find method: Find user by id or by username
      * @param $user String/Init A username or user ID
      public function find($system_user = NULL)
      if ($system_user) {

      // Enable search for a system_user by a string name or if numeric - so by id.
      $field = ( is_numeric($system_user) ) ? 'system_user_id' : 'uname';

      // Search for the system_user in the Database 'system_users' table.
      $data = $this->db->row("SELECT system_user_id, fname, lname, uname, email, last_login FROM system_users WHERE {$field} = :sys_user", array('sys_user' => $system_user));

      // If there is a result
      if ( $data ) {
      // Set data

      return $this;
      } else {
      return false;
      return false;

      * Check if user exist in 'system_users' table
      * @param $username String Get a username user input
      * @param $password String Get a password user input
      * @throws Array/Boolian Is this a signed System user?
      private function system_user_login_validation($username, $password)
      $user_data = $this->db->row("SELECT system_user_id, fname, lname, uname, email, last_login FROM system_users WHERE uname = :username AND password = :password", array('username' => $username, 'password' => sha1($password)));

      if ($user_data)
      return $user_data;
      return false;

      * Login method
      * @param $customer_name String Get a customer_name user input
      * @param $username String Get a username user input
      * @param $password String Get a password user input
      * @throws Boolian Is this a signed System user?
      public function login($customer_name, $username, $password)

      # Create a Customer Obj
      $customer = new MyAppModelsCustomer($customer_name);

      try {
      # Check if the result is an array
      # OR there is no row result:
      if ( (!isset($customer)) || (!isset($customer->dbName)) || (!isset($customer->host)) )
      throw new MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException("Bad company name: {$customer_name}");

      # Change localhost string to (prevent dns lookup)
      $customer->host = ($customer->host === 'localhost') ? '' : $customer->host;

      # Connect to new database
      $new_connection = $this->db->customer_connect($customer->host, $customer->dbName);

      # If status is connected
      if ($new_connection) {

      # Check for user credentials data
      $user_data = $this->system_user_login_validation($username, $password);

      # If the result isn't a valid array - EXEPTION
      if ( (!is_array($user_data)) || (empty($user_data)) )
      throw new MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException("Customer: '{$customer_name}' - Invalid username ({$username}) or password ({$password})");

      # Store Customer in the sesison
      Session::put(Config::$customer, serialize($customer));

      # Update host and db for the db object
      # $this->db->update_host_and_db($customer->host, $customer->dbName);

      # Set data for this System_user object

      # Set a login session for the user id:
      Session::put(Config::$session_name, $this->user_id);

      # Set logged in user sessions

      return $this;

      } else {
      # Connect back to backoffice (current db set)
      throw new MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException('User does not exist');
      return false;

      } catch (MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException $e) {
      return false;
      // die(General::toJson(array( 'status' => false, 'message' => 'Bad login credentials.' )));

      * Set sessions for the logged in user.
      * Tutorial:
      public function set_loggedin_user_sessions()
      # Generate security sessions

      # Set login timestamp
      Session::put(Config::$login_timestamp, $this->login_timestamp);

      # Set login flag to true
      Session::put(Config::$is_logged_in, true);

      # Set login IP
      Session::put(Config::$login_user_ip, $this->user_ip);

      * Generate system user security sessions
      * @param $new_session Boolean (optinal) Dedices if to delete the cookie session id [default is set to true]
      public function generate_security_sessions($new_session = true)
      if ($new_session)
      # Generate a new session ID

      # Fetch cookie session ID
      $session_id = session_id();
      # Set the session id to the session
      Session::put(Config::$session_id, $session_id);

      # Create a secret token
      # Set it in session (does them both)
      $secret = Token::generate_login_token();

      # Combine secret and session_id and create a hash
      $combined = Hash::make_from_array(array($secret, $session_id, $this->user_ip));
      # Add combined to session
      Session::put(Config::$combined, $combined);

      * Check if there is a logged in user
      public function check_logged_in()
      if ( Session::exists(Config::$secret) && # Secret session exists
      Session::exists(Config::$session_id) && # Session_id session exists
      Session::exists(Config::$session_name) && # User session exists
      Session::exists(Config::$is_logged_in) && # Check if 'logged in' session exists
      Session::exists(Config::$session_name) # Check if sys_user id is set in session
      # Get users ip
      $ip = $this->get_system_user_ip();

      # if the saved bombined session
      if (
      (Session::get(Config::$combined) === Hash::make_from_array(array(Session::get(Config::$secret), session_id()), $ip)) &&
      (Session::get(Config::$is_logged_in) === true )
      # Set ip to system user object
      $this->user_ip = $ip;

      return true;

      } else {
      return false;
      else {
      return false;

      * Check if loggin session is timeout
      public function check_timeout()
      if (Session::exists(Config::$login_timestamp)){

      # Calculate time
      $session_lifetime_seconds = time() - Session::get(Config::$login_timestamp) ;

      if ($session_lifetime_seconds > Config::MAX_TIME){
      return true;
      } else {
      return false;

      } else {
      return false;

      * Get user IP
      private function get_system_user_ip()
      if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']))
      $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];
      elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']))
      $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

      return $ip;

      * Set User data to (this) System_user object
      * @param $user_data Array User data fetched from the db (usually by the find method)
      private function setUserData($user_data)
      // Set data for this user object
      $this->user_id = $user_data['system_user_id'];
      $this->first_name = $user_data['fname'];
      $this->last_name = $user_data['lname'];
      $this->user_name = $user_data['uname'];
      $this->email = $user_data['email'];
      $this->last_login = $user_data['last_login'];

      $this->isLoggedIn = true;
      $this->user_ip = $this->get_system_user_ip();
      $this->login_timestamp = time();

      * Logout: Now guess what this method does..
      public function logout()
      $this->isLoggedIn = false;


      I would like to get suggestions about my current code, and if possible, about structuring it differently with more than one class. (class SystemUser, class systemUserLogin, class systemUserAuthenticator, ect')

      ps: In general, the webapp by default logs in to a general database. when a user inserts his company_name, username and password, I check if the company name actually exist, if if does, I disconnect from the general db and connect to the customers database and validate his username & password.

      This is the new class I started writing (not tested, so I cant assure this is a working code) with more classes following this example & inspired by this post I found, while tring to follow the SOLID principals and PSR standards, focusing on the structure and architecture.

      namespace MyAppModels;

      use MyAppCoreConfig;
      use MyAppHelpersSession;
      use MyAppCoreDatabase;

      * System User Class
      class SystemUser

      = Variables =

      # @obj SystemUser profile information (fullname, profile picture... etc')
      protected $systemUserDetatils;
      # @obj SystemUser Login data
      protected $systemUserLogin;
      # @obj SystemUser Authenticator
      protected $systemUserAuthenticator;

      = Methods =

      * Construct
      public function __construct($systemUserId = NULL)
      # If system_user passed
      if ( $systemUserId ) {

      # Create systemUserDedatils obj
      $this->systemUserDetatils = new MyAppModelsSystemUserSystemUserDetatils();

      # Get SysUser data

      } else {

      # Check for sysUser id in the session:
      $systemUserId = $this->systemUserDetatils->getUserFromSession();

      # Get user data from session
      if ( $systemUserId ) {

      # Create systemUserDedatils obj
      $this->systemUserDetatils = new MyAppModelsSystemUserSystemUserDetatils();

      # Get SysUser data

      * Set Login: Sets the SystemUserLogin object to $systemUserLogin variable
      * @param $_systemUserLogin SystemUserLogin Gets a SystemUserLogin object
      public function setSystemUserLogin(SystemUserLogin $_systemUserLogin)
      $this->systemUserLogin = $_systemUserLogin;

      * Login
      public function login()


      namespace MyAppModelsSystemUser;

      use MyAppCoreConfig;
      use MyAppHelpersSession;

      * System User Details Class
      class SystemUserDetails

      = Variables =

      # @object database Database instance
      private $db;

      # Users data
      private $data;

      # User user ID name
      public $userId;

      # User first name
      public $firstName;

      # User last name
      public $lastName;

      # Username
      public $userName;

      # User Email
      public $email;

      # User Last logged in
      public $lastLogin;

      /*# is user logged in
      public $isLoggedIn;

      # is user logged in
      public $login_timestamp;*/

      # is user IP
      private $user_ip;

      = Methods =

      * Construct
      public function __construct()
      # Get database instance
      $this->db = Database::getInstance();

      * Find method: Find user by id or by username
      * @param $user String / Init A username or user ID
      * @return
      public function get(Int $systemUserId)
      if ($systemUserId) {

      # Enable search for a system_user by a string name or if numeric - so by id.
      $field = ( is_numeric($systemUserId) ) ? 'system_user_id' : 'uname';

      # Search for the system_user in the Database 'system_users' table.
      $data = $this->db->row("SELECT system_user_id, fname, lname, uname, email, last_login FROM system_users WHERE {$field} = :sys_user", array('sys_user' => $systemUserId));

      # If there is a result
      if ( $data ) {

      # Set data

      return $this;
      } else {
      return false;
      else {
      return false;

      * Set User data to $this obj
      * @param $userData Array User data fetched from the db (usually by the find method)
      * @return
      public function set(Array $userData)
      // Set data for this user object
      $this->userId = $userData['system_user_id'];
      $this->firstName = $userData['fname'];
      $this->lastName = $userData['lname'];
      $this->userName = $userData['uname'];
      $this->email = $userData['email'];
      $this->lastLogin = $userData['last_login'];

      * Get User from session
      * @param
      * @return
      public function getUserFromSession()
      # Check if there is a session user id set
      if (Session::exists(Config::$session_name)) {

      # Insert session data to system_user variable
      return Session::get(Config::$session_name);

      } else {
      # Returning false cause there is no user id session
      return false;

      namespace MyAppModelsSystemUser;

      * System User Details Class
      class systemUserLogin

      = Variables =

      # @str Customer name
      public $customerName;

      # @str UserName
      public $userName;

      # @str Password
      public $password;

      # @str user IP
      public $userIp;

      = Methods =

      * Construct - Set customer, username and password
      * @param $_customerName String
      * @param $_userName String
      * @param $_password String
      public function __construct(String $_customerName, String $_userName, String $_password)
      $this->customerName = $_customerName;
      $this->userName = $_userName;
      $this->password = $_password;
      $this->userIp = $this->getSystemUserIp();

      * Get user IP
      * @return String Returns the user IP that is trying to connect.
      private function getSystemUserIp()
      if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']))
      $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];
      elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']))
      $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

      return $ip;


      namespace MyAppModelsSystemUser;

      * System User Details Class
      class systemUserAuthenticator

      = Variables =

      # @object Database instance
      private $db;

      # @bool Is logged in
      public $isLoggedIn = false;

      # @str Login Timestamp
      public $loginTimestamp;

      = Methods =

      * Construct
      public function __construct()
      # Get database instance
      $this->db = Database::getInstance();

      * Login method
      * @param $customer_name String Get a customer_name user input
      * @param $username String Get a username user input
      * @param $password String Get a password user input
      * @throws Boolian Is this a signed System user?
      public function login(User $user)
      # Create a Customer Obj
      $customer = new MyAppModelsCustomer($user->SystemUserLogin->customerName);

      try {
      # Check if the result is an array
      # OR there is no row result:
      if ( (!isset($customer)) || (!isset($customer->dbName)) || (!isset($customer->host)) )
      throw new MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException("Bad company name: {$user->SystemUserLogin->customerName}");

      # Change localhost string to (prevent dns lookup)
      $customer->host = ($customer->host === 'localhost') ? '' : $customer->host;

      # Connect to new database
      $new_connection = $this->db->customer_connect($customer->host, $customer->dbName);

      # If status is connected
      if ($new_connection) {

      # Check for user credentials data
      $user_data = $this->system_user_login_validation($user->SystemUserLogin->userName, $user->SystemUserLogin->password);

      # If the result isn't a valid array - EXEPTION
      if ( (!is_array($user_data)) || (empty($user_data)) )
      throw new MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException("Customer: '{$user->SystemUserLogin->customerName}' - Invalid username ({$user->SystemUserLogin->userName}) or password ({$user->SystemUserLogin->password})");

      # Store Customer in the sesison
      Session::put(Config::$customer, serialize($customer));

      # Update host and db for the db object
      # $this->db->update_host_and_db($customer->host, $customer->dbName);

      # Set data for this System_user object

      # Set a login session for the user id:
      Session::put(Config::$session_name, $this->user_id);

      # Set logged in user sessions

      return $this;

      } else {
      # Connect back to backoffice (current db set)
      throw new MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException('User does not exist');
      return false;

      } catch (MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException $e) {
      return false;
      // die(General::toJson(array( 'status' => false, 'message' => 'Bad login credentials.' )));

      * Check if user exist in 'system_users' table
      * @param $username String Get a username user input
      * @param $password String Get a password user input
      * @throws Array/Boolian Is this a signed System user?
      private function systemUserLoginValidation($username, $password)
      $userData = $this->db->row("SELECT system_user_id, fname, lname, uname, email, last_login FROM system_users WHERE uname = :username AND password = :password", array('username' => $username, 'password' => sha1($password)));

      if ($userData)
      return $userData;
      return false;


      share|improve this question

      I wrote this class a few months ago and noticed from a few examples that it's better to break down these classes and separate them.
      I am not so sure what is the proper way to break if to parts.

      It currently includes a creation of a System_user obj based on user id (fetching user data), login validation, logout, storing user data to session(more specifically CSRF), and I think that's all..

      This is my working code:

      namespace MyAppModels;

      use Exception;
      use MyAppCoreDatabase;
      use MyAppCoreConfig;
      use MyAppHelpersSession;
      use MyAppHelpersCookie;
      use MyAppHelpersToken;
      use MyAppHelpersGeneral;
      use MyAppHelpersHash;

      * System User Class
      class System_user

      = Variables =

      # @object database Database instance
      private $db;

      # Users data
      private $data;

      # User user ID name
      public $user_id;

      # User first name
      public $first_name;

      # User last name
      public $last_name;

      # Username
      public $user_name;

      # User Email
      public $email;

      # User Last logged in
      public $last_login;

      # is user logged in
      public $isLoggedIn;

      # is user logged in
      public $login_timestamp;

      # is user IP
      private $user_ip;

      = Methods =

      * Construct
      public function __construct($system_user = NULL)
      # Get database instance
      $this->db = Database::getInstance();

      # If system_user isn't passed as a variable
      if ( !$system_user ) {

      # check if there is a session user id set
      if (Session::exists(Config::$session_name)) {

      # Insert session data to system_user variable
      $system_user = Session::get(Config::$session_name);

      # Get user data

      } else {

      * Find method: Find user by id or by username
      * @param $user String/Init A username or user ID
      public function find($system_user = NULL)
      if ($system_user) {

      // Enable search for a system_user by a string name or if numeric - so by id.
      $field = ( is_numeric($system_user) ) ? 'system_user_id' : 'uname';

      // Search for the system_user in the Database 'system_users' table.
      $data = $this->db->row("SELECT system_user_id, fname, lname, uname, email, last_login FROM system_users WHERE {$field} = :sys_user", array('sys_user' => $system_user));

      // If there is a result
      if ( $data ) {
      // Set data

      return $this;
      } else {
      return false;
      return false;

      * Check if user exist in 'system_users' table
      * @param $username String Get a username user input
      * @param $password String Get a password user input
      * @throws Array/Boolian Is this a signed System user?
      private function system_user_login_validation($username, $password)
      $user_data = $this->db->row("SELECT system_user_id, fname, lname, uname, email, last_login FROM system_users WHERE uname = :username AND password = :password", array('username' => $username, 'password' => sha1($password)));

      if ($user_data)
      return $user_data;
      return false;

      * Login method
      * @param $customer_name String Get a customer_name user input
      * @param $username String Get a username user input
      * @param $password String Get a password user input
      * @throws Boolian Is this a signed System user?
      public function login($customer_name, $username, $password)

      # Create a Customer Obj
      $customer = new MyAppModelsCustomer($customer_name);

      try {
      # Check if the result is an array
      # OR there is no row result:
      if ( (!isset($customer)) || (!isset($customer->dbName)) || (!isset($customer->host)) )
      throw new MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException("Bad company name: {$customer_name}");

      # Change localhost string to (prevent dns lookup)
      $customer->host = ($customer->host === 'localhost') ? '' : $customer->host;

      # Connect to new database
      $new_connection = $this->db->customer_connect($customer->host, $customer->dbName);

      # If status is connected
      if ($new_connection) {

      # Check for user credentials data
      $user_data = $this->system_user_login_validation($username, $password);

      # If the result isn't a valid array - EXEPTION
      if ( (!is_array($user_data)) || (empty($user_data)) )
      throw new MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException("Customer: '{$customer_name}' - Invalid username ({$username}) or password ({$password})");

      # Store Customer in the sesison
      Session::put(Config::$customer, serialize($customer));

      # Update host and db for the db object
      # $this->db->update_host_and_db($customer->host, $customer->dbName);

      # Set data for this System_user object

      # Set a login session for the user id:
      Session::put(Config::$session_name, $this->user_id);

      # Set logged in user sessions

      return $this;

      } else {
      # Connect back to backoffice (current db set)
      throw new MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException('User does not exist');
      return false;

      } catch (MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException $e) {
      return false;
      // die(General::toJson(array( 'status' => false, 'message' => 'Bad login credentials.' )));

      * Set sessions for the logged in user.
      * Tutorial:
      public function set_loggedin_user_sessions()
      # Generate security sessions

      # Set login timestamp
      Session::put(Config::$login_timestamp, $this->login_timestamp);

      # Set login flag to true
      Session::put(Config::$is_logged_in, true);

      # Set login IP
      Session::put(Config::$login_user_ip, $this->user_ip);

      * Generate system user security sessions
      * @param $new_session Boolean (optinal) Dedices if to delete the cookie session id [default is set to true]
      public function generate_security_sessions($new_session = true)
      if ($new_session)
      # Generate a new session ID

      # Fetch cookie session ID
      $session_id = session_id();
      # Set the session id to the session
      Session::put(Config::$session_id, $session_id);

      # Create a secret token
      # Set it in session (does them both)
      $secret = Token::generate_login_token();

      # Combine secret and session_id and create a hash
      $combined = Hash::make_from_array(array($secret, $session_id, $this->user_ip));
      # Add combined to session
      Session::put(Config::$combined, $combined);

      * Check if there is a logged in user
      public function check_logged_in()
      if ( Session::exists(Config::$secret) && # Secret session exists
      Session::exists(Config::$session_id) && # Session_id session exists
      Session::exists(Config::$session_name) && # User session exists
      Session::exists(Config::$is_logged_in) && # Check if 'logged in' session exists
      Session::exists(Config::$session_name) # Check if sys_user id is set in session
      # Get users ip
      $ip = $this->get_system_user_ip();

      # if the saved bombined session
      if (
      (Session::get(Config::$combined) === Hash::make_from_array(array(Session::get(Config::$secret), session_id()), $ip)) &&
      (Session::get(Config::$is_logged_in) === true )
      # Set ip to system user object
      $this->user_ip = $ip;

      return true;

      } else {
      return false;
      else {
      return false;

      * Check if loggin session is timeout
      public function check_timeout()
      if (Session::exists(Config::$login_timestamp)){

      # Calculate time
      $session_lifetime_seconds = time() - Session::get(Config::$login_timestamp) ;

      if ($session_lifetime_seconds > Config::MAX_TIME){
      return true;
      } else {
      return false;

      } else {
      return false;

      * Get user IP
      private function get_system_user_ip()
      if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']))
      $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];
      elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']))
      $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

      return $ip;

      * Set User data to (this) System_user object
      * @param $user_data Array User data fetched from the db (usually by the find method)
      private function setUserData($user_data)
      // Set data for this user object
      $this->user_id = $user_data['system_user_id'];
      $this->first_name = $user_data['fname'];
      $this->last_name = $user_data['lname'];
      $this->user_name = $user_data['uname'];
      $this->email = $user_data['email'];
      $this->last_login = $user_data['last_login'];

      $this->isLoggedIn = true;
      $this->user_ip = $this->get_system_user_ip();
      $this->login_timestamp = time();

      * Logout: Now guess what this method does..
      public function logout()
      $this->isLoggedIn = false;


      I would like to get suggestions about my current code, and if possible, about structuring it differently with more than one class. (class SystemUser, class systemUserLogin, class systemUserAuthenticator, ect')

      ps: In general, the webapp by default logs in to a general database. when a user inserts his company_name, username and password, I check if the company name actually exist, if if does, I disconnect from the general db and connect to the customers database and validate his username & password.

      This is the new class I started writing (not tested, so I cant assure this is a working code) with more classes following this example & inspired by this post I found, while tring to follow the SOLID principals and PSR standards, focusing on the structure and architecture.

      namespace MyAppModels;

      use MyAppCoreConfig;
      use MyAppHelpersSession;
      use MyAppCoreDatabase;

      * System User Class
      class SystemUser

      = Variables =

      # @obj SystemUser profile information (fullname, profile picture... etc')
      protected $systemUserDetatils;
      # @obj SystemUser Login data
      protected $systemUserLogin;
      # @obj SystemUser Authenticator
      protected $systemUserAuthenticator;

      = Methods =

      * Construct
      public function __construct($systemUserId = NULL)
      # If system_user passed
      if ( $systemUserId ) {

      # Create systemUserDedatils obj
      $this->systemUserDetatils = new MyAppModelsSystemUserSystemUserDetatils();

      # Get SysUser data

      } else {

      # Check for sysUser id in the session:
      $systemUserId = $this->systemUserDetatils->getUserFromSession();

      # Get user data from session
      if ( $systemUserId ) {

      # Create systemUserDedatils obj
      $this->systemUserDetatils = new MyAppModelsSystemUserSystemUserDetatils();

      # Get SysUser data

      * Set Login: Sets the SystemUserLogin object to $systemUserLogin variable
      * @param $_systemUserLogin SystemUserLogin Gets a SystemUserLogin object
      public function setSystemUserLogin(SystemUserLogin $_systemUserLogin)
      $this->systemUserLogin = $_systemUserLogin;

      * Login
      public function login()


      namespace MyAppModelsSystemUser;

      use MyAppCoreConfig;
      use MyAppHelpersSession;

      * System User Details Class
      class SystemUserDetails

      = Variables =

      # @object database Database instance
      private $db;

      # Users data
      private $data;

      # User user ID name
      public $userId;

      # User first name
      public $firstName;

      # User last name
      public $lastName;

      # Username
      public $userName;

      # User Email
      public $email;

      # User Last logged in
      public $lastLogin;

      /*# is user logged in
      public $isLoggedIn;

      # is user logged in
      public $login_timestamp;*/

      # is user IP
      private $user_ip;

      = Methods =

      * Construct
      public function __construct()
      # Get database instance
      $this->db = Database::getInstance();

      * Find method: Find user by id or by username
      * @param $user String / Init A username or user ID
      * @return
      public function get(Int $systemUserId)
      if ($systemUserId) {

      # Enable search for a system_user by a string name or if numeric - so by id.
      $field = ( is_numeric($systemUserId) ) ? 'system_user_id' : 'uname';

      # Search for the system_user in the Database 'system_users' table.
      $data = $this->db->row("SELECT system_user_id, fname, lname, uname, email, last_login FROM system_users WHERE {$field} = :sys_user", array('sys_user' => $systemUserId));

      # If there is a result
      if ( $data ) {

      # Set data

      return $this;
      } else {
      return false;
      else {
      return false;

      * Set User data to $this obj
      * @param $userData Array User data fetched from the db (usually by the find method)
      * @return
      public function set(Array $userData)
      // Set data for this user object
      $this->userId = $userData['system_user_id'];
      $this->firstName = $userData['fname'];
      $this->lastName = $userData['lname'];
      $this->userName = $userData['uname'];
      $this->email = $userData['email'];
      $this->lastLogin = $userData['last_login'];

      * Get User from session
      * @param
      * @return
      public function getUserFromSession()
      # Check if there is a session user id set
      if (Session::exists(Config::$session_name)) {

      # Insert session data to system_user variable
      return Session::get(Config::$session_name);

      } else {
      # Returning false cause there is no user id session
      return false;

      namespace MyAppModelsSystemUser;

      * System User Details Class
      class systemUserLogin

      = Variables =

      # @str Customer name
      public $customerName;

      # @str UserName
      public $userName;

      # @str Password
      public $password;

      # @str user IP
      public $userIp;

      = Methods =

      * Construct - Set customer, username and password
      * @param $_customerName String
      * @param $_userName String
      * @param $_password String
      public function __construct(String $_customerName, String $_userName, String $_password)
      $this->customerName = $_customerName;
      $this->userName = $_userName;
      $this->password = $_password;
      $this->userIp = $this->getSystemUserIp();

      * Get user IP
      * @return String Returns the user IP that is trying to connect.
      private function getSystemUserIp()
      if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']))
      $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];
      elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']))
      $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

      return $ip;


      namespace MyAppModelsSystemUser;

      * System User Details Class
      class systemUserAuthenticator

      = Variables =

      # @object Database instance
      private $db;

      # @bool Is logged in
      public $isLoggedIn = false;

      # @str Login Timestamp
      public $loginTimestamp;

      = Methods =

      * Construct
      public function __construct()
      # Get database instance
      $this->db = Database::getInstance();

      * Login method
      * @param $customer_name String Get a customer_name user input
      * @param $username String Get a username user input
      * @param $password String Get a password user input
      * @throws Boolian Is this a signed System user?
      public function login(User $user)
      # Create a Customer Obj
      $customer = new MyAppModelsCustomer($user->SystemUserLogin->customerName);

      try {
      # Check if the result is an array
      # OR there is no row result:
      if ( (!isset($customer)) || (!isset($customer->dbName)) || (!isset($customer->host)) )
      throw new MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException("Bad company name: {$user->SystemUserLogin->customerName}");

      # Change localhost string to (prevent dns lookup)
      $customer->host = ($customer->host === 'localhost') ? '' : $customer->host;

      # Connect to new database
      $new_connection = $this->db->customer_connect($customer->host, $customer->dbName);

      # If status is connected
      if ($new_connection) {

      # Check for user credentials data
      $user_data = $this->system_user_login_validation($user->SystemUserLogin->userName, $user->SystemUserLogin->password);

      # If the result isn't a valid array - EXEPTION
      if ( (!is_array($user_data)) || (empty($user_data)) )
      throw new MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException("Customer: '{$user->SystemUserLogin->customerName}' - Invalid username ({$user->SystemUserLogin->userName}) or password ({$user->SystemUserLogin->password})");

      # Store Customer in the sesison
      Session::put(Config::$customer, serialize($customer));

      # Update host and db for the db object
      # $this->db->update_host_and_db($customer->host, $customer->dbName);

      # Set data for this System_user object

      # Set a login session for the user id:
      Session::put(Config::$session_name, $this->user_id);

      # Set logged in user sessions

      return $this;

      } else {
      # Connect back to backoffice (current db set)
      throw new MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException('User does not exist');
      return false;

      } catch (MyAppCoreExceptionHandlerLoginException $e) {
      return false;
      // die(General::toJson(array( 'status' => false, 'message' => 'Bad login credentials.' )));

      * Check if user exist in 'system_users' table
      * @param $username String Get a username user input
      * @param $password String Get a password user input
      * @throws Array/Boolian Is this a signed System user?
      private function systemUserLoginValidation($username, $password)
      $userData = $this->db->row("SELECT system_user_id, fname, lname, uname, email, last_login FROM system_users WHERE uname = :username AND password = :password", array('username' => $username, 'password' => sha1($password)));

      if ($userData)
      return $userData;
      return false;


      php object-oriented design-patterns

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited 2 days ago


      asked 2 days ago




          1 Answer





          In my last answer for you I mention how you should use dependency injection to avoid tight coupling and promote testability. Then in the comments I go further to mention to take it a step further and use a container like Pimple. Since I don't see those changes here I'll show the container example here since I showed the basic dependency injection in the other answer.

          Using Pimple, the Dependency Injection Container

          I'll assume you will have installed Pimple already and have included it in your application. Their documentation covers that so I won't get into it here.

          use PimpleContainer;
          use MyAppCoreDatabase;

          $container = new Container();

          $container['db'] = function ($c) {
          return Database::getInstance();

          The above code simply:

          1. Creates a container

          2. Defines a service called db

          3. Instantiates your database class

          4. Places it in your container

          You can add your session logic and other shared objects at this time as well. This is typically contained in its own file but where you put this ins entirely up to you as long as it executes as part of your bootstrap process (i.e. before your business logic).

          From here you only need to include Pimple as an argument of the constructor of objects that need to use something in your container.

          class System_user
          public function __construct(Pimple $container, $system_user = NULL)
          $this->db = $container['db'];

          Now you can easily make sure all of your classes are working with the same objects, eliminate dependencies in your code, and your code is testable.

          Good job with not putting login info into the User object

          A common pitfall many developers fall into is to put the login logic into a user object because the user is the one who logs in. You pass the User object into the login functionality which is a much better way to do this. An area for improvement is you place the validation and the login logic all in one method. You could break out the validation into it's own method so you separate the two concerns. You also do this like work with IP addresses again which should be separated out into its own logic.

          Getting IP addresses is kind of common

          You have a private method for getting the user's IP address (systemUserLogin::getSystemUserIp()). That actually is something not directly related to a user and may be something you eventually wish to use elsewhere. That probably should be broken out into its own function or into another helper class.

          FYI Stuff

          sha1() is obsolete for hashing passwords and should not be used. PHP provides password_hash() and password_verify(), please use them. And here are some good ideas about passwords. If you are using a PHP version prior to 5.5 there is a compatibility pack available here.

          share|improve this answer

          New contributor

          John Conde is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          • I made a little research about pimple and it's amazing! Thank you! I am mainly expecting a review regarding the re-construction of the class (/classes).
            – potatoguy

          • 1

            I added some more info directly related to how you architected your classes. I'll add more if I think of anything through the day.
            – John Conde

          • Since when did sha1() become obsolete and why? :O I am continuing to write the new classes and I came across a problem - Do I need to set the properties $this->user_id | $this->first_name | $this->last_name | $this->user_name | $this->email | $this->last_login | $this->isLoggedIn | $this->user_ip | $this->login_timestamp (see first "old" code part) to he SystemUser class? or should I add it to the SystemUserDetails class? (so to fetch it i will have to $user->systemUserDetails->userId & $user->systemUserAuthenticator->isLoggedIn & $user->systemUserDetails->userId ect?
            – potatoguy
            20 hours ago

          • 1

            SHA1 has been obsolete since 2005 when it was first successfully attacked by researchers.
            – John Conde
            16 hours ago

          • 1

            Those properties look like they belong ot the SystemUser class as they are properties of that user.
            – John Conde
            14 hours ago

          Your Answer

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          1 Answer




          1 Answer











          In my last answer for you I mention how you should use dependency injection to avoid tight coupling and promote testability. Then in the comments I go further to mention to take it a step further and use a container like Pimple. Since I don't see those changes here I'll show the container example here since I showed the basic dependency injection in the other answer.

          Using Pimple, the Dependency Injection Container

          I'll assume you will have installed Pimple already and have included it in your application. Their documentation covers that so I won't get into it here.

          use PimpleContainer;
          use MyAppCoreDatabase;

          $container = new Container();

          $container['db'] = function ($c) {
          return Database::getInstance();

          The above code simply:

          1. Creates a container

          2. Defines a service called db

          3. Instantiates your database class

          4. Places it in your container

          You can add your session logic and other shared objects at this time as well. This is typically contained in its own file but where you put this ins entirely up to you as long as it executes as part of your bootstrap process (i.e. before your business logic).

          From here you only need to include Pimple as an argument of the constructor of objects that need to use something in your container.

          class System_user
          public function __construct(Pimple $container, $system_user = NULL)
          $this->db = $container['db'];

          Now you can easily make sure all of your classes are working with the same objects, eliminate dependencies in your code, and your code is testable.

          Good job with not putting login info into the User object

          A common pitfall many developers fall into is to put the login logic into a user object because the user is the one who logs in. You pass the User object into the login functionality which is a much better way to do this. An area for improvement is you place the validation and the login logic all in one method. You could break out the validation into it's own method so you separate the two concerns. You also do this like work with IP addresses again which should be separated out into its own logic.

          Getting IP addresses is kind of common

          You have a private method for getting the user's IP address (systemUserLogin::getSystemUserIp()). That actually is something not directly related to a user and may be something you eventually wish to use elsewhere. That probably should be broken out into its own function or into another helper class.

          FYI Stuff

          sha1() is obsolete for hashing passwords and should not be used. PHP provides password_hash() and password_verify(), please use them. And here are some good ideas about passwords. If you are using a PHP version prior to 5.5 there is a compatibility pack available here.

          share|improve this answer

          New contributor

          John Conde is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          • I made a little research about pimple and it's amazing! Thank you! I am mainly expecting a review regarding the re-construction of the class (/classes).
            – potatoguy

          • 1

            I added some more info directly related to how you architected your classes. I'll add more if I think of anything through the day.
            – John Conde

          • Since when did sha1() become obsolete and why? :O I am continuing to write the new classes and I came across a problem - Do I need to set the properties $this->user_id | $this->first_name | $this->last_name | $this->user_name | $this->email | $this->last_login | $this->isLoggedIn | $this->user_ip | $this->login_timestamp (see first "old" code part) to he SystemUser class? or should I add it to the SystemUserDetails class? (so to fetch it i will have to $user->systemUserDetails->userId & $user->systemUserAuthenticator->isLoggedIn & $user->systemUserDetails->userId ect?
            – potatoguy
            20 hours ago

          • 1

            SHA1 has been obsolete since 2005 when it was first successfully attacked by researchers.
            – John Conde
            16 hours ago

          • 1

            Those properties look like they belong ot the SystemUser class as they are properties of that user.
            – John Conde
            14 hours ago


          In my last answer for you I mention how you should use dependency injection to avoid tight coupling and promote testability. Then in the comments I go further to mention to take it a step further and use a container like Pimple. Since I don't see those changes here I'll show the container example here since I showed the basic dependency injection in the other answer.

          Using Pimple, the Dependency Injection Container

          I'll assume you will have installed Pimple already and have included it in your application. Their documentation covers that so I won't get into it here.

          use PimpleContainer;
          use MyAppCoreDatabase;

          $container = new Container();

          $container['db'] = function ($c) {
          return Database::getInstance();

          The above code simply:

          1. Creates a container

          2. Defines a service called db

          3. Instantiates your database class

          4. Places it in your container

          You can add your session logic and other shared objects at this time as well. This is typically contained in its own file but where you put this ins entirely up to you as long as it executes as part of your bootstrap process (i.e. before your business logic).

          From here you only need to include Pimple as an argument of the constructor of objects that need to use something in your container.

          class System_user
          public function __construct(Pimple $container, $system_user = NULL)
          $this->db = $container['db'];

          Now you can easily make sure all of your classes are working with the same objects, eliminate dependencies in your code, and your code is testable.

          Good job with not putting login info into the User object

          A common pitfall many developers fall into is to put the login logic into a user object because the user is the one who logs in. You pass the User object into the login functionality which is a much better way to do this. An area for improvement is you place the validation and the login logic all in one method. You could break out the validation into it's own method so you separate the two concerns. You also do this like work with IP addresses again which should be separated out into its own logic.

          Getting IP addresses is kind of common

          You have a private method for getting the user's IP address (systemUserLogin::getSystemUserIp()). That actually is something not directly related to a user and may be something you eventually wish to use elsewhere. That probably should be broken out into its own function or into another helper class.

          FYI Stuff

          sha1() is obsolete for hashing passwords and should not be used. PHP provides password_hash() and password_verify(), please use them. And here are some good ideas about passwords. If you are using a PHP version prior to 5.5 there is a compatibility pack available here.

          share|improve this answer

          New contributor

          John Conde is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          • I made a little research about pimple and it's amazing! Thank you! I am mainly expecting a review regarding the re-construction of the class (/classes).
            – potatoguy

          • 1

            I added some more info directly related to how you architected your classes. I'll add more if I think of anything through the day.
            – John Conde

          • Since when did sha1() become obsolete and why? :O I am continuing to write the new classes and I came across a problem - Do I need to set the properties $this->user_id | $this->first_name | $this->last_name | $this->user_name | $this->email | $this->last_login | $this->isLoggedIn | $this->user_ip | $this->login_timestamp (see first "old" code part) to he SystemUser class? or should I add it to the SystemUserDetails class? (so to fetch it i will have to $user->systemUserDetails->userId & $user->systemUserAuthenticator->isLoggedIn & $user->systemUserDetails->userId ect?
            – potatoguy
            20 hours ago

          • 1

            SHA1 has been obsolete since 2005 when it was first successfully attacked by researchers.
            – John Conde
            16 hours ago

          • 1

            Those properties look like they belong ot the SystemUser class as they are properties of that user.
            – John Conde
            14 hours ago




          In my last answer for you I mention how you should use dependency injection to avoid tight coupling and promote testability. Then in the comments I go further to mention to take it a step further and use a container like Pimple. Since I don't see those changes here I'll show the container example here since I showed the basic dependency injection in the other answer.

          Using Pimple, the Dependency Injection Container

          I'll assume you will have installed Pimple already and have included it in your application. Their documentation covers that so I won't get into it here.

          use PimpleContainer;
          use MyAppCoreDatabase;

          $container = new Container();

          $container['db'] = function ($c) {
          return Database::getInstance();

          The above code simply:

          1. Creates a container

          2. Defines a service called db

          3. Instantiates your database class

          4. Places it in your container

          You can add your session logic and other shared objects at this time as well. This is typically contained in its own file but where you put this ins entirely up to you as long as it executes as part of your bootstrap process (i.e. before your business logic).

          From here you only need to include Pimple as an argument of the constructor of objects that need to use something in your container.

          class System_user
          public function __construct(Pimple $container, $system_user = NULL)
          $this->db = $container['db'];

          Now you can easily make sure all of your classes are working with the same objects, eliminate dependencies in your code, and your code is testable.

          Good job with not putting login info into the User object

          A common pitfall many developers fall into is to put the login logic into a user object because the user is the one who logs in. You pass the User object into the login functionality which is a much better way to do this. An area for improvement is you place the validation and the login logic all in one method. You could break out the validation into it's own method so you separate the two concerns. You also do this like work with IP addresses again which should be separated out into its own logic.

          Getting IP addresses is kind of common

          You have a private method for getting the user's IP address (systemUserLogin::getSystemUserIp()). That actually is something not directly related to a user and may be something you eventually wish to use elsewhere. That probably should be broken out into its own function or into another helper class.

          FYI Stuff

          sha1() is obsolete for hashing passwords and should not be used. PHP provides password_hash() and password_verify(), please use them. And here are some good ideas about passwords. If you are using a PHP version prior to 5.5 there is a compatibility pack available here.

          share|improve this answer

          New contributor

          John Conde is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          In my last answer for you I mention how you should use dependency injection to avoid tight coupling and promote testability. Then in the comments I go further to mention to take it a step further and use a container like Pimple. Since I don't see those changes here I'll show the container example here since I showed the basic dependency injection in the other answer.

          Using Pimple, the Dependency Injection Container

          I'll assume you will have installed Pimple already and have included it in your application. Their documentation covers that so I won't get into it here.

          use PimpleContainer;
          use MyAppCoreDatabase;

          $container = new Container();

          $container['db'] = function ($c) {
          return Database::getInstance();

          The above code simply:

          1. Creates a container

          2. Defines a service called db

          3. Instantiates your database class

          4. Places it in your container

          You can add your session logic and other shared objects at this time as well. This is typically contained in its own file but where you put this ins entirely up to you as long as it executes as part of your bootstrap process (i.e. before your business logic).

          From here you only need to include Pimple as an argument of the constructor of objects that need to use something in your container.

          class System_user
          public function __construct(Pimple $container, $system_user = NULL)
          $this->db = $container['db'];

          Now you can easily make sure all of your classes are working with the same objects, eliminate dependencies in your code, and your code is testable.

          Good job with not putting login info into the User object

          A common pitfall many developers fall into is to put the login logic into a user object because the user is the one who logs in. You pass the User object into the login functionality which is a much better way to do this. An area for improvement is you place the validation and the login logic all in one method. You could break out the validation into it's own method so you separate the two concerns. You also do this like work with IP addresses again which should be separated out into its own logic.

          Getting IP addresses is kind of common

          You have a private method for getting the user's IP address (systemUserLogin::getSystemUserIp()). That actually is something not directly related to a user and may be something you eventually wish to use elsewhere. That probably should be broken out into its own function or into another helper class.

          FYI Stuff

          sha1() is obsolete for hashing passwords and should not be used. PHP provides password_hash() and password_verify(), please use them. And here are some good ideas about passwords. If you are using a PHP version prior to 5.5 there is a compatibility pack available here.

          share|improve this answer

          New contributor

          John Conde is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited yesterday

          New contributor

          John Conde is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          answered 2 days ago

          John CondeJohn Conde



          New contributor

          John Conde is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          New contributor

          John Conde is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          John Conde is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          • I made a little research about pimple and it's amazing! Thank you! I am mainly expecting a review regarding the re-construction of the class (/classes).
            – potatoguy

          • 1

            I added some more info directly related to how you architected your classes. I'll add more if I think of anything through the day.
            – John Conde

          • Since when did sha1() become obsolete and why? :O I am continuing to write the new classes and I came across a problem - Do I need to set the properties $this->user_id | $this->first_name | $this->last_name | $this->user_name | $this->email | $this->last_login | $this->isLoggedIn | $this->user_ip | $this->login_timestamp (see first "old" code part) to he SystemUser class? or should I add it to the SystemUserDetails class? (so to fetch it i will have to $user->systemUserDetails->userId & $user->systemUserAuthenticator->isLoggedIn & $user->systemUserDetails->userId ect?
            – potatoguy
            20 hours ago

          • 1

            SHA1 has been obsolete since 2005 when it was first successfully attacked by researchers.
            – John Conde
            16 hours ago

          • 1

            Those properties look like they belong ot the SystemUser class as they are properties of that user.
            – John Conde
            14 hours ago

          • I made a little research about pimple and it's amazing! Thank you! I am mainly expecting a review regarding the re-construction of the class (/classes).
            – potatoguy

          • 1

            I added some more info directly related to how you architected your classes. I'll add more if I think of anything through the day.
            – John Conde

          • Since when did sha1() become obsolete and why? :O I am continuing to write the new classes and I came across a problem - Do I need to set the properties $this->user_id | $this->first_name | $this->last_name | $this->user_name | $this->email | $this->last_login | $this->isLoggedIn | $this->user_ip | $this->login_timestamp (see first "old" code part) to he SystemUser class? or should I add it to the SystemUserDetails class? (so to fetch it i will have to $user->systemUserDetails->userId & $user->systemUserAuthenticator->isLoggedIn & $user->systemUserDetails->userId ect?
            – potatoguy
            20 hours ago

          • 1

            SHA1 has been obsolete since 2005 when it was first successfully attacked by researchers.
            – John Conde
            16 hours ago

          • 1

            Those properties look like they belong ot the SystemUser class as they are properties of that user.
            – John Conde
            14 hours ago

          I made a little research about pimple and it's amazing! Thank you! I am mainly expecting a review regarding the re-construction of the class (/classes).
          – potatoguy

          I made a little research about pimple and it's amazing! Thank you! I am mainly expecting a review regarding the re-construction of the class (/classes).
          – potatoguy



          I added some more info directly related to how you architected your classes. I'll add more if I think of anything through the day.
          – John Conde

          I added some more info directly related to how you architected your classes. I'll add more if I think of anything through the day.
          – John Conde

          Since when did sha1() become obsolete and why? :O I am continuing to write the new classes and I came across a problem - Do I need to set the properties $this->user_id | $this->first_name | $this->last_name | $this->user_name | $this->email | $this->last_login | $this->isLoggedIn | $this->user_ip | $this->login_timestamp (see first "old" code part) to he SystemUser class? or should I add it to the SystemUserDetails class? (so to fetch it i will have to $user->systemUserDetails->userId & $user->systemUserAuthenticator->isLoggedIn & $user->systemUserDetails->userId ect?
          – potatoguy
          20 hours ago

          Since when did sha1() become obsolete and why? :O I am continuing to write the new classes and I came across a problem - Do I need to set the properties $this->user_id | $this->first_name | $this->last_name | $this->user_name | $this->email | $this->last_login | $this->isLoggedIn | $this->user_ip | $this->login_timestamp (see first "old" code part) to he SystemUser class? or should I add it to the SystemUserDetails class? (so to fetch it i will have to $user->systemUserDetails->userId & $user->systemUserAuthenticator->isLoggedIn & $user->systemUserDetails->userId ect?
          – potatoguy
          20 hours ago



          SHA1 has been obsolete since 2005 when it was first successfully attacked by researchers.
          – John Conde
          16 hours ago

          SHA1 has been obsolete since 2005 when it was first successfully attacked by researchers.
          – John Conde
          16 hours ago



          Those properties look like they belong ot the SystemUser class as they are properties of that user.
          – John Conde
          14 hours ago

          Those properties look like they belong ot the SystemUser class as they are properties of that user.
          – John Conde
          14 hours ago

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