Simple web-scraper in Common Lisp (SBCL)
I have written a simple web-scraper in Common Lisp, & would greatly appreciate any feedback:
(defpackage :myfitnessdata
(:use :common-lisp)
(:export #:main))
(in-package :myfitnessdata)
(require :sb-posix)
(load (merge-pathnames "quicklisp/setup.lisp" (user-homedir-pathname)))
(ql:quickload '("drakma"
(defun show-usage ()
(format t "MyFitnessData - a CSV web scraper for the MyFitnessPal website.~%")
;; snip
(format t "'c:\Users\bob\weights.csv', overwriting it if it exists.~%"))
(defun login (username password)
"Logs in to Returns a cookie-jar containing authentication details."
(let ((cookie-jar (make-instance 'drakma:cookie-jar)))
(drakma:http-request ""
:method :post
:parameters `(("username" . ,username) ("password" . ,password))
:cookie-jar cookie-jar)
(defun logged-in? (cookie-jar)
"Returns true if a cookie-jar contains login information for, and nil otherwise."
(let ((logged-in? nil))
(loop for cookie in (drakma:cookie-jar-cookies cookie-jar) do
(if (and (equal (drakma:cookie-name cookie) "known_user")
(equal (drakma:cookie-domain cookie) "")
(drakma:cookie-value cookie))
(setq logged-in? t)))
(defun get-page (page-num cookie-jar)
"Downloads a potentially invalid HTML page containing data to scrape. Returns a string containing the HTML."
(let ((url (concatenate 'string "" (write-to-string page-num))))
(let ((body (drakma:http-request url :cookie-jar cookie-jar)))
(if (search "No measurements found." body)
(defun scrape-body (body)
"Scrapes data from a potentially invalid HTML document, returning a list of lists of values."
(let ((valid-xhtml (chtml:parse body (cxml:make-string-sink))))
(let ((xhtml-tree (chtml:parse valid-xhtml (cxml-stp:make-builder))))
(scrape-xhtml xhtml-tree))))
(defun scrape-xhtml (xhtml-tree)
"Scrapes data from an XHTML tree, returning a list of lists of values."
(let ((results nil))
(stp:do-recursively (element xhtml-tree)
(when (and (typep element 'stp:element)
(equal (stp:local-name element) "tr"))
(if (scrape-row element)
(setq results (append results (list (scrape-row element)))))))
(defun scrape-row (row)
"Scrapes data from a table row into a list of values."
(if (equal 4 (stp:number-of-children row))
(let ((measurement-type (nth-child-data 0 row))
(measurement-date (nth-child-data 1 row))
(measurement-value (nth-child-data 2 row)))
(if (not (equal measurement-type "Measurement"))
(list measurement-date measurement-value)))))
(defun nth-child-data (number row)
(stp:data (stp:nth-child 0 (stp:nth-child number row))))
(defun recursive-scrape-page (page-num cookie-jar)
"Recursively scrapes data from a page and all successive pages. Returns a list of lists of values."
(let ((body (get-page page-num cookie-jar)))
(if body
(append (scrape-body body)
(recursive-scrape-page (+ 1 page-num) cookie-jar)))))
(defun show-login-failure ()
(format t "Login failed.~%"))
(defun write-csv (data csv-pathname)
"Takes a list of lists of values, converts them to CSV, and writes them to a file."
(with-open-file (stream csv-pathname
:direction :output
:if-exists :overwrite
:if-does-not-exist :create)
(format stream (make-csv data))))
(defun separate-values (value-list)
"Takes a list of values, and returns a string containing a CSV row that represents the values."
(format nil "~{~A~^,~}" value-list))
(defun make-csv (list)
"Takes a list of lists of values, and returns a string containing a CSV file representing each top-level list as a row."
(let ((csv "")
(sorted-list (sort list #'first-column-as-date-ascending)))
(mapcar (lambda (row) (setq csv (concatenate 'string csv (separate-values row) (format nil "~%")))) sorted-list)
(defun first-column-as-date-ascending (first-row second-row)
"Compares two rows by their first column, which is parsed as a time."
(< ( (car first-row))
( (car second-row))))
(defun scrape (username password csv-pathname)
"Attempts to log in, and if successful scrapes all data to the file specified by csv-pathname."
(let ((cookie-jar (login username password)))
(if (logged-in? cookie-jar)
(write-csv (recursive-scrape-page 1 cookie-jar) csv-pathname)
(defun main (args)
"The entry point for the application when compiled with buildapp."
(if (= (length args) 4)
(let ((username (nth 1 args))
(password (nth 2 args))
(csv-pathname (nth 3 args)))
(scrape username password csv-pathname))
There are several areas I'm unsure about, & would particularly appreciate feedback on:
- use of let & setq (I've got this wrong in the past)
- structure, naming & comments (as a Lisper, would you like to inherit this codebase?)
The entire app is here on GitHub if you're interested.
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I have written a simple web-scraper in Common Lisp, & would greatly appreciate any feedback:
(defpackage :myfitnessdata
(:use :common-lisp)
(:export #:main))
(in-package :myfitnessdata)
(require :sb-posix)
(load (merge-pathnames "quicklisp/setup.lisp" (user-homedir-pathname)))
(ql:quickload '("drakma"
(defun show-usage ()
(format t "MyFitnessData - a CSV web scraper for the MyFitnessPal website.~%")
;; snip
(format t "'c:\Users\bob\weights.csv', overwriting it if it exists.~%"))
(defun login (username password)
"Logs in to Returns a cookie-jar containing authentication details."
(let ((cookie-jar (make-instance 'drakma:cookie-jar)))
(drakma:http-request ""
:method :post
:parameters `(("username" . ,username) ("password" . ,password))
:cookie-jar cookie-jar)
(defun logged-in? (cookie-jar)
"Returns true if a cookie-jar contains login information for, and nil otherwise."
(let ((logged-in? nil))
(loop for cookie in (drakma:cookie-jar-cookies cookie-jar) do
(if (and (equal (drakma:cookie-name cookie) "known_user")
(equal (drakma:cookie-domain cookie) "")
(drakma:cookie-value cookie))
(setq logged-in? t)))
(defun get-page (page-num cookie-jar)
"Downloads a potentially invalid HTML page containing data to scrape. Returns a string containing the HTML."
(let ((url (concatenate 'string "" (write-to-string page-num))))
(let ((body (drakma:http-request url :cookie-jar cookie-jar)))
(if (search "No measurements found." body)
(defun scrape-body (body)
"Scrapes data from a potentially invalid HTML document, returning a list of lists of values."
(let ((valid-xhtml (chtml:parse body (cxml:make-string-sink))))
(let ((xhtml-tree (chtml:parse valid-xhtml (cxml-stp:make-builder))))
(scrape-xhtml xhtml-tree))))
(defun scrape-xhtml (xhtml-tree)
"Scrapes data from an XHTML tree, returning a list of lists of values."
(let ((results nil))
(stp:do-recursively (element xhtml-tree)
(when (and (typep element 'stp:element)
(equal (stp:local-name element) "tr"))
(if (scrape-row element)
(setq results (append results (list (scrape-row element)))))))
(defun scrape-row (row)
"Scrapes data from a table row into a list of values."
(if (equal 4 (stp:number-of-children row))
(let ((measurement-type (nth-child-data 0 row))
(measurement-date (nth-child-data 1 row))
(measurement-value (nth-child-data 2 row)))
(if (not (equal measurement-type "Measurement"))
(list measurement-date measurement-value)))))
(defun nth-child-data (number row)
(stp:data (stp:nth-child 0 (stp:nth-child number row))))
(defun recursive-scrape-page (page-num cookie-jar)
"Recursively scrapes data from a page and all successive pages. Returns a list of lists of values."
(let ((body (get-page page-num cookie-jar)))
(if body
(append (scrape-body body)
(recursive-scrape-page (+ 1 page-num) cookie-jar)))))
(defun show-login-failure ()
(format t "Login failed.~%"))
(defun write-csv (data csv-pathname)
"Takes a list of lists of values, converts them to CSV, and writes them to a file."
(with-open-file (stream csv-pathname
:direction :output
:if-exists :overwrite
:if-does-not-exist :create)
(format stream (make-csv data))))
(defun separate-values (value-list)
"Takes a list of values, and returns a string containing a CSV row that represents the values."
(format nil "~{~A~^,~}" value-list))
(defun make-csv (list)
"Takes a list of lists of values, and returns a string containing a CSV file representing each top-level list as a row."
(let ((csv "")
(sorted-list (sort list #'first-column-as-date-ascending)))
(mapcar (lambda (row) (setq csv (concatenate 'string csv (separate-values row) (format nil "~%")))) sorted-list)
(defun first-column-as-date-ascending (first-row second-row)
"Compares two rows by their first column, which is parsed as a time."
(< ( (car first-row))
( (car second-row))))
(defun scrape (username password csv-pathname)
"Attempts to log in, and if successful scrapes all data to the file specified by csv-pathname."
(let ((cookie-jar (login username password)))
(if (logged-in? cookie-jar)
(write-csv (recursive-scrape-page 1 cookie-jar) csv-pathname)
(defun main (args)
"The entry point for the application when compiled with buildapp."
(if (= (length args) 4)
(let ((username (nth 1 args))
(password (nth 2 args))
(csv-pathname (nth 3 args)))
(scrape username password csv-pathname))
There are several areas I'm unsure about, & would particularly appreciate feedback on:
- use of let & setq (I've got this wrong in the past)
- structure, naming & comments (as a Lisper, would you like to inherit this codebase?)
The entire app is here on GitHub if you're interested.
I always feel interested in every CL projects . Hey thank to your codebase, now I know how to use defpackage :D
– Dark Cloud
May 6 '11 at 16:19
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I have written a simple web-scraper in Common Lisp, & would greatly appreciate any feedback:
(defpackage :myfitnessdata
(:use :common-lisp)
(:export #:main))
(in-package :myfitnessdata)
(require :sb-posix)
(load (merge-pathnames "quicklisp/setup.lisp" (user-homedir-pathname)))
(ql:quickload '("drakma"
(defun show-usage ()
(format t "MyFitnessData - a CSV web scraper for the MyFitnessPal website.~%")
;; snip
(format t "'c:\Users\bob\weights.csv', overwriting it if it exists.~%"))
(defun login (username password)
"Logs in to Returns a cookie-jar containing authentication details."
(let ((cookie-jar (make-instance 'drakma:cookie-jar)))
(drakma:http-request ""
:method :post
:parameters `(("username" . ,username) ("password" . ,password))
:cookie-jar cookie-jar)
(defun logged-in? (cookie-jar)
"Returns true if a cookie-jar contains login information for, and nil otherwise."
(let ((logged-in? nil))
(loop for cookie in (drakma:cookie-jar-cookies cookie-jar) do
(if (and (equal (drakma:cookie-name cookie) "known_user")
(equal (drakma:cookie-domain cookie) "")
(drakma:cookie-value cookie))
(setq logged-in? t)))
(defun get-page (page-num cookie-jar)
"Downloads a potentially invalid HTML page containing data to scrape. Returns a string containing the HTML."
(let ((url (concatenate 'string "" (write-to-string page-num))))
(let ((body (drakma:http-request url :cookie-jar cookie-jar)))
(if (search "No measurements found." body)
(defun scrape-body (body)
"Scrapes data from a potentially invalid HTML document, returning a list of lists of values."
(let ((valid-xhtml (chtml:parse body (cxml:make-string-sink))))
(let ((xhtml-tree (chtml:parse valid-xhtml (cxml-stp:make-builder))))
(scrape-xhtml xhtml-tree))))
(defun scrape-xhtml (xhtml-tree)
"Scrapes data from an XHTML tree, returning a list of lists of values."
(let ((results nil))
(stp:do-recursively (element xhtml-tree)
(when (and (typep element 'stp:element)
(equal (stp:local-name element) "tr"))
(if (scrape-row element)
(setq results (append results (list (scrape-row element)))))))
(defun scrape-row (row)
"Scrapes data from a table row into a list of values."
(if (equal 4 (stp:number-of-children row))
(let ((measurement-type (nth-child-data 0 row))
(measurement-date (nth-child-data 1 row))
(measurement-value (nth-child-data 2 row)))
(if (not (equal measurement-type "Measurement"))
(list measurement-date measurement-value)))))
(defun nth-child-data (number row)
(stp:data (stp:nth-child 0 (stp:nth-child number row))))
(defun recursive-scrape-page (page-num cookie-jar)
"Recursively scrapes data from a page and all successive pages. Returns a list of lists of values."
(let ((body (get-page page-num cookie-jar)))
(if body
(append (scrape-body body)
(recursive-scrape-page (+ 1 page-num) cookie-jar)))))
(defun show-login-failure ()
(format t "Login failed.~%"))
(defun write-csv (data csv-pathname)
"Takes a list of lists of values, converts them to CSV, and writes them to a file."
(with-open-file (stream csv-pathname
:direction :output
:if-exists :overwrite
:if-does-not-exist :create)
(format stream (make-csv data))))
(defun separate-values (value-list)
"Takes a list of values, and returns a string containing a CSV row that represents the values."
(format nil "~{~A~^,~}" value-list))
(defun make-csv (list)
"Takes a list of lists of values, and returns a string containing a CSV file representing each top-level list as a row."
(let ((csv "")
(sorted-list (sort list #'first-column-as-date-ascending)))
(mapcar (lambda (row) (setq csv (concatenate 'string csv (separate-values row) (format nil "~%")))) sorted-list)
(defun first-column-as-date-ascending (first-row second-row)
"Compares two rows by their first column, which is parsed as a time."
(< ( (car first-row))
( (car second-row))))
(defun scrape (username password csv-pathname)
"Attempts to log in, and if successful scrapes all data to the file specified by csv-pathname."
(let ((cookie-jar (login username password)))
(if (logged-in? cookie-jar)
(write-csv (recursive-scrape-page 1 cookie-jar) csv-pathname)
(defun main (args)
"The entry point for the application when compiled with buildapp."
(if (= (length args) 4)
(let ((username (nth 1 args))
(password (nth 2 args))
(csv-pathname (nth 3 args)))
(scrape username password csv-pathname))
There are several areas I'm unsure about, & would particularly appreciate feedback on:
- use of let & setq (I've got this wrong in the past)
- structure, naming & comments (as a Lisper, would you like to inherit this codebase?)
The entire app is here on GitHub if you're interested.
I have written a simple web-scraper in Common Lisp, & would greatly appreciate any feedback:
(defpackage :myfitnessdata
(:use :common-lisp)
(:export #:main))
(in-package :myfitnessdata)
(require :sb-posix)
(load (merge-pathnames "quicklisp/setup.lisp" (user-homedir-pathname)))
(ql:quickload '("drakma"
(defun show-usage ()
(format t "MyFitnessData - a CSV web scraper for the MyFitnessPal website.~%")
;; snip
(format t "'c:\Users\bob\weights.csv', overwriting it if it exists.~%"))
(defun login (username password)
"Logs in to Returns a cookie-jar containing authentication details."
(let ((cookie-jar (make-instance 'drakma:cookie-jar)))
(drakma:http-request ""
:method :post
:parameters `(("username" . ,username) ("password" . ,password))
:cookie-jar cookie-jar)
(defun logged-in? (cookie-jar)
"Returns true if a cookie-jar contains login information for, and nil otherwise."
(let ((logged-in? nil))
(loop for cookie in (drakma:cookie-jar-cookies cookie-jar) do
(if (and (equal (drakma:cookie-name cookie) "known_user")
(equal (drakma:cookie-domain cookie) "")
(drakma:cookie-value cookie))
(setq logged-in? t)))
(defun get-page (page-num cookie-jar)
"Downloads a potentially invalid HTML page containing data to scrape. Returns a string containing the HTML."
(let ((url (concatenate 'string "" (write-to-string page-num))))
(let ((body (drakma:http-request url :cookie-jar cookie-jar)))
(if (search "No measurements found." body)
(defun scrape-body (body)
"Scrapes data from a potentially invalid HTML document, returning a list of lists of values."
(let ((valid-xhtml (chtml:parse body (cxml:make-string-sink))))
(let ((xhtml-tree (chtml:parse valid-xhtml (cxml-stp:make-builder))))
(scrape-xhtml xhtml-tree))))
(defun scrape-xhtml (xhtml-tree)
"Scrapes data from an XHTML tree, returning a list of lists of values."
(let ((results nil))
(stp:do-recursively (element xhtml-tree)
(when (and (typep element 'stp:element)
(equal (stp:local-name element) "tr"))
(if (scrape-row element)
(setq results (append results (list (scrape-row element)))))))
(defun scrape-row (row)
"Scrapes data from a table row into a list of values."
(if (equal 4 (stp:number-of-children row))
(let ((measurement-type (nth-child-data 0 row))
(measurement-date (nth-child-data 1 row))
(measurement-value (nth-child-data 2 row)))
(if (not (equal measurement-type "Measurement"))
(list measurement-date measurement-value)))))
(defun nth-child-data (number row)
(stp:data (stp:nth-child 0 (stp:nth-child number row))))
(defun recursive-scrape-page (page-num cookie-jar)
"Recursively scrapes data from a page and all successive pages. Returns a list of lists of values."
(let ((body (get-page page-num cookie-jar)))
(if body
(append (scrape-body body)
(recursive-scrape-page (+ 1 page-num) cookie-jar)))))
(defun show-login-failure ()
(format t "Login failed.~%"))
(defun write-csv (data csv-pathname)
"Takes a list of lists of values, converts them to CSV, and writes them to a file."
(with-open-file (stream csv-pathname
:direction :output
:if-exists :overwrite
:if-does-not-exist :create)
(format stream (make-csv data))))
(defun separate-values (value-list)
"Takes a list of values, and returns a string containing a CSV row that represents the values."
(format nil "~{~A~^,~}" value-list))
(defun make-csv (list)
"Takes a list of lists of values, and returns a string containing a CSV file representing each top-level list as a row."
(let ((csv "")
(sorted-list (sort list #'first-column-as-date-ascending)))
(mapcar (lambda (row) (setq csv (concatenate 'string csv (separate-values row) (format nil "~%")))) sorted-list)
(defun first-column-as-date-ascending (first-row second-row)
"Compares two rows by their first column, which is parsed as a time."
(< ( (car first-row))
( (car second-row))))
(defun scrape (username password csv-pathname)
"Attempts to log in, and if successful scrapes all data to the file specified by csv-pathname."
(let ((cookie-jar (login username password)))
(if (logged-in? cookie-jar)
(write-csv (recursive-scrape-page 1 cookie-jar) csv-pathname)
(defun main (args)
"The entry point for the application when compiled with buildapp."
(if (= (length args) 4)
(let ((username (nth 1 args))
(password (nth 2 args))
(csv-pathname (nth 3 args)))
(scrape username password csv-pathname))
There are several areas I'm unsure about, & would particularly appreciate feedback on:
- use of let & setq (I've got this wrong in the past)
- structure, naming & comments (as a Lisper, would you like to inherit this codebase?)
The entire app is here on GitHub if you're interested.
edited Apr 13 '17 at 12:40
asked May 6 '11 at 9:33
Duncan BayneDuncan Bayne
I always feel interested in every CL projects . Hey thank to your codebase, now I know how to use defpackage :D
– Dark Cloud
May 6 '11 at 16:19
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I always feel interested in every CL projects . Hey thank to your codebase, now I know how to use defpackage :D
– Dark Cloud
May 6 '11 at 16:19
I always feel interested in every CL projects . Hey thank to your codebase, now I know how to use defpackage :D
– Dark Cloud
May 6 '11 at 16:19
I always feel interested in every CL projects . Hey thank to your codebase, now I know how to use defpackage :D
– Dark Cloud
May 6 '11 at 16:19
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2 Answers
You might want to take a look at defining asdf
systems instead of using quicklisp
to load dependencies internally.
The standard way of doing this is to set up an asd
file. Here's a decent walk-through of that process. It's more verbose than ql:quickload
, but it lets people who don't have quicklisp use your package regardless.
On second thought, screw those guys, keep it up.
(defun logged-in? (cookie-jar)
"Returns true if a cookie-jar contains login information for, and nil otherwise."
(let ((logged-in? nil))
(loop for cookie in (drakma:cookie-jar-cookies cookie-jar) do
(if (and (equal (drakma:cookie-name cookie) "known_user")
(equal (drakma:cookie-domain cookie) "")
(drakma:cookie-value cookie))
(setq logged-in? t)))
There's actually a loop
shorthand for "make sure each member of list
satisfies predicate
". The above function can be written as
(defun logged-in? (cookie-jar)
"Returns true if a cookie-jar contains login information for, and nil otherwise."
(loop for cookie in (drakma:cookie-jar-cookies cookie-jar)
always (and (equal (drakma:cookie-name cookie) "known_user")
(equal (drakma:cookie-domain cookie) ""))))
is the Scheme convention for predicates. The common CL conventions are foop
or foo-p
. Personally, I prefer foo?
too, just be aware that it's not standard.
(sorted-list (sort list #'first-column-as-date-ascending)))
This can get you into trouble. The Common Lisp sort
should really be named sort!
, because it's destructive (so sorted-list
will now contain a sorted list, but list
won't still be the unsorted list, and isn't guaranteed to be the complete sequence anymore). If you might use list
again later, instead do
(sorted-list (sort (copy-list list) #'first-column-as-date-ascending)))
(if (search "No measurements found." body)
Can be written as
(unless (search "No measurements found." body) body)
can accept nested iterations in the directive, so you can eliminate separate-values
by writing make-csv
(defun make-csv (list)
"Takes a list of lists of values, and returns a string containing a CSV file representing each top-level list as a row."
(let ((sorted-list (sort list #'first-column-as-date-ascending)))
(format nil "~{~{~A~^,~}~^~%~}" sorted-list)))
You could eliminate make-csv
entirely by putting the above sort+directive directly into write-csv
(this would also save you a trip through the CSV string, which may or may not make a significant difference).
can be simplified down to
(defun scrape-page (page-num cookie-jar)
(loop for i from page-num
if (get-page i cookie-jar) collect it into pg
else return pg))
As a rule, Common Lisp doesn't guarantee tail-calls the way Scheme does, so it's generally a better idea to use a loop
than raw recursion. SBCL does support some tail calls, but it isn't guaranteed (though this situation looks simple enough that it just might; do some profiling and compare).
You should be able to simplify scrape-xhtml
in a similar way to eliminate (let ((results nil))
Note that I haven't tested or profiled any of this since I don't have a "MyFitnessPal" account. Check that it works first.
EDIT the Second:
(let ((valid-xhtml (chtml:parse body (cxml:make-string-sink))))
(let ((xhtml-tree (chtml:parse valid-xhtml (cxml-stp:make-builder))))
You use this nested let idiom in a couple of places. I assume this is just because the value of xhtml-tree
depends on the value of valid-html
. In this case, you can instead write
(let* ((valid-xhtml (chtml:parse body (cxml:make-string-sink)))
(xhtml-tree (chtml:parse valid-xhtml (cxml-stp:make-builder))))
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Be careful to indent your code properly to make it more readable. For instance:
(let ((cookie-jar (login username password)))
(if (logged-in? cookie-jar)
(write-csv (recursive-scrape-page 1 cookie-jar) csv-pathname)
That piece of code could by the way possibly be improved by an idiomatic WITH-VALID-LOGIN
macro (if you want to practice). It could become...
(with-valid-login (cookie-jar username password)
(write-csv (recursive-scrape-page 1 cookie-jar) csv-pathname))
...with a macro definition like:
(defmacro with-valid-login ((jar user password) &body body)
`(let ((,jar (login ,user ,password)))
(if (logged-in? ,jar)
(progn ,@body)
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Your Answer
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2 Answers
2 Answers
You might want to take a look at defining asdf
systems instead of using quicklisp
to load dependencies internally.
The standard way of doing this is to set up an asd
file. Here's a decent walk-through of that process. It's more verbose than ql:quickload
, but it lets people who don't have quicklisp use your package regardless.
On second thought, screw those guys, keep it up.
(defun logged-in? (cookie-jar)
"Returns true if a cookie-jar contains login information for, and nil otherwise."
(let ((logged-in? nil))
(loop for cookie in (drakma:cookie-jar-cookies cookie-jar) do
(if (and (equal (drakma:cookie-name cookie) "known_user")
(equal (drakma:cookie-domain cookie) "")
(drakma:cookie-value cookie))
(setq logged-in? t)))
There's actually a loop
shorthand for "make sure each member of list
satisfies predicate
". The above function can be written as
(defun logged-in? (cookie-jar)
"Returns true if a cookie-jar contains login information for, and nil otherwise."
(loop for cookie in (drakma:cookie-jar-cookies cookie-jar)
always (and (equal (drakma:cookie-name cookie) "known_user")
(equal (drakma:cookie-domain cookie) ""))))
is the Scheme convention for predicates. The common CL conventions are foop
or foo-p
. Personally, I prefer foo?
too, just be aware that it's not standard.
(sorted-list (sort list #'first-column-as-date-ascending)))
This can get you into trouble. The Common Lisp sort
should really be named sort!
, because it's destructive (so sorted-list
will now contain a sorted list, but list
won't still be the unsorted list, and isn't guaranteed to be the complete sequence anymore). If you might use list
again later, instead do
(sorted-list (sort (copy-list list) #'first-column-as-date-ascending)))
(if (search "No measurements found." body)
Can be written as
(unless (search "No measurements found." body) body)
can accept nested iterations in the directive, so you can eliminate separate-values
by writing make-csv
(defun make-csv (list)
"Takes a list of lists of values, and returns a string containing a CSV file representing each top-level list as a row."
(let ((sorted-list (sort list #'first-column-as-date-ascending)))
(format nil "~{~{~A~^,~}~^~%~}" sorted-list)))
You could eliminate make-csv
entirely by putting the above sort+directive directly into write-csv
(this would also save you a trip through the CSV string, which may or may not make a significant difference).
can be simplified down to
(defun scrape-page (page-num cookie-jar)
(loop for i from page-num
if (get-page i cookie-jar) collect it into pg
else return pg))
As a rule, Common Lisp doesn't guarantee tail-calls the way Scheme does, so it's generally a better idea to use a loop
than raw recursion. SBCL does support some tail calls, but it isn't guaranteed (though this situation looks simple enough that it just might; do some profiling and compare).
You should be able to simplify scrape-xhtml
in a similar way to eliminate (let ((results nil))
Note that I haven't tested or profiled any of this since I don't have a "MyFitnessPal" account. Check that it works first.
EDIT the Second:
(let ((valid-xhtml (chtml:parse body (cxml:make-string-sink))))
(let ((xhtml-tree (chtml:parse valid-xhtml (cxml-stp:make-builder))))
You use this nested let idiom in a couple of places. I assume this is just because the value of xhtml-tree
depends on the value of valid-html
. In this case, you can instead write
(let* ((valid-xhtml (chtml:parse body (cxml:make-string-sink)))
(xhtml-tree (chtml:parse valid-xhtml (cxml-stp:make-builder))))
add a comment |
You might want to take a look at defining asdf
systems instead of using quicklisp
to load dependencies internally.
The standard way of doing this is to set up an asd
file. Here's a decent walk-through of that process. It's more verbose than ql:quickload
, but it lets people who don't have quicklisp use your package regardless.
On second thought, screw those guys, keep it up.
(defun logged-in? (cookie-jar)
"Returns true if a cookie-jar contains login information for, and nil otherwise."
(let ((logged-in? nil))
(loop for cookie in (drakma:cookie-jar-cookies cookie-jar) do
(if (and (equal (drakma:cookie-name cookie) "known_user")
(equal (drakma:cookie-domain cookie) "")
(drakma:cookie-value cookie))
(setq logged-in? t)))
There's actually a loop
shorthand for "make sure each member of list
satisfies predicate
". The above function can be written as
(defun logged-in? (cookie-jar)
"Returns true if a cookie-jar contains login information for, and nil otherwise."
(loop for cookie in (drakma:cookie-jar-cookies cookie-jar)
always (and (equal (drakma:cookie-name cookie) "known_user")
(equal (drakma:cookie-domain cookie) ""))))
is the Scheme convention for predicates. The common CL conventions are foop
or foo-p
. Personally, I prefer foo?
too, just be aware that it's not standard.
(sorted-list (sort list #'first-column-as-date-ascending)))
This can get you into trouble. The Common Lisp sort
should really be named sort!
, because it's destructive (so sorted-list
will now contain a sorted list, but list
won't still be the unsorted list, and isn't guaranteed to be the complete sequence anymore). If you might use list
again later, instead do
(sorted-list (sort (copy-list list) #'first-column-as-date-ascending)))
(if (search "No measurements found." body)
Can be written as
(unless (search "No measurements found." body) body)
can accept nested iterations in the directive, so you can eliminate separate-values
by writing make-csv
(defun make-csv (list)
"Takes a list of lists of values, and returns a string containing a CSV file representing each top-level list as a row."
(let ((sorted-list (sort list #'first-column-as-date-ascending)))
(format nil "~{~{~A~^,~}~^~%~}" sorted-list)))
You could eliminate make-csv
entirely by putting the above sort+directive directly into write-csv
(this would also save you a trip through the CSV string, which may or may not make a significant difference).
can be simplified down to
(defun scrape-page (page-num cookie-jar)
(loop for i from page-num
if (get-page i cookie-jar) collect it into pg
else return pg))
As a rule, Common Lisp doesn't guarantee tail-calls the way Scheme does, so it's generally a better idea to use a loop
than raw recursion. SBCL does support some tail calls, but it isn't guaranteed (though this situation looks simple enough that it just might; do some profiling and compare).
You should be able to simplify scrape-xhtml
in a similar way to eliminate (let ((results nil))
Note that I haven't tested or profiled any of this since I don't have a "MyFitnessPal" account. Check that it works first.
EDIT the Second:
(let ((valid-xhtml (chtml:parse body (cxml:make-string-sink))))
(let ((xhtml-tree (chtml:parse valid-xhtml (cxml-stp:make-builder))))
You use this nested let idiom in a couple of places. I assume this is just because the value of xhtml-tree
depends on the value of valid-html
. In this case, you can instead write
(let* ((valid-xhtml (chtml:parse body (cxml:make-string-sink)))
(xhtml-tree (chtml:parse valid-xhtml (cxml-stp:make-builder))))
add a comment |
You might want to take a look at defining asdf
systems instead of using quicklisp
to load dependencies internally.
The standard way of doing this is to set up an asd
file. Here's a decent walk-through of that process. It's more verbose than ql:quickload
, but it lets people who don't have quicklisp use your package regardless.
On second thought, screw those guys, keep it up.
(defun logged-in? (cookie-jar)
"Returns true if a cookie-jar contains login information for, and nil otherwise."
(let ((logged-in? nil))
(loop for cookie in (drakma:cookie-jar-cookies cookie-jar) do
(if (and (equal (drakma:cookie-name cookie) "known_user")
(equal (drakma:cookie-domain cookie) "")
(drakma:cookie-value cookie))
(setq logged-in? t)))
There's actually a loop
shorthand for "make sure each member of list
satisfies predicate
". The above function can be written as
(defun logged-in? (cookie-jar)
"Returns true if a cookie-jar contains login information for, and nil otherwise."
(loop for cookie in (drakma:cookie-jar-cookies cookie-jar)
always (and (equal (drakma:cookie-name cookie) "known_user")
(equal (drakma:cookie-domain cookie) ""))))
is the Scheme convention for predicates. The common CL conventions are foop
or foo-p
. Personally, I prefer foo?
too, just be aware that it's not standard.
(sorted-list (sort list #'first-column-as-date-ascending)))
This can get you into trouble. The Common Lisp sort
should really be named sort!
, because it's destructive (so sorted-list
will now contain a sorted list, but list
won't still be the unsorted list, and isn't guaranteed to be the complete sequence anymore). If you might use list
again later, instead do
(sorted-list (sort (copy-list list) #'first-column-as-date-ascending)))
(if (search "No measurements found." body)
Can be written as
(unless (search "No measurements found." body) body)
can accept nested iterations in the directive, so you can eliminate separate-values
by writing make-csv
(defun make-csv (list)
"Takes a list of lists of values, and returns a string containing a CSV file representing each top-level list as a row."
(let ((sorted-list (sort list #'first-column-as-date-ascending)))
(format nil "~{~{~A~^,~}~^~%~}" sorted-list)))
You could eliminate make-csv
entirely by putting the above sort+directive directly into write-csv
(this would also save you a trip through the CSV string, which may or may not make a significant difference).
can be simplified down to
(defun scrape-page (page-num cookie-jar)
(loop for i from page-num
if (get-page i cookie-jar) collect it into pg
else return pg))
As a rule, Common Lisp doesn't guarantee tail-calls the way Scheme does, so it's generally a better idea to use a loop
than raw recursion. SBCL does support some tail calls, but it isn't guaranteed (though this situation looks simple enough that it just might; do some profiling and compare).
You should be able to simplify scrape-xhtml
in a similar way to eliminate (let ((results nil))
Note that I haven't tested or profiled any of this since I don't have a "MyFitnessPal" account. Check that it works first.
EDIT the Second:
(let ((valid-xhtml (chtml:parse body (cxml:make-string-sink))))
(let ((xhtml-tree (chtml:parse valid-xhtml (cxml-stp:make-builder))))
You use this nested let idiom in a couple of places. I assume this is just because the value of xhtml-tree
depends on the value of valid-html
. In this case, you can instead write
(let* ((valid-xhtml (chtml:parse body (cxml:make-string-sink)))
(xhtml-tree (chtml:parse valid-xhtml (cxml-stp:make-builder))))
You might want to take a look at defining asdf
systems instead of using quicklisp
to load dependencies internally.
The standard way of doing this is to set up an asd
file. Here's a decent walk-through of that process. It's more verbose than ql:quickload
, but it lets people who don't have quicklisp use your package regardless.
On second thought, screw those guys, keep it up.
(defun logged-in? (cookie-jar)
"Returns true if a cookie-jar contains login information for, and nil otherwise."
(let ((logged-in? nil))
(loop for cookie in (drakma:cookie-jar-cookies cookie-jar) do
(if (and (equal (drakma:cookie-name cookie) "known_user")
(equal (drakma:cookie-domain cookie) "")
(drakma:cookie-value cookie))
(setq logged-in? t)))
There's actually a loop
shorthand for "make sure each member of list
satisfies predicate
". The above function can be written as
(defun logged-in? (cookie-jar)
"Returns true if a cookie-jar contains login information for, and nil otherwise."
(loop for cookie in (drakma:cookie-jar-cookies cookie-jar)
always (and (equal (drakma:cookie-name cookie) "known_user")
(equal (drakma:cookie-domain cookie) ""))))
is the Scheme convention for predicates. The common CL conventions are foop
or foo-p
. Personally, I prefer foo?
too, just be aware that it's not standard.
(sorted-list (sort list #'first-column-as-date-ascending)))
This can get you into trouble. The Common Lisp sort
should really be named sort!
, because it's destructive (so sorted-list
will now contain a sorted list, but list
won't still be the unsorted list, and isn't guaranteed to be the complete sequence anymore). If you might use list
again later, instead do
(sorted-list (sort (copy-list list) #'first-column-as-date-ascending)))
(if (search "No measurements found." body)
Can be written as
(unless (search "No measurements found." body) body)
can accept nested iterations in the directive, so you can eliminate separate-values
by writing make-csv
(defun make-csv (list)
"Takes a list of lists of values, and returns a string containing a CSV file representing each top-level list as a row."
(let ((sorted-list (sort list #'first-column-as-date-ascending)))
(format nil "~{~{~A~^,~}~^~%~}" sorted-list)))
You could eliminate make-csv
entirely by putting the above sort+directive directly into write-csv
(this would also save you a trip through the CSV string, which may or may not make a significant difference).
can be simplified down to
(defun scrape-page (page-num cookie-jar)
(loop for i from page-num
if (get-page i cookie-jar) collect it into pg
else return pg))
As a rule, Common Lisp doesn't guarantee tail-calls the way Scheme does, so it's generally a better idea to use a loop
than raw recursion. SBCL does support some tail calls, but it isn't guaranteed (though this situation looks simple enough that it just might; do some profiling and compare).
You should be able to simplify scrape-xhtml
in a similar way to eliminate (let ((results nil))
Note that I haven't tested or profiled any of this since I don't have a "MyFitnessPal" account. Check that it works first.
EDIT the Second:
(let ((valid-xhtml (chtml:parse body (cxml:make-string-sink))))
(let ((xhtml-tree (chtml:parse valid-xhtml (cxml-stp:make-builder))))
You use this nested let idiom in a couple of places. I assume this is just because the value of xhtml-tree
depends on the value of valid-html
. In this case, you can instead write
(let* ((valid-xhtml (chtml:parse body (cxml:make-string-sink)))
(xhtml-tree (chtml:parse valid-xhtml (cxml-stp:make-builder))))
edited May 7 '11 at 5:07
answered May 6 '11 at 19:00
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Be careful to indent your code properly to make it more readable. For instance:
(let ((cookie-jar (login username password)))
(if (logged-in? cookie-jar)
(write-csv (recursive-scrape-page 1 cookie-jar) csv-pathname)
That piece of code could by the way possibly be improved by an idiomatic WITH-VALID-LOGIN
macro (if you want to practice). It could become...
(with-valid-login (cookie-jar username password)
(write-csv (recursive-scrape-page 1 cookie-jar) csv-pathname))
...with a macro definition like:
(defmacro with-valid-login ((jar user password) &body body)
`(let ((,jar (login ,user ,password)))
(if (logged-in? ,jar)
(progn ,@body)
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Be careful to indent your code properly to make it more readable. For instance:
(let ((cookie-jar (login username password)))
(if (logged-in? cookie-jar)
(write-csv (recursive-scrape-page 1 cookie-jar) csv-pathname)
That piece of code could by the way possibly be improved by an idiomatic WITH-VALID-LOGIN
macro (if you want to practice). It could become...
(with-valid-login (cookie-jar username password)
(write-csv (recursive-scrape-page 1 cookie-jar) csv-pathname))
...with a macro definition like:
(defmacro with-valid-login ((jar user password) &body body)
`(let ((,jar (login ,user ,password)))
(if (logged-in? ,jar)
(progn ,@body)
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Be careful to indent your code properly to make it more readable. For instance:
(let ((cookie-jar (login username password)))
(if (logged-in? cookie-jar)
(write-csv (recursive-scrape-page 1 cookie-jar) csv-pathname)
That piece of code could by the way possibly be improved by an idiomatic WITH-VALID-LOGIN
macro (if you want to practice). It could become...
(with-valid-login (cookie-jar username password)
(write-csv (recursive-scrape-page 1 cookie-jar) csv-pathname))
...with a macro definition like:
(defmacro with-valid-login ((jar user password) &body body)
`(let ((,jar (login ,user ,password)))
(if (logged-in? ,jar)
(progn ,@body)
Be careful to indent your code properly to make it more readable. For instance:
(let ((cookie-jar (login username password)))
(if (logged-in? cookie-jar)
(write-csv (recursive-scrape-page 1 cookie-jar) csv-pathname)
That piece of code could by the way possibly be improved by an idiomatic WITH-VALID-LOGIN
macro (if you want to practice). It could become...
(with-valid-login (cookie-jar username password)
(write-csv (recursive-scrape-page 1 cookie-jar) csv-pathname))
...with a macro definition like:
(defmacro with-valid-login ((jar user password) &body body)
`(let ((,jar (login ,user ,password)))
(if (logged-in? ,jar)
(progn ,@body)
edited 2 days ago
answered Jan 12 '16 at 7:41
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I always feel interested in every CL projects . Hey thank to your codebase, now I know how to use defpackage :D
– Dark Cloud
May 6 '11 at 16:19