Python Type System



I am trying to create a custom type system in Python.

from collections import Iterable
import six

class Field(object):
Specification of a field

def __init__(self,
self._type = prop_type
self._required = required
self._repeated = repeated
if choices is not None:
if not isinstance(choices, Iterable):
raise IllegalTypeError("Expected iterable got '%s' (%r)" % (type(choices), choices))
choices = frozenset(choices)
self._choices = choices
self._default = default
self._validators = validators or ()
self._alias = alias or None
self._converter = converter

def is_required(self):
return self._required

def is_repeated(self):
return self._repeated

# Workaround for not having __set_name__ hook in Python versions before 3.6
def set_name(self, name):
Upon class creation, this method is called on all the attribute defined in the class with name of the attribute.
self._name = name

def _convert_value(self, value):
# run converter only if value is not already of defined type
value_to_store = value
if self._converter:
if self.is_repeated() and isinstance(value_to_store, (list, set)):
value_to_store = [
self._converter(val) if (not isinstance(val, self._dtype())) else val for val in value_to_store]
elif not isinstance(value_to_store, self._dtype()):
value_to_store = self._converter(value_to_store)
return value_to_store

def _store_value(self, owner, value):
Owner is the object that holds the corresponding field
value_to_store = value
if value_to_store:
value_to_store = self._convert_value(value_to_store)
if self._repeated:
if isinstance(value_to_store, (list, set)):
value_to_store = [self._run_validators(item) for item in value_to_store]
value_to_store = [self._run_validators(value_to_store)]
value_to_store = self._run_validators(value_to_store)
owner._values[self._name] = value_to_store

def _retrieve_value(self, owner):
return owner._values.get(self._name)

def _run_validators(self, value):
if value:
for validator in self._validators:
# validator should raise the exception if value is invalid
return value

def _get_for_dict(self, owner):
return self._retrieve_value(owner)

def check_type(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, self._dtype()):
raise IllegalTypeError("Expected '%s' got '%s' (%r) for the field %s" % (self._dtype(),

def check_choices(self, value):
if self._choices is not None:
if value not in self._choices:
raise IllegalChoiceError("Value provided is outside the set of choices for the field : %s" % self._name)

def _check_required_field(self, value):
return self._required and value is None

def _dtype(self):
return self._type

def __get__(self, owner, value):
if owner is None:
return self
return self._retrieve_value(owner)

def __set__(self, owner, value):
self._store_value(owner, value)

class ComplexField(Field):
Specification of a complex field
def __init__(self, model_class, **kwargs):
super(ComplexField, self).__init__(model_class, **kwargs)
self._model_class = model_class

def __getattr__(self, name):
return self._model_class._properties.get(name)

def _get_for_dict(self, owner):
value = self._retrieve_value(owner)
if self._repeated:
value = [item._to_dict() for item in value]
value = value._todict()
return value

class BaseModel(type):
""" """

def __init__(cls, name, bases, classdict):
def make_default(field, value):
def default(self):
if callable(value):
return value(self)
return value
setattr(cls, 'default_%s' % field, default)
super(BaseModel, cls).__init__(name, bases, classdict)
cls._properties = {}
cls._alias_to_property_map = {}
for name in set(dir(cls)):
attr = getattr(cls, name, None)
if isinstance(attr, Field):
cls._properties[attr._name] = attr
if not getattr(cls, 'default_%s' % attr._name, None):
make_default(attr._name, attr._default)
# Add alias to field class map
if attr._alias:
cls._alias_to_property_map[attr._alias] = attr._name

def __repr__(cls):
props =
for _, prop in sorted(cls._properties.items()):
props.append('%s=%r' % (prop._name, prop))
return '%s<%s>' % (cls.__name__, ', '.join(props))

class Model(object):
""" """

def __init__(self, **kwds):
# add checks for required fields
self._values = {}

def _set_attributes(self, kwds):
cls = self.__class__
for name, value in kwds.items():
prop = getattr(cls, name)
if not isinstance(prop, Field):
raise IllegalTypeError('Cannot set non-field "%s" value' % name)
prop._store_value(self, value)

def _to_dict(self):
values = {}
for _, prop in self._properties.items():
name = prop._name
value = prop._get_for_dict(self)
values[name] = value
return values

asdict = _to_dict

def _populate(self):
for name, prop in self._properties.items():
if getattr(self, name) is None:
prop._store_value(self, getattr(self, "default_%s" % name)())

def __post_init__(self):

def _check_required_fields(self):

def __iter__(self):
values = self._to_dict()
for key, value in values.items():
yield (key, value)

def __getitem__(self, key):
return getattr(self, key)

def __setitem__(self, key, value):
cls = self.__class__
prop = getattr(cls, key)
if not isinstance(prop, Field):
raise IllegalTypeError('Cannot set non-field "%s" value' % key)
return setattr(self, key, value)

def __len__(self):
return 1

def __post__init__(self):

def create_object_from_dict(cls, input_dict):
""" """

# Step 1: Validate
# Check if all dictionary fields are defined fields
# Check if all required fields are present
# Convert the aliases
# Execute converters

current_fields = cls.validate_and_convert_input_dictionary(input_dict)
for key, value in current_fields.items():
field_class = cls.get_field_class(key)
is_repeated = cls.is_field_repeated(key)

if not cls.is_domain_class(field_class):
val = cls.create_simple_field(value, field_class, is_repeated)

elif isinstance(value, dict):
val = cls.create_complex_field_from_dict(field_class, value)

elif isinstance(value, list):
# currently list is assumed to be list of dicts this will be changed accordingly
val = [cls.create_complex_field_from_dict(field_class, v) for v in value]

raise IllegalTypeError('Improper type of value for field %s' % key)

current_fields[key] = val

return cls(**current_fields)

def is_field_repeated(cls, field_name):
return cls._properties[field_name].is_repeated()

def create_simple_field(cls, value, field_class, is_repeated):
val = None
# if we have multiple arguments unwrap it and pass to the constructor
if isinstance(value, dict):
val = field_class(**value)
elif is_repeated:
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple, set)):
val = [field_class(v) for v in value]
val = [field_class(value)]
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple, set)):
val = field_class(*value)
val = field_class(value)
return val

def get_field_class(cls, field_name):
# first we check if class is present in the field class map
class_map = getattr(cls, "field_class_map", None)
if class_map and field_name in class_map:
return class_map[field_name]
return cls._properties[field_name]._type

def check_if_all_fields_valid(cls, input_dict): # checks if all the fields defined are already in cls definition
return all([k in cls._properties for k, v in input_dict.items()])

def check_if_all_required_fields_present(cls, input_dict):
return all([k2 in input_dict for k2 in [k for k, v in cls._properties.items() if v.is_required()]])

def create_complex_field_from_dict(cls, field_class, input_dict):
return field_class.create_object_from_dict(input_dict)

def is_domain_class(cls, field_class):
return issubclass(field_class, Model)

def convert_alias(cls, input_dict):
return {
cls._alias_to_property_map[k] if k in cls._alias_to_property_map else k: v for k, v in input_dict.items()}

def apply_converters(cls, input_dict):
current_dict = {}
for key, val in input_dict.items():
if val:
val = cls._properties[key]._convert_value(val)
current_dict[key] = val
return current_dict

def validate_and_convert_input_dictionary(cls, input_dict):
current_dict = cls.convert_alias(input_dict)

if not cls.check_if_all_fields_valid(current_dict):
raise IllegalFieldError("Fields present are outside the fields allowed")

if not cls.check_if_all_required_fields_present(current_dict):
raise RequiredFieldNotPresentError("All required fields are not present in the dictionary ")

return cls.apply_converters(current_dict)

# Example field classes
class JobSpec(Model):
job_name = Field(str, default=None)
command_spec = Field(CommandSpec, repeated = True, default=None)

class CommandSpec(Mode):
command_name = Field(str, default=None)

I'd like general comments on how I could improve the coding style. If I am reinventing the wheel, I am using bad coding practices etc.


New contributor

Lokesh Agrawal is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.




    I am trying to create a custom type system in Python.

    from collections import Iterable
    import six

    class Field(object):
    Specification of a field

    def __init__(self,
    self._type = prop_type
    self._required = required
    self._repeated = repeated
    if choices is not None:
    if not isinstance(choices, Iterable):
    raise IllegalTypeError("Expected iterable got '%s' (%r)" % (type(choices), choices))
    choices = frozenset(choices)
    self._choices = choices
    self._default = default
    self._validators = validators or ()
    self._alias = alias or None
    self._converter = converter

    def is_required(self):
    return self._required

    def is_repeated(self):
    return self._repeated

    # Workaround for not having __set_name__ hook in Python versions before 3.6
    def set_name(self, name):
    Upon class creation, this method is called on all the attribute defined in the class with name of the attribute.
    self._name = name

    def _convert_value(self, value):
    # run converter only if value is not already of defined type
    value_to_store = value
    if self._converter:
    if self.is_repeated() and isinstance(value_to_store, (list, set)):
    value_to_store = [
    self._converter(val) if (not isinstance(val, self._dtype())) else val for val in value_to_store]
    elif not isinstance(value_to_store, self._dtype()):
    value_to_store = self._converter(value_to_store)
    return value_to_store

    def _store_value(self, owner, value):
    Owner is the object that holds the corresponding field
    value_to_store = value
    if value_to_store:
    value_to_store = self._convert_value(value_to_store)
    if self._repeated:
    if isinstance(value_to_store, (list, set)):
    value_to_store = [self._run_validators(item) for item in value_to_store]
    value_to_store = [self._run_validators(value_to_store)]
    value_to_store = self._run_validators(value_to_store)
    owner._values[self._name] = value_to_store

    def _retrieve_value(self, owner):
    return owner._values.get(self._name)

    def _run_validators(self, value):
    if value:
    for validator in self._validators:
    # validator should raise the exception if value is invalid
    return value

    def _get_for_dict(self, owner):
    return self._retrieve_value(owner)

    def check_type(self, value):
    if not isinstance(value, self._dtype()):
    raise IllegalTypeError("Expected '%s' got '%s' (%r) for the field %s" % (self._dtype(),

    def check_choices(self, value):
    if self._choices is not None:
    if value not in self._choices:
    raise IllegalChoiceError("Value provided is outside the set of choices for the field : %s" % self._name)

    def _check_required_field(self, value):
    return self._required and value is None

    def _dtype(self):
    return self._type

    def __get__(self, owner, value):
    if owner is None:
    return self
    return self._retrieve_value(owner)

    def __set__(self, owner, value):
    self._store_value(owner, value)

    class ComplexField(Field):
    Specification of a complex field
    def __init__(self, model_class, **kwargs):
    super(ComplexField, self).__init__(model_class, **kwargs)
    self._model_class = model_class

    def __getattr__(self, name):
    return self._model_class._properties.get(name)

    def _get_for_dict(self, owner):
    value = self._retrieve_value(owner)
    if self._repeated:
    value = [item._to_dict() for item in value]
    value = value._todict()
    return value

    class BaseModel(type):
    """ """

    def __init__(cls, name, bases, classdict):
    def make_default(field, value):
    def default(self):
    if callable(value):
    return value(self)
    return value
    setattr(cls, 'default_%s' % field, default)
    super(BaseModel, cls).__init__(name, bases, classdict)
    cls._properties = {}
    cls._alias_to_property_map = {}
    for name in set(dir(cls)):
    attr = getattr(cls, name, None)
    if isinstance(attr, Field):
    cls._properties[attr._name] = attr
    if not getattr(cls, 'default_%s' % attr._name, None):
    make_default(attr._name, attr._default)
    # Add alias to field class map
    if attr._alias:
    cls._alias_to_property_map[attr._alias] = attr._name

    def __repr__(cls):
    props =
    for _, prop in sorted(cls._properties.items()):
    props.append('%s=%r' % (prop._name, prop))
    return '%s<%s>' % (cls.__name__, ', '.join(props))

    class Model(object):
    """ """

    def __init__(self, **kwds):
    # add checks for required fields
    self._values = {}

    def _set_attributes(self, kwds):
    cls = self.__class__
    for name, value in kwds.items():
    prop = getattr(cls, name)
    if not isinstance(prop, Field):
    raise IllegalTypeError('Cannot set non-field "%s" value' % name)
    prop._store_value(self, value)

    def _to_dict(self):
    values = {}
    for _, prop in self._properties.items():
    name = prop._name
    value = prop._get_for_dict(self)
    values[name] = value
    return values

    asdict = _to_dict

    def _populate(self):
    for name, prop in self._properties.items():
    if getattr(self, name) is None:
    prop._store_value(self, getattr(self, "default_%s" % name)())

    def __post_init__(self):

    def _check_required_fields(self):

    def __iter__(self):
    values = self._to_dict()
    for key, value in values.items():
    yield (key, value)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
    return getattr(self, key)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
    cls = self.__class__
    prop = getattr(cls, key)
    if not isinstance(prop, Field):
    raise IllegalTypeError('Cannot set non-field "%s" value' % key)
    return setattr(self, key, value)

    def __len__(self):
    return 1

    def __post__init__(self):

    def create_object_from_dict(cls, input_dict):
    """ """

    # Step 1: Validate
    # Check if all dictionary fields are defined fields
    # Check if all required fields are present
    # Convert the aliases
    # Execute converters

    current_fields = cls.validate_and_convert_input_dictionary(input_dict)
    for key, value in current_fields.items():
    field_class = cls.get_field_class(key)
    is_repeated = cls.is_field_repeated(key)

    if not cls.is_domain_class(field_class):
    val = cls.create_simple_field(value, field_class, is_repeated)

    elif isinstance(value, dict):
    val = cls.create_complex_field_from_dict(field_class, value)

    elif isinstance(value, list):
    # currently list is assumed to be list of dicts this will be changed accordingly
    val = [cls.create_complex_field_from_dict(field_class, v) for v in value]

    raise IllegalTypeError('Improper type of value for field %s' % key)

    current_fields[key] = val

    return cls(**current_fields)

    def is_field_repeated(cls, field_name):
    return cls._properties[field_name].is_repeated()

    def create_simple_field(cls, value, field_class, is_repeated):
    val = None
    # if we have multiple arguments unwrap it and pass to the constructor
    if isinstance(value, dict):
    val = field_class(**value)
    elif is_repeated:
    if isinstance(value, (list, tuple, set)):
    val = [field_class(v) for v in value]
    val = [field_class(value)]
    if isinstance(value, (list, tuple, set)):
    val = field_class(*value)
    val = field_class(value)
    return val

    def get_field_class(cls, field_name):
    # first we check if class is present in the field class map
    class_map = getattr(cls, "field_class_map", None)
    if class_map and field_name in class_map:
    return class_map[field_name]
    return cls._properties[field_name]._type

    def check_if_all_fields_valid(cls, input_dict): # checks if all the fields defined are already in cls definition
    return all([k in cls._properties for k, v in input_dict.items()])

    def check_if_all_required_fields_present(cls, input_dict):
    return all([k2 in input_dict for k2 in [k for k, v in cls._properties.items() if v.is_required()]])

    def create_complex_field_from_dict(cls, field_class, input_dict):
    return field_class.create_object_from_dict(input_dict)

    def is_domain_class(cls, field_class):
    return issubclass(field_class, Model)

    def convert_alias(cls, input_dict):
    return {
    cls._alias_to_property_map[k] if k in cls._alias_to_property_map else k: v for k, v in input_dict.items()}

    def apply_converters(cls, input_dict):
    current_dict = {}
    for key, val in input_dict.items():
    if val:
    val = cls._properties[key]._convert_value(val)
    current_dict[key] = val
    return current_dict

    def validate_and_convert_input_dictionary(cls, input_dict):
    current_dict = cls.convert_alias(input_dict)

    if not cls.check_if_all_fields_valid(current_dict):
    raise IllegalFieldError("Fields present are outside the fields allowed")

    if not cls.check_if_all_required_fields_present(current_dict):
    raise RequiredFieldNotPresentError("All required fields are not present in the dictionary ")

    return cls.apply_converters(current_dict)

    # Example field classes
    class JobSpec(Model):
    job_name = Field(str, default=None)
    command_spec = Field(CommandSpec, repeated = True, default=None)

    class CommandSpec(Mode):
    command_name = Field(str, default=None)

    I'd like general comments on how I could improve the coding style. If I am reinventing the wheel, I am using bad coding practices etc.


    New contributor

    Lokesh Agrawal is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.






      I am trying to create a custom type system in Python.

      from collections import Iterable
      import six

      class Field(object):
      Specification of a field

      def __init__(self,
      self._type = prop_type
      self._required = required
      self._repeated = repeated
      if choices is not None:
      if not isinstance(choices, Iterable):
      raise IllegalTypeError("Expected iterable got '%s' (%r)" % (type(choices), choices))
      choices = frozenset(choices)
      self._choices = choices
      self._default = default
      self._validators = validators or ()
      self._alias = alias or None
      self._converter = converter

      def is_required(self):
      return self._required

      def is_repeated(self):
      return self._repeated

      # Workaround for not having __set_name__ hook in Python versions before 3.6
      def set_name(self, name):
      Upon class creation, this method is called on all the attribute defined in the class with name of the attribute.
      self._name = name

      def _convert_value(self, value):
      # run converter only if value is not already of defined type
      value_to_store = value
      if self._converter:
      if self.is_repeated() and isinstance(value_to_store, (list, set)):
      value_to_store = [
      self._converter(val) if (not isinstance(val, self._dtype())) else val for val in value_to_store]
      elif not isinstance(value_to_store, self._dtype()):
      value_to_store = self._converter(value_to_store)
      return value_to_store

      def _store_value(self, owner, value):
      Owner is the object that holds the corresponding field
      value_to_store = value
      if value_to_store:
      value_to_store = self._convert_value(value_to_store)
      if self._repeated:
      if isinstance(value_to_store, (list, set)):
      value_to_store = [self._run_validators(item) for item in value_to_store]
      value_to_store = [self._run_validators(value_to_store)]
      value_to_store = self._run_validators(value_to_store)
      owner._values[self._name] = value_to_store

      def _retrieve_value(self, owner):
      return owner._values.get(self._name)

      def _run_validators(self, value):
      if value:
      for validator in self._validators:
      # validator should raise the exception if value is invalid
      return value

      def _get_for_dict(self, owner):
      return self._retrieve_value(owner)

      def check_type(self, value):
      if not isinstance(value, self._dtype()):
      raise IllegalTypeError("Expected '%s' got '%s' (%r) for the field %s" % (self._dtype(),

      def check_choices(self, value):
      if self._choices is not None:
      if value not in self._choices:
      raise IllegalChoiceError("Value provided is outside the set of choices for the field : %s" % self._name)

      def _check_required_field(self, value):
      return self._required and value is None

      def _dtype(self):
      return self._type

      def __get__(self, owner, value):
      if owner is None:
      return self
      return self._retrieve_value(owner)

      def __set__(self, owner, value):
      self._store_value(owner, value)

      class ComplexField(Field):
      Specification of a complex field
      def __init__(self, model_class, **kwargs):
      super(ComplexField, self).__init__(model_class, **kwargs)
      self._model_class = model_class

      def __getattr__(self, name):
      return self._model_class._properties.get(name)

      def _get_for_dict(self, owner):
      value = self._retrieve_value(owner)
      if self._repeated:
      value = [item._to_dict() for item in value]
      value = value._todict()
      return value

      class BaseModel(type):
      """ """

      def __init__(cls, name, bases, classdict):
      def make_default(field, value):
      def default(self):
      if callable(value):
      return value(self)
      return value
      setattr(cls, 'default_%s' % field, default)
      super(BaseModel, cls).__init__(name, bases, classdict)
      cls._properties = {}
      cls._alias_to_property_map = {}
      for name in set(dir(cls)):
      attr = getattr(cls, name, None)
      if isinstance(attr, Field):
      cls._properties[attr._name] = attr
      if not getattr(cls, 'default_%s' % attr._name, None):
      make_default(attr._name, attr._default)
      # Add alias to field class map
      if attr._alias:
      cls._alias_to_property_map[attr._alias] = attr._name

      def __repr__(cls):
      props =
      for _, prop in sorted(cls._properties.items()):
      props.append('%s=%r' % (prop._name, prop))
      return '%s<%s>' % (cls.__name__, ', '.join(props))

      class Model(object):
      """ """

      def __init__(self, **kwds):
      # add checks for required fields
      self._values = {}

      def _set_attributes(self, kwds):
      cls = self.__class__
      for name, value in kwds.items():
      prop = getattr(cls, name)
      if not isinstance(prop, Field):
      raise IllegalTypeError('Cannot set non-field "%s" value' % name)
      prop._store_value(self, value)

      def _to_dict(self):
      values = {}
      for _, prop in self._properties.items():
      name = prop._name
      value = prop._get_for_dict(self)
      values[name] = value
      return values

      asdict = _to_dict

      def _populate(self):
      for name, prop in self._properties.items():
      if getattr(self, name) is None:
      prop._store_value(self, getattr(self, "default_%s" % name)())

      def __post_init__(self):

      def _check_required_fields(self):

      def __iter__(self):
      values = self._to_dict()
      for key, value in values.items():
      yield (key, value)

      def __getitem__(self, key):
      return getattr(self, key)

      def __setitem__(self, key, value):
      cls = self.__class__
      prop = getattr(cls, key)
      if not isinstance(prop, Field):
      raise IllegalTypeError('Cannot set non-field "%s" value' % key)
      return setattr(self, key, value)

      def __len__(self):
      return 1

      def __post__init__(self):

      def create_object_from_dict(cls, input_dict):
      """ """

      # Step 1: Validate
      # Check if all dictionary fields are defined fields
      # Check if all required fields are present
      # Convert the aliases
      # Execute converters

      current_fields = cls.validate_and_convert_input_dictionary(input_dict)
      for key, value in current_fields.items():
      field_class = cls.get_field_class(key)
      is_repeated = cls.is_field_repeated(key)

      if not cls.is_domain_class(field_class):
      val = cls.create_simple_field(value, field_class, is_repeated)

      elif isinstance(value, dict):
      val = cls.create_complex_field_from_dict(field_class, value)

      elif isinstance(value, list):
      # currently list is assumed to be list of dicts this will be changed accordingly
      val = [cls.create_complex_field_from_dict(field_class, v) for v in value]

      raise IllegalTypeError('Improper type of value for field %s' % key)

      current_fields[key] = val

      return cls(**current_fields)

      def is_field_repeated(cls, field_name):
      return cls._properties[field_name].is_repeated()

      def create_simple_field(cls, value, field_class, is_repeated):
      val = None
      # if we have multiple arguments unwrap it and pass to the constructor
      if isinstance(value, dict):
      val = field_class(**value)
      elif is_repeated:
      if isinstance(value, (list, tuple, set)):
      val = [field_class(v) for v in value]
      val = [field_class(value)]
      if isinstance(value, (list, tuple, set)):
      val = field_class(*value)
      val = field_class(value)
      return val

      def get_field_class(cls, field_name):
      # first we check if class is present in the field class map
      class_map = getattr(cls, "field_class_map", None)
      if class_map and field_name in class_map:
      return class_map[field_name]
      return cls._properties[field_name]._type

      def check_if_all_fields_valid(cls, input_dict): # checks if all the fields defined are already in cls definition
      return all([k in cls._properties for k, v in input_dict.items()])

      def check_if_all_required_fields_present(cls, input_dict):
      return all([k2 in input_dict for k2 in [k for k, v in cls._properties.items() if v.is_required()]])

      def create_complex_field_from_dict(cls, field_class, input_dict):
      return field_class.create_object_from_dict(input_dict)

      def is_domain_class(cls, field_class):
      return issubclass(field_class, Model)

      def convert_alias(cls, input_dict):
      return {
      cls._alias_to_property_map[k] if k in cls._alias_to_property_map else k: v for k, v in input_dict.items()}

      def apply_converters(cls, input_dict):
      current_dict = {}
      for key, val in input_dict.items():
      if val:
      val = cls._properties[key]._convert_value(val)
      current_dict[key] = val
      return current_dict

      def validate_and_convert_input_dictionary(cls, input_dict):
      current_dict = cls.convert_alias(input_dict)

      if not cls.check_if_all_fields_valid(current_dict):
      raise IllegalFieldError("Fields present are outside the fields allowed")

      if not cls.check_if_all_required_fields_present(current_dict):
      raise RequiredFieldNotPresentError("All required fields are not present in the dictionary ")

      return cls.apply_converters(current_dict)

      # Example field classes
      class JobSpec(Model):
      job_name = Field(str, default=None)
      command_spec = Field(CommandSpec, repeated = True, default=None)

      class CommandSpec(Mode):
      command_name = Field(str, default=None)

      I'd like general comments on how I could improve the coding style. If I am reinventing the wheel, I am using bad coding practices etc.


      New contributor

      Lokesh Agrawal is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.


      I am trying to create a custom type system in Python.

      from collections import Iterable
      import six

      class Field(object):
      Specification of a field

      def __init__(self,
      self._type = prop_type
      self._required = required
      self._repeated = repeated
      if choices is not None:
      if not isinstance(choices, Iterable):
      raise IllegalTypeError("Expected iterable got '%s' (%r)" % (type(choices), choices))
      choices = frozenset(choices)
      self._choices = choices
      self._default = default
      self._validators = validators or ()
      self._alias = alias or None
      self._converter = converter

      def is_required(self):
      return self._required

      def is_repeated(self):
      return self._repeated

      # Workaround for not having __set_name__ hook in Python versions before 3.6
      def set_name(self, name):
      Upon class creation, this method is called on all the attribute defined in the class with name of the attribute.
      self._name = name

      def _convert_value(self, value):
      # run converter only if value is not already of defined type
      value_to_store = value
      if self._converter:
      if self.is_repeated() and isinstance(value_to_store, (list, set)):
      value_to_store = [
      self._converter(val) if (not isinstance(val, self._dtype())) else val for val in value_to_store]
      elif not isinstance(value_to_store, self._dtype()):
      value_to_store = self._converter(value_to_store)
      return value_to_store

      def _store_value(self, owner, value):
      Owner is the object that holds the corresponding field
      value_to_store = value
      if value_to_store:
      value_to_store = self._convert_value(value_to_store)
      if self._repeated:
      if isinstance(value_to_store, (list, set)):
      value_to_store = [self._run_validators(item) for item in value_to_store]
      value_to_store = [self._run_validators(value_to_store)]
      value_to_store = self._run_validators(value_to_store)
      owner._values[self._name] = value_to_store

      def _retrieve_value(self, owner):
      return owner._values.get(self._name)

      def _run_validators(self, value):
      if value:
      for validator in self._validators:
      # validator should raise the exception if value is invalid
      return value

      def _get_for_dict(self, owner):
      return self._retrieve_value(owner)

      def check_type(self, value):
      if not isinstance(value, self._dtype()):
      raise IllegalTypeError("Expected '%s' got '%s' (%r) for the field %s" % (self._dtype(),

      def check_choices(self, value):
      if self._choices is not None:
      if value not in self._choices:
      raise IllegalChoiceError("Value provided is outside the set of choices for the field : %s" % self._name)

      def _check_required_field(self, value):
      return self._required and value is None

      def _dtype(self):
      return self._type

      def __get__(self, owner, value):
      if owner is None:
      return self
      return self._retrieve_value(owner)

      def __set__(self, owner, value):
      self._store_value(owner, value)

      class ComplexField(Field):
      Specification of a complex field
      def __init__(self, model_class, **kwargs):
      super(ComplexField, self).__init__(model_class, **kwargs)
      self._model_class = model_class

      def __getattr__(self, name):
      return self._model_class._properties.get(name)

      def _get_for_dict(self, owner):
      value = self._retrieve_value(owner)
      if self._repeated:
      value = [item._to_dict() for item in value]
      value = value._todict()
      return value

      class BaseModel(type):
      """ """

      def __init__(cls, name, bases, classdict):
      def make_default(field, value):
      def default(self):
      if callable(value):
      return value(self)
      return value
      setattr(cls, 'default_%s' % field, default)
      super(BaseModel, cls).__init__(name, bases, classdict)
      cls._properties = {}
      cls._alias_to_property_map = {}
      for name in set(dir(cls)):
      attr = getattr(cls, name, None)
      if isinstance(attr, Field):
      cls._properties[attr._name] = attr
      if not getattr(cls, 'default_%s' % attr._name, None):
      make_default(attr._name, attr._default)
      # Add alias to field class map
      if attr._alias:
      cls._alias_to_property_map[attr._alias] = attr._name

      def __repr__(cls):
      props =
      for _, prop in sorted(cls._properties.items()):
      props.append('%s=%r' % (prop._name, prop))
      return '%s<%s>' % (cls.__name__, ', '.join(props))

      class Model(object):
      """ """

      def __init__(self, **kwds):
      # add checks for required fields
      self._values = {}

      def _set_attributes(self, kwds):
      cls = self.__class__
      for name, value in kwds.items():
      prop = getattr(cls, name)
      if not isinstance(prop, Field):
      raise IllegalTypeError('Cannot set non-field "%s" value' % name)
      prop._store_value(self, value)

      def _to_dict(self):
      values = {}
      for _, prop in self._properties.items():
      name = prop._name
      value = prop._get_for_dict(self)
      values[name] = value
      return values

      asdict = _to_dict

      def _populate(self):
      for name, prop in self._properties.items():
      if getattr(self, name) is None:
      prop._store_value(self, getattr(self, "default_%s" % name)())

      def __post_init__(self):

      def _check_required_fields(self):

      def __iter__(self):
      values = self._to_dict()
      for key, value in values.items():
      yield (key, value)

      def __getitem__(self, key):
      return getattr(self, key)

      def __setitem__(self, key, value):
      cls = self.__class__
      prop = getattr(cls, key)
      if not isinstance(prop, Field):
      raise IllegalTypeError('Cannot set non-field "%s" value' % key)
      return setattr(self, key, value)

      def __len__(self):
      return 1

      def __post__init__(self):

      def create_object_from_dict(cls, input_dict):
      """ """

      # Step 1: Validate
      # Check if all dictionary fields are defined fields
      # Check if all required fields are present
      # Convert the aliases
      # Execute converters

      current_fields = cls.validate_and_convert_input_dictionary(input_dict)
      for key, value in current_fields.items():
      field_class = cls.get_field_class(key)
      is_repeated = cls.is_field_repeated(key)

      if not cls.is_domain_class(field_class):
      val = cls.create_simple_field(value, field_class, is_repeated)

      elif isinstance(value, dict):
      val = cls.create_complex_field_from_dict(field_class, value)

      elif isinstance(value, list):
      # currently list is assumed to be list of dicts this will be changed accordingly
      val = [cls.create_complex_field_from_dict(field_class, v) for v in value]

      raise IllegalTypeError('Improper type of value for field %s' % key)

      current_fields[key] = val

      return cls(**current_fields)

      def is_field_repeated(cls, field_name):
      return cls._properties[field_name].is_repeated()

      def create_simple_field(cls, value, field_class, is_repeated):
      val = None
      # if we have multiple arguments unwrap it and pass to the constructor
      if isinstance(value, dict):
      val = field_class(**value)
      elif is_repeated:
      if isinstance(value, (list, tuple, set)):
      val = [field_class(v) for v in value]
      val = [field_class(value)]
      if isinstance(value, (list, tuple, set)):
      val = field_class(*value)
      val = field_class(value)
      return val

      def get_field_class(cls, field_name):
      # first we check if class is present in the field class map
      class_map = getattr(cls, "field_class_map", None)
      if class_map and field_name in class_map:
      return class_map[field_name]
      return cls._properties[field_name]._type

      def check_if_all_fields_valid(cls, input_dict): # checks if all the fields defined are already in cls definition
      return all([k in cls._properties for k, v in input_dict.items()])

      def check_if_all_required_fields_present(cls, input_dict):
      return all([k2 in input_dict for k2 in [k for k, v in cls._properties.items() if v.is_required()]])

      def create_complex_field_from_dict(cls, field_class, input_dict):
      return field_class.create_object_from_dict(input_dict)

      def is_domain_class(cls, field_class):
      return issubclass(field_class, Model)

      def convert_alias(cls, input_dict):
      return {
      cls._alias_to_property_map[k] if k in cls._alias_to_property_map else k: v for k, v in input_dict.items()}

      def apply_converters(cls, input_dict):
      current_dict = {}
      for key, val in input_dict.items():
      if val:
      val = cls._properties[key]._convert_value(val)
      current_dict[key] = val
      return current_dict

      def validate_and_convert_input_dictionary(cls, input_dict):
      current_dict = cls.convert_alias(input_dict)

      if not cls.check_if_all_fields_valid(current_dict):
      raise IllegalFieldError("Fields present are outside the fields allowed")

      if not cls.check_if_all_required_fields_present(current_dict):
      raise RequiredFieldNotPresentError("All required fields are not present in the dictionary ")

      return cls.apply_converters(current_dict)

      # Example field classes
      class JobSpec(Model):
      job_name = Field(str, default=None)
      command_spec = Field(CommandSpec, repeated = True, default=None)

      class CommandSpec(Mode):
      command_name = Field(str, default=None)

      I'd like general comments on how I could improve the coding style. If I am reinventing the wheel, I am using bad coding practices etc.



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      asked 4 mins ago

      Lokesh AgrawalLokesh Agrawal



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