Database module on TypeScript. Too many type definitions


Core Review

Hello, I'm developing relatively simple car rental service app. I decided to use TypeScript for backend.

The question is about database module. Now there are three entities: car, tariff и photo. I use MongoDB as database.

General types are extracted tp separate file src/lib/types.ts:

// Currency
export enum Currency {
USD = "USD",
EUR = "EUR",

// Price
export interface Price {
value: number;
currency: Currency;

// DB Entity
export interface Entity {
id: string;
createdAt: Date;

// Tariff
export interface TariffCreateFields {
days: number;
currency: Currency;
price: number;

export interface Tariff extends Entity {
days: number;
currency: Currency;
price: number;

// Photo
export interface PhotoCreateFields {
fileKey: string;

export interface Photo extends Entity {
fileKey: string;

// Car
export interface CarCreateFields {
model: string;
year?: string;
// ... some other fields ...
collateral: Price;
tariffs: TariffCreateFields;
photos: PhotoCreateFields;

export interface Car extends Entity {
model: string;
year?: string;
// ... some other fields ...
collateral: Price;
tariffs: Tariff;
photos: Photo;

This is car entity in src/db/models/car.ts:

import mongoose from "mongoose";

import {
} from "../../lib/types";
import {u} from "../../lib/utils";
import {photo} from "./photo";
import {tariff} from "./tariff";

interface CarSchema {
createdAt: Date;

model: string;
year?: string;
// ... some other fields ...
collateralValue: number;
collateralCurrency: Currency;

interface CarCreateDocument {
model: string;
year?: string;
// ... some other fields ...
collateralValue: number;
collateralCurrency: Currency;

type CarModel = CarSchema & mongoose.Document;

const carSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
createdAt: {type: Date, required: true, default: () => new Date()},

model: {type: String, required: true},
year: String,
// ... some other fields ...
collateralValue: Number,
collateralCurrency: String,

const fromDb = (m: CarModel, tariffs: Tariff, photos: Photo): Car => ({
createdAt: m.createdAt,

model: m.model,
year: u(m.year),
// ... some other fields ...
collateral: {
value: m.collateralValue || 0,
currency: m.collateralCurrency || Currency.USD,


const toDb = (f: CarCreateFields): CarCreateDocument => ({
model: f.model,
year: f.year,
// ... some other fields ...
collateralCurrency: f.collateral.currency,
collateralValue: f.collateral.value,

const CarModel = mongoose.model<CarModel>("Car", carSchema);

export namespace car {
export const create = async (fields: CarCreateFields): Promise<Car> => {
let dbCar = new CarModel(toDb(fields));

dbCar = await;

const tariffs = await tariff.createAllOf(, fields.tariffs);
const photos = await photo.createAllOf(,;

return fromDb(dbCar, tariffs, photos);

export const list = async (): Promise<Car> => {
const dbCarList = await CarModel.find().exec();

return await Promise.all( (dbCar) => {
const tariffs = await tariff.getAllOf(;
const photos = await photo.getAllOf(;

return fromDb(dbCar, tariffs, photos);

export const get = async (carId: string): Promise<Car | undefined> => {
const dbCar = await CarModel.findById(carId).exec();

if (dbCar === null) {
return undefined;

const tariffs = await tariff.getAllOf(;
const photos = await photo.getAllOf(;

return fromDb(dbCar, tariffs, photos);

export const update = async (carId: string, fields: CarCreateFields): Promise<void> => {
await CarModel.updateOne({_id: carId}, {$set: toDb(fields)}, {upsert: true}).then(() => undefined);
await tariff.updateAllOf(carId, fields.tariffs);
await photo.updateAllOf(carId,;

export const remove = async (carId: string): Promise<void> => {
await tariff.removeAllOf(carId);
await photo.removeAllOf(carId);
await CarModel.deleteOne({_id: carId}).then(() => undefined);

export const drop = (): Promise<void> => {
return CarModel.deleteMany({}).then(() => undefined);

Tariff entity in src/db/models/tariff.ts

import mongoose from "mongoose";

import {Currency, Tariff, TariffCreateFields} from "../../lib/types";

interface TariffSchema {
createdAt: Date;

carId: string;
days: number;
currency: Currency;
price: number;

interface TariffCreateDocument {
carId: string;
days: number;
currency: Currency;
price: number;

type TariffModel = TariffSchema & mongoose.Document;

const tariffSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
carId: {type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId, required: true},
createdAt: {type: Date, required: true, default: () => new Date()},

days: {type: Number, required: true},
currency: {type: String, required: true},
price: {type: Number, required: true},

tariffSchema.index({carId: 1, days: 1}, {unique: true});

const fromDb = (m: TariffModel): Tariff => ({
createdAt: m.createdAt,

days: m.days,
currency: m.currency,
price: m.price,

const toDb = (carId: string, f: TariffCreateFields): TariffCreateDocument => ({

days: f.days,
currency: f.currency,
price: f.price,

const TariffModel = mongoose.model<TariffModel>("Tariff", tariffSchema);

export namespace tariff {

export const create = (carId: string, fields: TariffCreateFields): Promise<Tariff> => {
const dbTariff = new TariffModel(toDb(carId, fields));

export const createAllOf = (carId: string, fieldsList: TariffCreateFields): Promise<Tariff> => {
return Promise.all( => create(carId, fields)));

export const list = (): Promise<Tariff> => {
return TariffModel.find().then((l) =>;

export const getAllOf = (carId: string): Promise<Tariff> => {
return TariffModel.find({carId}).then((l) =>;

export const updateAllOf = async (carId: string, fieldsList: TariffCreateFields): Promise<void> => {
await removeAllOf(carId);
await createAllOf(carId, fieldsList);

export const removeAllOf = (carId: string): Promise<void> => {
return TariffModel.deleteMany({carId}).then(() => undefined);

export const drop = (): Promise<void> => {
return TariffModel.deleteMany({}).then(() => undefined);


And photo entity in src/db/models/photo.ts

import mongoose from "mongoose";

import {Photo, PhotoCreateFields} from "../../lib/types";

interface PhotoSchema {
createdAt: Date;

carId: string;
fileKey: string;

interface PhotoCreateDocument {
carId: string;
fileKey: string;

type PhotoModel = PhotoSchema & mongoose.Document;

const PhotoSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
carId: {type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId, required: true},
createdAt: {type: Date, required: true, default: () => new Date()},

fileKey: {type: String, required: true},

PhotoSchema.index({carId: 1, fileKey: 1}, {unique: true});

const fromDb = (m: PhotoModel): Photo => ({
createdAt: m.createdAt,

fileKey: m.fileKey,

const toDb = (carId: string, f: PhotoCreateFields): PhotoCreateDocument => ({

fileKey: f.fileKey,

const PhotoModel = mongoose.model<PhotoModel>("Photo", PhotoSchema);

export namespace photo {

export const create = (carId: string, fields: PhotoCreateFields): Promise<Photo> => {
const dbPhoto = new PhotoModel(toDb(carId, fields));

export const createAllOf = (carId: string, fieldsList: PhotoCreateFields): Promise<Photo> => {
return Promise.all( => create(carId, fields)));

export const list = (): Promise<Photo> => {
return PhotoModel.find().then((l) =>;

export const getAllOf = (carId: string): Promise<Photo> => {
return PhotoModel.find({carId}).then((l) =>;

export const updateAllOf = async (carId: string, fieldsList: PhotoCreateFields): Promise<void> => {
await removeAllOf(carId);
await createAllOf(carId, fieldsList);

export const removeAllOf = (carId: string): Promise<void> => {
return PhotoModel.deleteMany({carId}).then(() => undefined);

export const drop = (): Promise<void> => {
return PhotoModel.deleteMany({}).then(() => undefined);


I think I have a lot of boilerplate code. Especially in type definitions: Car, CarCreateFields, CarSchema and CarCreateDocument. Also I'm not happy with fromDb and toDb functions. I tried to extract duplicated fields to separate types but in this case I have a naming problem. Event current naming is not good for me.

Please notice that Car and CarCreateFields are not the same types, they has different type for tariffs and photos. The same is true for CarCreateFields and CarCreateDocument.

Can you help me to reduce boilerplate code?

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    Core Review

    Hello, I'm developing relatively simple car rental service app. I decided to use TypeScript for backend.

    The question is about database module. Now there are three entities: car, tariff и photo. I use MongoDB as database.

    General types are extracted tp separate file src/lib/types.ts:

    // Currency
    export enum Currency {
    USD = "USD",
    EUR = "EUR",

    // Price
    export interface Price {
    value: number;
    currency: Currency;

    // DB Entity
    export interface Entity {
    id: string;
    createdAt: Date;

    // Tariff
    export interface TariffCreateFields {
    days: number;
    currency: Currency;
    price: number;

    export interface Tariff extends Entity {
    days: number;
    currency: Currency;
    price: number;

    // Photo
    export interface PhotoCreateFields {
    fileKey: string;

    export interface Photo extends Entity {
    fileKey: string;

    // Car
    export interface CarCreateFields {
    model: string;
    year?: string;
    // ... some other fields ...
    collateral: Price;
    tariffs: TariffCreateFields;
    photos: PhotoCreateFields;

    export interface Car extends Entity {
    model: string;
    year?: string;
    // ... some other fields ...
    collateral: Price;
    tariffs: Tariff;
    photos: Photo;

    This is car entity in src/db/models/car.ts:

    import mongoose from "mongoose";

    import {
    } from "../../lib/types";
    import {u} from "../../lib/utils";
    import {photo} from "./photo";
    import {tariff} from "./tariff";

    interface CarSchema {
    createdAt: Date;

    model: string;
    year?: string;
    // ... some other fields ...
    collateralValue: number;
    collateralCurrency: Currency;

    interface CarCreateDocument {
    model: string;
    year?: string;
    // ... some other fields ...
    collateralValue: number;
    collateralCurrency: Currency;

    type CarModel = CarSchema & mongoose.Document;

    const carSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    createdAt: {type: Date, required: true, default: () => new Date()},

    model: {type: String, required: true},
    year: String,
    // ... some other fields ...
    collateralValue: Number,
    collateralCurrency: String,

    const fromDb = (m: CarModel, tariffs: Tariff, photos: Photo): Car => ({
    createdAt: m.createdAt,

    model: m.model,
    year: u(m.year),
    // ... some other fields ...
    collateral: {
    value: m.collateralValue || 0,
    currency: m.collateralCurrency || Currency.USD,


    const toDb = (f: CarCreateFields): CarCreateDocument => ({
    model: f.model,
    year: f.year,
    // ... some other fields ...
    collateralCurrency: f.collateral.currency,
    collateralValue: f.collateral.value,

    const CarModel = mongoose.model<CarModel>("Car", carSchema);

    export namespace car {
    export const create = async (fields: CarCreateFields): Promise<Car> => {
    let dbCar = new CarModel(toDb(fields));

    dbCar = await;

    const tariffs = await tariff.createAllOf(, fields.tariffs);
    const photos = await photo.createAllOf(,;

    return fromDb(dbCar, tariffs, photos);

    export const list = async (): Promise<Car> => {
    const dbCarList = await CarModel.find().exec();

    return await Promise.all( (dbCar) => {
    const tariffs = await tariff.getAllOf(;
    const photos = await photo.getAllOf(;

    return fromDb(dbCar, tariffs, photos);

    export const get = async (carId: string): Promise<Car | undefined> => {
    const dbCar = await CarModel.findById(carId).exec();

    if (dbCar === null) {
    return undefined;

    const tariffs = await tariff.getAllOf(;
    const photos = await photo.getAllOf(;

    return fromDb(dbCar, tariffs, photos);

    export const update = async (carId: string, fields: CarCreateFields): Promise<void> => {
    await CarModel.updateOne({_id: carId}, {$set: toDb(fields)}, {upsert: true}).then(() => undefined);
    await tariff.updateAllOf(carId, fields.tariffs);
    await photo.updateAllOf(carId,;

    export const remove = async (carId: string): Promise<void> => {
    await tariff.removeAllOf(carId);
    await photo.removeAllOf(carId);
    await CarModel.deleteOne({_id: carId}).then(() => undefined);

    export const drop = (): Promise<void> => {
    return CarModel.deleteMany({}).then(() => undefined);

    Tariff entity in src/db/models/tariff.ts

    import mongoose from "mongoose";

    import {Currency, Tariff, TariffCreateFields} from "../../lib/types";

    interface TariffSchema {
    createdAt: Date;

    carId: string;
    days: number;
    currency: Currency;
    price: number;

    interface TariffCreateDocument {
    carId: string;
    days: number;
    currency: Currency;
    price: number;

    type TariffModel = TariffSchema & mongoose.Document;

    const tariffSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    carId: {type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId, required: true},
    createdAt: {type: Date, required: true, default: () => new Date()},

    days: {type: Number, required: true},
    currency: {type: String, required: true},
    price: {type: Number, required: true},

    tariffSchema.index({carId: 1, days: 1}, {unique: true});

    const fromDb = (m: TariffModel): Tariff => ({
    createdAt: m.createdAt,

    days: m.days,
    currency: m.currency,
    price: m.price,

    const toDb = (carId: string, f: TariffCreateFields): TariffCreateDocument => ({

    days: f.days,
    currency: f.currency,
    price: f.price,

    const TariffModel = mongoose.model<TariffModel>("Tariff", tariffSchema);

    export namespace tariff {

    export const create = (carId: string, fields: TariffCreateFields): Promise<Tariff> => {
    const dbTariff = new TariffModel(toDb(carId, fields));

    export const createAllOf = (carId: string, fieldsList: TariffCreateFields): Promise<Tariff> => {
    return Promise.all( => create(carId, fields)));

    export const list = (): Promise<Tariff> => {
    return TariffModel.find().then((l) =>;

    export const getAllOf = (carId: string): Promise<Tariff> => {
    return TariffModel.find({carId}).then((l) =>;

    export const updateAllOf = async (carId: string, fieldsList: TariffCreateFields): Promise<void> => {
    await removeAllOf(carId);
    await createAllOf(carId, fieldsList);

    export const removeAllOf = (carId: string): Promise<void> => {
    return TariffModel.deleteMany({carId}).then(() => undefined);

    export const drop = (): Promise<void> => {
    return TariffModel.deleteMany({}).then(() => undefined);


    And photo entity in src/db/models/photo.ts

    import mongoose from "mongoose";

    import {Photo, PhotoCreateFields} from "../../lib/types";

    interface PhotoSchema {
    createdAt: Date;

    carId: string;
    fileKey: string;

    interface PhotoCreateDocument {
    carId: string;
    fileKey: string;

    type PhotoModel = PhotoSchema & mongoose.Document;

    const PhotoSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    carId: {type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId, required: true},
    createdAt: {type: Date, required: true, default: () => new Date()},

    fileKey: {type: String, required: true},

    PhotoSchema.index({carId: 1, fileKey: 1}, {unique: true});

    const fromDb = (m: PhotoModel): Photo => ({
    createdAt: m.createdAt,

    fileKey: m.fileKey,

    const toDb = (carId: string, f: PhotoCreateFields): PhotoCreateDocument => ({

    fileKey: f.fileKey,

    const PhotoModel = mongoose.model<PhotoModel>("Photo", PhotoSchema);

    export namespace photo {

    export const create = (carId: string, fields: PhotoCreateFields): Promise<Photo> => {
    const dbPhoto = new PhotoModel(toDb(carId, fields));

    export const createAllOf = (carId: string, fieldsList: PhotoCreateFields): Promise<Photo> => {
    return Promise.all( => create(carId, fields)));

    export const list = (): Promise<Photo> => {
    return PhotoModel.find().then((l) =>;

    export const getAllOf = (carId: string): Promise<Photo> => {
    return PhotoModel.find({carId}).then((l) =>;

    export const updateAllOf = async (carId: string, fieldsList: PhotoCreateFields): Promise<void> => {
    await removeAllOf(carId);
    await createAllOf(carId, fieldsList);

    export const removeAllOf = (carId: string): Promise<void> => {
    return PhotoModel.deleteMany({carId}).then(() => undefined);

    export const drop = (): Promise<void> => {
    return PhotoModel.deleteMany({}).then(() => undefined);


    I think I have a lot of boilerplate code. Especially in type definitions: Car, CarCreateFields, CarSchema and CarCreateDocument. Also I'm not happy with fromDb and toDb functions. I tried to extract duplicated fields to separate types but in this case I have a naming problem. Event current naming is not good for me.

    Please notice that Car and CarCreateFields are not the same types, they has different type for tariffs and photos. The same is true for CarCreateFields and CarCreateDocument.

    Can you help me to reduce boilerplate code?

    share|improve this question




      Core Review

      Hello, I'm developing relatively simple car rental service app. I decided to use TypeScript for backend.

      The question is about database module. Now there are three entities: car, tariff и photo. I use MongoDB as database.

      General types are extracted tp separate file src/lib/types.ts:

      // Currency
      export enum Currency {
      USD = "USD",
      EUR = "EUR",

      // Price
      export interface Price {
      value: number;
      currency: Currency;

      // DB Entity
      export interface Entity {
      id: string;
      createdAt: Date;

      // Tariff
      export interface TariffCreateFields {
      days: number;
      currency: Currency;
      price: number;

      export interface Tariff extends Entity {
      days: number;
      currency: Currency;
      price: number;

      // Photo
      export interface PhotoCreateFields {
      fileKey: string;

      export interface Photo extends Entity {
      fileKey: string;

      // Car
      export interface CarCreateFields {
      model: string;
      year?: string;
      // ... some other fields ...
      collateral: Price;
      tariffs: TariffCreateFields;
      photos: PhotoCreateFields;

      export interface Car extends Entity {
      model: string;
      year?: string;
      // ... some other fields ...
      collateral: Price;
      tariffs: Tariff;
      photos: Photo;

      This is car entity in src/db/models/car.ts:

      import mongoose from "mongoose";

      import {
      } from "../../lib/types";
      import {u} from "../../lib/utils";
      import {photo} from "./photo";
      import {tariff} from "./tariff";

      interface CarSchema {
      createdAt: Date;

      model: string;
      year?: string;
      // ... some other fields ...
      collateralValue: number;
      collateralCurrency: Currency;

      interface CarCreateDocument {
      model: string;
      year?: string;
      // ... some other fields ...
      collateralValue: number;
      collateralCurrency: Currency;

      type CarModel = CarSchema & mongoose.Document;

      const carSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
      createdAt: {type: Date, required: true, default: () => new Date()},

      model: {type: String, required: true},
      year: String,
      // ... some other fields ...
      collateralValue: Number,
      collateralCurrency: String,

      const fromDb = (m: CarModel, tariffs: Tariff, photos: Photo): Car => ({
      createdAt: m.createdAt,

      model: m.model,
      year: u(m.year),
      // ... some other fields ...
      collateral: {
      value: m.collateralValue || 0,
      currency: m.collateralCurrency || Currency.USD,


      const toDb = (f: CarCreateFields): CarCreateDocument => ({
      model: f.model,
      year: f.year,
      // ... some other fields ...
      collateralCurrency: f.collateral.currency,
      collateralValue: f.collateral.value,

      const CarModel = mongoose.model<CarModel>("Car", carSchema);

      export namespace car {
      export const create = async (fields: CarCreateFields): Promise<Car> => {
      let dbCar = new CarModel(toDb(fields));

      dbCar = await;

      const tariffs = await tariff.createAllOf(, fields.tariffs);
      const photos = await photo.createAllOf(,;

      return fromDb(dbCar, tariffs, photos);

      export const list = async (): Promise<Car> => {
      const dbCarList = await CarModel.find().exec();

      return await Promise.all( (dbCar) => {
      const tariffs = await tariff.getAllOf(;
      const photos = await photo.getAllOf(;

      return fromDb(dbCar, tariffs, photos);

      export const get = async (carId: string): Promise<Car | undefined> => {
      const dbCar = await CarModel.findById(carId).exec();

      if (dbCar === null) {
      return undefined;

      const tariffs = await tariff.getAllOf(;
      const photos = await photo.getAllOf(;

      return fromDb(dbCar, tariffs, photos);

      export const update = async (carId: string, fields: CarCreateFields): Promise<void> => {
      await CarModel.updateOne({_id: carId}, {$set: toDb(fields)}, {upsert: true}).then(() => undefined);
      await tariff.updateAllOf(carId, fields.tariffs);
      await photo.updateAllOf(carId,;

      export const remove = async (carId: string): Promise<void> => {
      await tariff.removeAllOf(carId);
      await photo.removeAllOf(carId);
      await CarModel.deleteOne({_id: carId}).then(() => undefined);

      export const drop = (): Promise<void> => {
      return CarModel.deleteMany({}).then(() => undefined);

      Tariff entity in src/db/models/tariff.ts

      import mongoose from "mongoose";

      import {Currency, Tariff, TariffCreateFields} from "../../lib/types";

      interface TariffSchema {
      createdAt: Date;

      carId: string;
      days: number;
      currency: Currency;
      price: number;

      interface TariffCreateDocument {
      carId: string;
      days: number;
      currency: Currency;
      price: number;

      type TariffModel = TariffSchema & mongoose.Document;

      const tariffSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
      carId: {type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId, required: true},
      createdAt: {type: Date, required: true, default: () => new Date()},

      days: {type: Number, required: true},
      currency: {type: String, required: true},
      price: {type: Number, required: true},

      tariffSchema.index({carId: 1, days: 1}, {unique: true});

      const fromDb = (m: TariffModel): Tariff => ({
      createdAt: m.createdAt,

      days: m.days,
      currency: m.currency,
      price: m.price,

      const toDb = (carId: string, f: TariffCreateFields): TariffCreateDocument => ({

      days: f.days,
      currency: f.currency,
      price: f.price,

      const TariffModel = mongoose.model<TariffModel>("Tariff", tariffSchema);

      export namespace tariff {

      export const create = (carId: string, fields: TariffCreateFields): Promise<Tariff> => {
      const dbTariff = new TariffModel(toDb(carId, fields));

      export const createAllOf = (carId: string, fieldsList: TariffCreateFields): Promise<Tariff> => {
      return Promise.all( => create(carId, fields)));

      export const list = (): Promise<Tariff> => {
      return TariffModel.find().then((l) =>;

      export const getAllOf = (carId: string): Promise<Tariff> => {
      return TariffModel.find({carId}).then((l) =>;

      export const updateAllOf = async (carId: string, fieldsList: TariffCreateFields): Promise<void> => {
      await removeAllOf(carId);
      await createAllOf(carId, fieldsList);

      export const removeAllOf = (carId: string): Promise<void> => {
      return TariffModel.deleteMany({carId}).then(() => undefined);

      export const drop = (): Promise<void> => {
      return TariffModel.deleteMany({}).then(() => undefined);


      And photo entity in src/db/models/photo.ts

      import mongoose from "mongoose";

      import {Photo, PhotoCreateFields} from "../../lib/types";

      interface PhotoSchema {
      createdAt: Date;

      carId: string;
      fileKey: string;

      interface PhotoCreateDocument {
      carId: string;
      fileKey: string;

      type PhotoModel = PhotoSchema & mongoose.Document;

      const PhotoSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
      carId: {type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId, required: true},
      createdAt: {type: Date, required: true, default: () => new Date()},

      fileKey: {type: String, required: true},

      PhotoSchema.index({carId: 1, fileKey: 1}, {unique: true});

      const fromDb = (m: PhotoModel): Photo => ({
      createdAt: m.createdAt,

      fileKey: m.fileKey,

      const toDb = (carId: string, f: PhotoCreateFields): PhotoCreateDocument => ({

      fileKey: f.fileKey,

      const PhotoModel = mongoose.model<PhotoModel>("Photo", PhotoSchema);

      export namespace photo {

      export const create = (carId: string, fields: PhotoCreateFields): Promise<Photo> => {
      const dbPhoto = new PhotoModel(toDb(carId, fields));

      export const createAllOf = (carId: string, fieldsList: PhotoCreateFields): Promise<Photo> => {
      return Promise.all( => create(carId, fields)));

      export const list = (): Promise<Photo> => {
      return PhotoModel.find().then((l) =>;

      export const getAllOf = (carId: string): Promise<Photo> => {
      return PhotoModel.find({carId}).then((l) =>;

      export const updateAllOf = async (carId: string, fieldsList: PhotoCreateFields): Promise<void> => {
      await removeAllOf(carId);
      await createAllOf(carId, fieldsList);

      export const removeAllOf = (carId: string): Promise<void> => {
      return PhotoModel.deleteMany({carId}).then(() => undefined);

      export const drop = (): Promise<void> => {
      return PhotoModel.deleteMany({}).then(() => undefined);


      I think I have a lot of boilerplate code. Especially in type definitions: Car, CarCreateFields, CarSchema and CarCreateDocument. Also I'm not happy with fromDb and toDb functions. I tried to extract duplicated fields to separate types but in this case I have a naming problem. Event current naming is not good for me.

      Please notice that Car and CarCreateFields are not the same types, they has different type for tariffs and photos. The same is true for CarCreateFields and CarCreateDocument.

      Can you help me to reduce boilerplate code?

      share|improve this question

      Core Review

      Hello, I'm developing relatively simple car rental service app. I decided to use TypeScript for backend.

      The question is about database module. Now there are three entities: car, tariff и photo. I use MongoDB as database.

      General types are extracted tp separate file src/lib/types.ts:

      // Currency
      export enum Currency {
      USD = "USD",
      EUR = "EUR",

      // Price
      export interface Price {
      value: number;
      currency: Currency;

      // DB Entity
      export interface Entity {
      id: string;
      createdAt: Date;

      // Tariff
      export interface TariffCreateFields {
      days: number;
      currency: Currency;
      price: number;

      export interface Tariff extends Entity {
      days: number;
      currency: Currency;
      price: number;

      // Photo
      export interface PhotoCreateFields {
      fileKey: string;

      export interface Photo extends Entity {
      fileKey: string;

      // Car
      export interface CarCreateFields {
      model: string;
      year?: string;
      // ... some other fields ...
      collateral: Price;
      tariffs: TariffCreateFields;
      photos: PhotoCreateFields;

      export interface Car extends Entity {
      model: string;
      year?: string;
      // ... some other fields ...
      collateral: Price;
      tariffs: Tariff;
      photos: Photo;

      This is car entity in src/db/models/car.ts:

      import mongoose from "mongoose";

      import {
      } from "../../lib/types";
      import {u} from "../../lib/utils";
      import {photo} from "./photo";
      import {tariff} from "./tariff";

      interface CarSchema {
      createdAt: Date;

      model: string;
      year?: string;
      // ... some other fields ...
      collateralValue: number;
      collateralCurrency: Currency;

      interface CarCreateDocument {
      model: string;
      year?: string;
      // ... some other fields ...
      collateralValue: number;
      collateralCurrency: Currency;

      type CarModel = CarSchema & mongoose.Document;

      const carSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
      createdAt: {type: Date, required: true, default: () => new Date()},

      model: {type: String, required: true},
      year: String,
      // ... some other fields ...
      collateralValue: Number,
      collateralCurrency: String,

      const fromDb = (m: CarModel, tariffs: Tariff, photos: Photo): Car => ({
      createdAt: m.createdAt,

      model: m.model,
      year: u(m.year),
      // ... some other fields ...
      collateral: {
      value: m.collateralValue || 0,
      currency: m.collateralCurrency || Currency.USD,


      const toDb = (f: CarCreateFields): CarCreateDocument => ({
      model: f.model,
      year: f.year,
      // ... some other fields ...
      collateralCurrency: f.collateral.currency,
      collateralValue: f.collateral.value,

      const CarModel = mongoose.model<CarModel>("Car", carSchema);

      export namespace car {
      export const create = async (fields: CarCreateFields): Promise<Car> => {
      let dbCar = new CarModel(toDb(fields));

      dbCar = await;

      const tariffs = await tariff.createAllOf(, fields.tariffs);
      const photos = await photo.createAllOf(,;

      return fromDb(dbCar, tariffs, photos);

      export const list = async (): Promise<Car> => {
      const dbCarList = await CarModel.find().exec();

      return await Promise.all( (dbCar) => {
      const tariffs = await tariff.getAllOf(;
      const photos = await photo.getAllOf(;

      return fromDb(dbCar, tariffs, photos);

      export const get = async (carId: string): Promise<Car | undefined> => {
      const dbCar = await CarModel.findById(carId).exec();

      if (dbCar === null) {
      return undefined;

      const tariffs = await tariff.getAllOf(;
      const photos = await photo.getAllOf(;

      return fromDb(dbCar, tariffs, photos);

      export const update = async (carId: string, fields: CarCreateFields): Promise<void> => {
      await CarModel.updateOne({_id: carId}, {$set: toDb(fields)}, {upsert: true}).then(() => undefined);
      await tariff.updateAllOf(carId, fields.tariffs);
      await photo.updateAllOf(carId,;

      export const remove = async (carId: string): Promise<void> => {
      await tariff.removeAllOf(carId);
      await photo.removeAllOf(carId);
      await CarModel.deleteOne({_id: carId}).then(() => undefined);

      export const drop = (): Promise<void> => {
      return CarModel.deleteMany({}).then(() => undefined);

      Tariff entity in src/db/models/tariff.ts

      import mongoose from "mongoose";

      import {Currency, Tariff, TariffCreateFields} from "../../lib/types";

      interface TariffSchema {
      createdAt: Date;

      carId: string;
      days: number;
      currency: Currency;
      price: number;

      interface TariffCreateDocument {
      carId: string;
      days: number;
      currency: Currency;
      price: number;

      type TariffModel = TariffSchema & mongoose.Document;

      const tariffSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
      carId: {type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId, required: true},
      createdAt: {type: Date, required: true, default: () => new Date()},

      days: {type: Number, required: true},
      currency: {type: String, required: true},
      price: {type: Number, required: true},

      tariffSchema.index({carId: 1, days: 1}, {unique: true});

      const fromDb = (m: TariffModel): Tariff => ({
      createdAt: m.createdAt,

      days: m.days,
      currency: m.currency,
      price: m.price,

      const toDb = (carId: string, f: TariffCreateFields): TariffCreateDocument => ({

      days: f.days,
      currency: f.currency,
      price: f.price,

      const TariffModel = mongoose.model<TariffModel>("Tariff", tariffSchema);

      export namespace tariff {

      export const create = (carId: string, fields: TariffCreateFields): Promise<Tariff> => {
      const dbTariff = new TariffModel(toDb(carId, fields));

      export const createAllOf = (carId: string, fieldsList: TariffCreateFields): Promise<Tariff> => {
      return Promise.all( => create(carId, fields)));

      export const list = (): Promise<Tariff> => {
      return TariffModel.find().then((l) =>;

      export const getAllOf = (carId: string): Promise<Tariff> => {
      return TariffModel.find({carId}).then((l) =>;

      export const updateAllOf = async (carId: string, fieldsList: TariffCreateFields): Promise<void> => {
      await removeAllOf(carId);
      await createAllOf(carId, fieldsList);

      export const removeAllOf = (carId: string): Promise<void> => {
      return TariffModel.deleteMany({carId}).then(() => undefined);

      export const drop = (): Promise<void> => {
      return TariffModel.deleteMany({}).then(() => undefined);


      And photo entity in src/db/models/photo.ts

      import mongoose from "mongoose";

      import {Photo, PhotoCreateFields} from "../../lib/types";

      interface PhotoSchema {
      createdAt: Date;

      carId: string;
      fileKey: string;

      interface PhotoCreateDocument {
      carId: string;
      fileKey: string;

      type PhotoModel = PhotoSchema & mongoose.Document;

      const PhotoSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
      carId: {type: mongoose.Types.ObjectId, required: true},
      createdAt: {type: Date, required: true, default: () => new Date()},

      fileKey: {type: String, required: true},

      PhotoSchema.index({carId: 1, fileKey: 1}, {unique: true});

      const fromDb = (m: PhotoModel): Photo => ({
      createdAt: m.createdAt,

      fileKey: m.fileKey,

      const toDb = (carId: string, f: PhotoCreateFields): PhotoCreateDocument => ({

      fileKey: f.fileKey,

      const PhotoModel = mongoose.model<PhotoModel>("Photo", PhotoSchema);

      export namespace photo {

      export const create = (carId: string, fields: PhotoCreateFields): Promise<Photo> => {
      const dbPhoto = new PhotoModel(toDb(carId, fields));

      export const createAllOf = (carId: string, fieldsList: PhotoCreateFields): Promise<Photo> => {
      return Promise.all( => create(carId, fields)));

      export const list = (): Promise<Photo> => {
      return PhotoModel.find().then((l) =>;

      export const getAllOf = (carId: string): Promise<Photo> => {
      return PhotoModel.find({carId}).then((l) =>;

      export const updateAllOf = async (carId: string, fieldsList: PhotoCreateFields): Promise<void> => {
      await removeAllOf(carId);
      await createAllOf(carId, fieldsList);

      export const removeAllOf = (carId: string): Promise<void> => {
      return PhotoModel.deleteMany({carId}).then(() => undefined);

      export const drop = (): Promise<void> => {
      return PhotoModel.deleteMany({}).then(() => undefined);


      I think I have a lot of boilerplate code. Especially in type definitions: Car, CarCreateFields, CarSchema and CarCreateDocument. Also I'm not happy with fromDb and toDb functions. I tried to extract duplicated fields to separate types but in this case I have a naming problem. Event current naming is not good for me.

      Please notice that Car and CarCreateFields are not the same types, they has different type for tariffs and photos. The same is true for CarCreateFields and CarCreateDocument.

      Can you help me to reduce boilerplate code?

      typescript mongodb mongoose

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      asked Dec 26 at 7:37







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